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sftp or rsync

Yours is a little bit easier to read, but my main problems remain the same. Here's some initial comments looking at your swagger link from the perspective of a user who is brand new to the lemmy API (and doesn't use Javascript):

  • I can't tell what the general flow of the API usage in general is. Am I supposed to login/authorize somehow first? Some common examples, especially in at least one programming language (whether that's curl or python or whatever) I think would go a long way to help people understand what they're supposed to do.

  • How do I know if I need to authorize for a particular endpoint?

  • What is the entire URL for any given endpoint? It's never really explained clearly.

  • What is this "servers" dropdown? What's the difference between those?

  • Endpoint descriptions are often unhelpful. /user says "Get the details for a person." It doesn't tell me this is actually how I'm supposed to find their comments or posts. Nothing tells us this.

  • We have to guess what endpoint we might need for a lot of things. Example: /post/like is also for dislikes, but it doesn't tell you that. It also never tells you HOW to like or dislike anything, the valid values of score do not appear to be documented. And you're left to assume that's the right field to even use for it.

  • What is the content type of the request supposed to be? JSON is never mentioned anywhere.

  • What are these named "parameters"? Is that a query parameter? Why does it say "object" and "(query)"? Does this parameter go in the request body instead? /user shows a parameter called "GetPersonDetails" except in reality this name is (I guess) supposed to be completely ignored, because no part of the request actually uses the string "GetPersonDetails".

  • Schema is missing for many endpoints, like the request part of /user.

  • What are all these fields under "GetPersonDetails"? Are they all required? Only some? It doesn't say anything about it.

  • Many of the possible error codes are undocumented.

There's probably more but that's the main stuff I think.

This thread sums everything up nicely I think:

And for specifically, the API did not work for me when they had CF bot protection turned on (endpoints always returned the "Just a moment..." bot check html), it was only after it was turned off a few days ago that it started working for me, because CF doesn't like my IP/browser/something and always gives me endless captcha loops. Previously their stance was that bot IPs had to be explicitly whitelisted to be allowed on their server.

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curl '' | jq .posts

The documentation is really terrible and the developers try to defend it anyways.

Some instances also employ cloudflare or other anti-ddos techniques that make automated API usage impossible.

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I really do not like these docs and find it extremely confusing for anyone not using Javascript. For example that "form" parameter that's on almost everything, doesn't even exist and can't be used when you're using curl, but it doesn't tell you that.

This is still written from a javascript perspective and assumes many things that are not true when using other approaches to calling the endpoints.

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Vivaldi is proprietary, FYI.

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Join our Discord Support Server

Right into the trash.

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Now tell banks to stop requiring SMS 2FA holy shit

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the internet.

A new recall every two months is probably a world record.

lol bill gates does not control the UN and it did not give you long covid.

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I think you might be in for a rude awakening.

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since you crawled under a rock /s

The server is proprietary and last I checked you can't even turn off auto-updating or verify the binaries they push to you.

In the Ubuntu 20.04 package base, the Chromium package is indeed empty and acting, without your consent, as a backdoor by connecting your computer to the Ubuntu Store. Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You can't audit them, hold them, modify them, or even point Snap to a different store. You've as much empowerment with this as if you were using proprietary software, i.e. none. This is in effect similar to a commercial proprietary solution, but with two major differences: It runs as root, and it installs itself without asking you.

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Only took 18 years since it was first reported.

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the way I like to respond to that:

"ok, pull down your pants and hand me your unlocked phone"

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voluntary data tends to be pretty skewed

Yea and a strangely (to me) large proportion of people seem vehemently opposed to apps even asking to collect usage data, which is incredibly helpful for developers, putting aside the more controversial things like privacy/marketing uses of the data.

Personally I don't believe for one second that Wayland has actually surpassed the install base of X11-like display servers.

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the app is for controlling a sex toy

And yet I have tried MANY times to get police to do something with all the evidence I have given them of someone I know who openly plays with guns in public that they're not allowed to have as a felon (who has also since harassed me many times), and they simply don't care about either of those things happening.

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PSA: Vivaldi is proprietary software

That's nice. Some of us have work to get done though.

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several times I have searched for a problem and found my own stackoverflow question with no replies.

Which is hilarious because desktop apps have always had the capability to spy on all other apps and steal all your data.

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God no. Just take a hatchet to my battery and be done with it.

You'd be surprised what little impact on battery it actually has. I find this type of swift casting aside of something you've not even tried to be rather disingenuous.

Also, if your device has a cellular modem with an active connection, your provider is already tracking your location constantly and selling your personal information to the highest bidder anyways (including law enforcement and governments), so IMO it's a bit pointless to worry so much about that.

that's fine but the number of people on the globe who refuse to buy from them is literally a rounding error

Because a huge portion of the people willing to do this are already on Wayland, but I believe there exists an even larger percentage on X that are not submitting any data.

And another commenter said:

We’re just left to do armchair psychology about the type of people who would submit data to this site. So the numbers are effectively useless.

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No need for personal attacks, it was more of a philosophical question, like would the concept of slutty even exist in a practical way anymore if there weren't any men left.

Also I'm a woman

wait until part 2 of git class where they use the MASTER branch

I'm not sure that was the joke they were making, and I don't think that is a majority consensus when OP's picture happens. You may not agree and that's ok.

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nobody's going to do anything. people always say they will but they never do

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even if they are not as good

Often for professional users, that makes it a non-starter already. Nobody who is making good money from Photoshop has ever said "I just use gimp instead, it works for me".

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shouldn't be deadly

Police don't know people's medical history or current health conditions, there's always the very real possibility of it stopping your heart and it happens more than you think.



Open source licenses are only as useful as your ability to enforce them.

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Maybe this will lead to the Internet going back to how it used to be in the beginning. Wouldn't that be something.

this was always possible, not sure why people are just now freaking out about it.

I remember someone doing the same thing with NES back in 2013:

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they want you to buy a new pc So they get their license fee