Humane AI Pin is a disaster: Founders already want to sell the company to – 401 points –
Humane AI Pin is a disaster: Founders already want to sell the company

Despite seemingly having nothing else in the pipeline and the AI Pin being dead on arrival, Bloomberg reports the company is "seeking a price of between $750 million and $1 billion in a sale."


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This is hilarious, scrambling to get a golden parachute and live off some trust fund from the sale. The sad part is that they will probably get that.

That's the worst part. They knew the product sucked, everyone knew the product sucked, this was always the plan. Ask for a billion get 200 million. That's 100 for each founder. Go live on a private beach somewhere.

it's just rich people's money that could be used to fund housing for the masses. let me know where that beach is so i can go drop off some karma.