Android's new real-time app scanning aims to combat malicious sideloaded apps | TechCrunch

Albin to – 80 points –
Android's new real-time app scanning aims to combat malicious sideloaded apps | TechCrunch

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I bet a cookie that this will be used to kill apps like NewPipe and Revanced.


I've already seen it try to disable sideloaded apps. Was yet one more motivator to go to a de-googled device (specifically DivestOS). I can't do Graphene with my current device, but my next phone will be a Pixel 5.

Why a Pixel 5? It's end of life already.

Currently using an Essential Ph1. Paid $100 for it. Runs fast. Faster than my friends newer phones.

I see no reason to pay hundreds of dollars for a phone. I'd rather pay $130 for a good condition Pixel 5 that has the features I want, and I can afford to keep a testing phone around or use it as a hot spare, and still pay less than a "new" phone.

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Or more an excuse to monitor and read app data

I have sideloaded apps where the malicious code has been removed (e.g. a Spotify client without ads). I bet this is an attempt to block them.

But... they could've already done that with current tools? Not like these change the package ID often.

They could, but I think that would be too obvious. Why such system they could flag it at OS level with a big, scary warning and claim it was for security sake.

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