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What about those that want more than they need? Like the greed for money translates to your purchasing power and how much you can get of what you want.

So say someone works overtime, gets more money and can buy more things.

In a world where there's no money, how does that individual get more of what they want?

Even in their old TOS they said if you didn't agree with any future TOS updates they could stay on their current version and the old TOS applies.

But obviously they deleted that part in April, which makes this much worse and most likely illegal.

I've looked into this when buying pans, I'd say it's still unsafe. Apparently in 2013 they changed their formulation so the chemicals aren't toxic and if ingested it's inert so it doesn't affect you at all.

With all that, I still don't trust non-stick and bought myself a stainless steel pan and I love it. It's easy to maintain and when cooking properly most things don't really stick either.

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Or more an excuse to monitor and read app data

Can vouch. This, revanced and ublock on all my different devices and I haven't seen an ad in years

The threat wasn't to attack. It was more of a warning, saying that if NATO was to step onto Russian soil he would use them.

Nuclear weapons are basically a defensive weapon. You never aim to use them but you have them as a deterrent. No country wants to mess with it or test whether a nuclear nation would use it

To do so is suicide, both to call their bluff or to use the weapons. So you get into a state where militarily no one can do anything (except wage a war in a country that doesn't have nuclear weapons).

That's kinda the purpose of nuclear weaponry. To use then it's basically game over for everyone everywhere.

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That game is definitely not underrated

What I don't understand is let's say it is flat. Why would they go to such lengths to lie that it's round? For what purpose.

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*History entered the chat *

It's actually crazy how many adults are entitled children who don't know how to deal with issues

Acting like that can very easily backfire

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Gambling is one hell of an addiction

I'm fairly certain they didn't want to include it but felt it was the only way to offer the same/better service over revanced.

I'm sure as hell happy about that. I understand the creators need their sponsors but at the same time, I cannot stand ads. Like this I'm keeping his app and frequent it more often.

Cause it's probably not worth it for them to migrate and learn/train on a new engine unless Unity goes forward with their plans.

But you're right, this completely destroyed Unity's reputation. Even if they revert, who's to say they won't try something like this in the future.

I have no proof but I'm convinced it's some sort of money laundering. Especially when they released the $30,000 DLC bundle to get everything

Don't forget, it's not like he has a right to the presidency. The president is voted in. So technically speaking the people decide if the felonies make a difference or not

Exactly, it's a speculative asset based on the greater fool theory

This would have happened sooner if it wasn't for the cheap debt. Unsustainable businesses, hiring passionless staff and managers, mismanaging and producing sub par products.

Eventually people stop supporting these games.

When the money runs dry and it's harder to borrow due to higher interest rates, you have to start cutting costs. And if your business is inefficient and bloated you have to downsize to survive.

If that doesn't help, you go bust.

They say fourteen hundred or 2 o'clock. I've never really heard anyone say 14 o'clock.

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Off the top of my head, Portal 2, Skyrim and Factorio. Love those games

That's the problem though. They want you to commit to a purchase and hope that you forget about your 2h grace window

Preheat the empty pan. You'll know it's hot enough when you throw water droplets on and it beads and dances around. Depending on the pan and situation, they're pretty sensitive to heat so youd mainly cook on a low or medium.

Then use a good amount of oil and/or butter. I've even cooked eggs without much hassle.

The whole model they operate on is unsustainable. Either Blackrock and vanguard keep them afloat. Or they'll take on personal loans, issue out corporate debt. Or find ways to downscale, either job losses shrinkflation. Or raise prices. These are all desperate measures and are signs of an unsustainable company.

Losing the middle class (if that's their target market) is a company's biggest downfall.

And I feel that the little people will start to lose hope cause it feels like it doesn't matter... But it's similar to someone on credit card debt. You can only do it so long before it starts to catch up.

Dude yes! Whenever I'm on holiday I throw on the history channel for some light entertainment and it's either WW2 Hitler or trash like pawn shops and black smithing

Those have a place but it consisted of 80% of the content

I'm fairly certain some pages were removed due to copyright. Someone published a download for FL Studio 21, and that got taken down, where people within request posts were telling others to find it elsewhere.

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I find the Austrian School of Economics really interesting.

Particularly books written by American economist Murray Rothbard, who talks about free markets, government (particularly government intervention) and inflation.

There's a very short book you can read called "What has Government Done to Our Money?”

Oh man every so often I boot it up with fresh mods! I love that game so much.

I remember when it launched, I never heard of it, didn't see any promotional material and just bought it out of curiosity. Was an incredible surprise and put so much hours into it

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It's kind of a big difference. If a company makes 300M but spends 400M it's unsustainable despite it being huge numbers.

I reckon they're rolling it out bit by bit. So as to not upset everyone at once. Though I feel there'll be a work around anyway.

This will just get us to take that one extra step. I know so many people that have never heard of ad block! And this is going to affect those that will stop at ad blocking extensions and give up when that doesn't work.

They're still selling it to europe, but because of the sanctions, Russia sells it to India and then India sells it to Europe.

Basically all these sanctions did was add a middle man for Europe making it more expensive but still financially supporting Russia.

Aye now we're talking

How is crying for more government control good?

Worth A Buy on YouTube is very honest. He's funny and cynical, a bit like Total Biscuit used to be.

He's one of the few I trust now for an honest review. Would highly recommend him as he's also incredibly entertaining.

Personally I use revanced extended from GitHub. It's got additional options and they release an APK, so I just download and install

They actually don't know, but mathematically in order for them to build it within the historical time constraints, it had to have been done one block per minute.

Which some say is impossible with the technology they had, sparking conversation that there's more to the history of the pyramids than we think.

We have that where I live and it honestly makes buying per weight / per sheet, incredibly helpful.

There's been so many times, just looking at the packaging, I thought it was a great deal to then see the per weight price and release what a rip off it was.

Massive quality of life for sure!

Ohh Querns a fantastic game! And was developed by university students. They really captured the myst vibe for sure.

The guy is massively toxic to you. Why do you want to keep that around? Just cut him out of your life. Someone like that isn't worth anyone's time or your second chances. It's like he genuinely wants to hurt you. Both by rubbing in the fact that he graduated and also destroying any of your chances at succeeding your business. Fuck him.

That is unless, you're not telling us the full story and you've done something to him. Then maybe you can understand why he's going out of his way to hurt you... Either way that friend isn't going to work.

Well even if it was a legal argument, they wouldn't care. Like Facebook and all the rest. They say they don't share your data but we all know that's a lie

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I looked around a year ago and I couldn't seem to find anything. People just don't seem to develop for Tizen. I ended up buying Google TV and sideloading everything I needed.

Don't get me wrong. I do love a good conspiracy, but it needs to have plausible motivation and a mountain of evidence