Tiger Jerusalem

@Tiger Jerusalem@lemmy.world
9 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a bastard roaming around the world

Funny enough, I find Gnome to be more consistent and better thought than macOS... But that's just me.

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The thing that irks me the most is that those things work. They'll see a little complain from the most vocal ones, and that's it. The revenue will increase, their shareholders will be pleased, the OS will be worse, and we'll have no viable alternative.

Unless governments start to regulate the hell out of tech companies, it's only downhill from there.

Edit: about Linux, it's not viable if you're outside IT or rely on commercial software. That's a debate for another post.

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Ah yes, let's go back to that amazing time of pure innovation where every fucking company had their own connector standard for data, power and audio. Good times.

Adobe Creative Cloud, which despite the name is pretty much local. And although Microsoft Office works online, it has a series of issues that the desktop version doesn't have, like broken formatting on Word.

Im cautiously curious to see if they can pull it off.

Among us?

You were the chosen one!

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People talking about pixelfed are missing a key point: Cara is super easy to find and join. You go, type your email or login with your google account and that's it. You don't even have to remember a password. Nobody wants to find a server, apply to join, hope to get accepted, then somehow find all other artists like you.

Also, it looks good. Like, really good. That's a thing that grab the attention of artists.

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If Apple doubts the security and privacy of our app, we’re willing to share the entire Beeper Mini codebase with a mutually agreed upon 3rd party security research firm.

What a beautiful way to call out Apple's bs.

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Man, they're seething against the EU, totally pissed that the legislators worked against their abuse over developers and rubbed against their cash cow.

Apple is all about money and fucking the user, being no different from Meta or Google. All they have is shinier hardware.

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I'll go against the grain and give you a straight answer.

Yes. You should leave Israel and never go back.

You owe nothing to your country. If you have the possibility to live in a good European country, do it. You're no martyr. You're not billionaire rich. And unless you're a really high rank offcial, an important politician, or want to sacrifice your entire life to a cause, you have no reason to waste your short life in pain.

We're in a silly blue rock between a billion trillion systems, none of which care about you. Your existence is not even a blimp in the context of the universe. You're not important at all. So why waste and suffer on behalf of a thing you have absolutely no control? Be happy, be comfortable, and make those around you happy and comfortable.

Life is pretty hard already, there's no need to make it harder. Go and be happy.

Quick addendum: I'm not saying that because its Israel. I'm saying that in the context of any country. You owe nothing to it, a piece of land that you manage to be birthed on by being really lucky or unlucky. If you can rectify that and move to a better country to you, you should do it instead of suffering.

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Reddit is a trove of user built content under the guise of community. What Spez did was to say "thanks for all the free work, suckers!", put a price sticker on it, and laughed all the way to the bank.

And this is why I'm not active on any Internet community anymore. Nevermind, I guess I just can't help myself...

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I bet a cookie that this will be used to kill apps like NewPipe and Revanced.

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The review was great, and the fact that Apple went it's way to try and do something to be seen as an innovator is awesome, for one reason only: they failed horribly.

Granted, this is the best VR handset that could be done with today's tech, and even then it's bad. There's no use outside niche applications, and too much constraints and trade offs for it to be reliable. We need a huge advance in tech for AR be feasible and socially acceptable.

And you can't even play proper games with this thing.

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The part that gets me is "cratering bonuses". They canceled projects and ruined people's lives by firing them not because the company was hurting, or in heavy debt, or facing bankruptcy, but because their managers and C-level executives earned a bit less than usual due to poor planing and management.

Corporate America can go fuck themselves with sand.

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Of course let's take a platform that barely holds itself together to show just text and let's pivot it to be the most technical demanding and expensive kind of service. It will work fine, I'm sure.

Instantly bought the ads removal, Boost was THE reddit app for me. I'm stoked to see it for Lemmy.

This also smells like "we're shrinking our catalog and dont want you to notice it, so algorithm!"

Oh my fucking god nobody cares. Call me when you finally can install apps outside that stupid store like any other normal computer, phone or not.

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Holy crap. In other countries people would be arrested for using fascist and nazi imagery. What kind of hell hole is the US becoming?

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Every company want slaves, Elon is just saying out loud the quiet part.

Unionize now.

"oh, just switch to Linux"

Oh, just shut up already. On Linux my fingerprint reader doesn't work, my Adobe apps doesn't run, my Concepts app doesn't run. Not everybody works in IT, and many of us actually run apps other than Office ones.

This shit sucks, and I'll support every tool that fixes and neuters Microsoft attacks to the user space because my work apps are there.

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Not good enough, it should have cancelled the feature altogether.

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"We're not backtracking, we're just doing a 180° turn from our previous course". Fucking clowns, probably the Nazi money wasn't enough to compensate the loss of subscribers.

We took steps to protect or users by forcing them to communicate to Android phones using unencrypted channels. After all, those peasants are not iPhone users, they deserve to be spied.

No, you're the one wiping it wrong. /s

To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU).

Well, I guess I'm keeping my current notebook for the unforseeable future.

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This is hilarious, scrambling to get a golden parachute and live off some trust fund from the sale. The sad part is that they will probably get that.

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Now that's a condescending shit talk. They may like their job, they could be working behind the scenes to try and contain the damage. They could be doing the best they could do with the little power they had. You try to speak against your boss alone and trash the industry you're in, see how well it goes for you.

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You just fuck, no questions asked.

I find really disingenuous to talk about how sideloading would be a security nightmare when IOS had serious exploits that weren't addressed for years.

Please clarify it to me because I read this debacle as Apple blackmailing developers HARD into not talking bad things about the company. I get they're evil and petty but I'm having a hard time to believe they're this childish and stupid, specially with the DMA knocking at their doors.

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Google is taking a page from Apple, iOS does exactly that kind of shit. It's annoying.

I like Tidal because its interface isn't downright crap. What Spotify did to playlists and to the heart/cross button is so damn annoying.

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To me a hud would be useful for two things, in this order of importance:

  • A rear view mirror right at the top middle of my field of vision, so I could check what is behind without losing track of my front;

  • A GPS.

Gimme those and I will be throwing money at you faster than my wallet can hold it.

Cool, I may try in the future when Epic offers it for free.

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“Yeah they’re nazis but hey, they bring the money in. Why should I ban them?”

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This is so weird, I don't see ads anywher-

remembers that NextDNS is installed

Oh. Right.

I guess it reached the limit of the sky box, there's nothing running on the simulation after that.

Can someone clarify why browsers other than the ones that are Chrome based are forced to adopt Manifest v3? What happens if the don't, are they blocked from the web or something?

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