The beginning of the end to Accidental – 398 points –

This photo will launch a thousand chuds into the streets.


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For me it's: Inciting violence, justifying conspiracy theories, Trump becoming president

Or maybe trump turns into a chicken, quit election race an refuse to show up in front of the public ever again. God that would be so fucking good please let it be the case...

That narcissist is in way too deep to ever change his mind. Sponging off the spotlight is all he’s ever had and it’s rewarded him his whole life. No way this turns him around.

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Trump needs to win to pardon himself (regardless of legality, this is his goal)

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The mind looks for problems and negative outcomes. There is every chance this leads to people on the fence to not want this guy and the chaos that follows him around in their lives for four years.

And that's different from every other day the last year because?

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