7 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The Democrats had 4 years to build the profile of a successor, now they are left with this vapid spin.

Did you see the audience metrics during his last presidency?

Hey that’s my girlfriend! We met online and plan to meet IRL later this year, once her grandmother recovers from her surgery. (It was expensive too I had to send her $10K to help out with the costs) Love you Kristy!

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Sounds like a great book that will sell well and sit on bedside tables in piles of books that people really need to read soon.

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See also reality TV shows like Survivor. Men all grow beards the women somehow still have a perfect bikini I line

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Leave Germany either your German passport. Enter the US with your US passport. Leave US with you US passport. Re-enter Germany with your German passport. Easy. Unless you are very wealthy the IRS aren’t going to come looking for you on a short stay.

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The third panel should have been Anakin zoomed out with a bazonga matching codpiece

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I don’t know if this is a case of a “totally innocent” person trying to run away from the law and getting busted


Some moron fucking over his hero trying to make himself look and feel important.

Either way it’s hilarious.

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Look at that yet another child predator who hasn’t been spending their time reading to children in drag.

Cryptocurrency-powered? Is it a hot air balloon? Or is the fraud so extreme it creates it’s own electricity?

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I saw this today. A big red “we see there’s a problem with our site but fuck you we’re not fixing it”

That’s a terrible joke that deserves the downvotes, because cancer is shit and I only wish the best to anyone who is diagnosed with it, but I laughed.

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That’s my second most favourite trait of trans people.

My most favourite is that they are people living their truth.

The real reason it will fail is politics. The opposition party decided getting this voted down would strike a blow to the government.

So they’ve just blown racist dog whistles, racist trumpets, set of racists cannons and doubled down on ignorance: “If you don’t know vote No”

Nah. This isn’t guilt by association

In her decision, the judge said that the plaintiffs may proceed with their lawsuit, which claims social media companies — like Meta, Alphabet, Reddit and 4chan — ”profit from the racist, antisemitic, and violent material displayed on their platforms to maximize user engagement,”

Which despite their denials the actually know:

It’s not trolling it’s bullying. You need to think beyond this being about “porn”. This is a reputational attack that makes the victim more likely to be further victimised via date rape, stalking, murder. These things already happen based on rumours, deepfakes images/videos will only make it worse. The other problem is that it’s almost impossible to erase once it’s on the internet, so the victim will likely never be free of the trauma or danger as the images/videos resurface.

Yes we should just feed them to endangered predatory animals.

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Of course they fucking did. Like the tobacco companies knew their products caused cancer. Like the asbestos companies knew their products caused cancer. Like the fossil fuel companies knew their products caused climate change. Like the food companies know their processed products are the cause of the obesity epidemic.

The CEO’s earned their bonuses the share holders earned their dividends and the bean counters and lawyers worked out hiding the truth would cost pennies to the dollars they made in profits in the eventual lawsuits and they’d have already cashed out anyway leaving others to hold the bag.

Interestingly the start of the decline is 1988 which also happens to be the year the seminal Stewart Raffill film Mac and Me was released. Coincidence? I wonder.

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Is Tony Bobulinski related to Dennis Denuto?

“It’s RICO, it’s corruption, it’s the vibe”

Even the IDF is Hamas. Crazy!

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Now a meme with real world applications. How would livestock wear pants?

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I mean that’s terrible but did you hear about the Israeli hostage who had to go two weeks without shoes?

Until the Supreme Court actually sides with his arguments.

If that does happen Biden should just have him jailed and removed from every ballot in the country, then unilaterally impeach every member of the Supreme Court who assented. Biden’s the president he can do what he wants, he has immunity

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Feminism in the 70s, 80s and 90s was women trying to be heard and taken seriously.

Forced quotas are because nothing changed and the rise of fuckheads like Tate is directly related. Too many men think that feminism is a zero sum game. i.e Women getting more rights means men are losing rights. Despite the fact that all they want is EQUAL rights.

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Yes and it’s exactly the sort of thing that has happened before and will happen again. In fact it is so likely that you could probably create an CEO AI that starts firing or hiring depending on market conditions and give the bonuses to the workers instead.

The biggest threat to Trump if he does go to jail is he will lose airtime and will be up to his merry band of lickspittles to try to drum up interest, and interesting they are not.

LOL. Boobs.

I’m just married to someone with a dusty pile of books on their bedside table

Who the fuck would confuse this with an article from The Onion?

Ha! No. She told me she chose that name as a tribute to her grandma. Who I’ve just found out will need to go into 24 hour care, luckily I can drop my health insurance to help with the costs. Then I’m gonna buy Kristy and I plane tickets to meet up in Hawaii. I might have to sell my car but it’s going to be so good.

Remake of Back To The Future with a solar powered DeLorean, it’d still work.

Marty: This sucker’s electrical. But the solar panels were destroyed so we need to replace them to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need Doc: 1.21 Gigawatts! 1.21 gigawatts. Great Scott Marty: What the hell is a gigawatt? Doc: How could I have been so careless? Tom, how am I going to generate that kind of power, it can’t be done, it can’t. Marty: Doc, look, all we need is new solar panels. Doc: I’m sure that in 2025, you can pick up solar panels at every Walmart, but in 1955, we’d need more than 86 billion solar cells which would cost more than 2 trillion dollars. Marty, I’m sorry but you’re stuck here Marty: Whoa, whoa, Doc? Stuck here? I can’t be stuck here, I got a life in 2025. I got a folder of white hot memes.

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Whenever I read or see the media complaining about social media I think of this

Community groups suffer for the same reasons.

Yep and like 4chan It’s full of Russian propaganda. Just look at how many of their posts reference Ukrainian Nazis.

In his defence, the hens hadn’t been laying enough eggs and the local vet told him they needed a cock.

Aw shit

Become a worm, to do what your father was too scared to. Rule as a tyrant for three thousand years to fundamentally shake shit up and keep shit shook up. Die. Shit comes back as if nothing ever happened.

(I haven’t read Heretics and ChapterHouse for a while)

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I - Identify

P - Puddle

O - Odo

The trick is to look for the bucket

That was all I could think. How did anyone get this photo? A still from a video maybe? Still…

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Suddenly a new market appeared. Heirloom jalapeños