Rape trial for IDF man

Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 91 points –
Rape trial for IDF man

One of the IDF's most prominent combat commanders has been charged with rape and sexual assault.

Brigadier-General Ofek Buchris will face trial after being accused by two female soldiers, one a mid-rank officer, who served under him in the past.


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Even the IDF is Hamas. Crazy!

You joke but the IDF just disguised themselves as Palestinian civilians and doctors. To kill three Palestinians inside a hospital.

That is fucking revolting. They were already down to only 9 hospitals left from 39 in December and they go a further fuck shit up.

Well on the 'bright side' this was in Jenin (West Bank). so not in Gaza.

It is a new story from today so details are not clear yet. It does make it more likely there are IDF soldiers disguising themselves as civilians in Gaza though.

Current story is the IDF killed three people, one person that was in the hospital for treatment and two people with him. They executed one man lying in a hospital bed. NSFL: More info and more graphic footage here

They probably thought they were playing in the movie Fauda looking how they were running through the corridors as if they were superspies instead of war-criminals.

I’ve really just had it with Israel and how so many of our governments can support that country is utterly infuriating me.

Is there a particular reason why you keep linking to a "streamable" video instead of linking to the AlJazeera article clearly saying this about those 3 assassinated:

Hamas confirmed that Jalamneh was one of its members. The Jenin Brigade, which includes a number of Palestinian armed resistance groups, said in a statement that two of the three men were members of Islamic Jihad.

and why you keep omitting this?

It’s irrelevant whether or not they were hamas. They could sit outside the doors and arrest them when they leave, but going into a hospital to kill people is literally the behavior of nazis.

It’s irrelevant whether or not they were hamas.

It is relevant when a Hamas supporter keeps spamming on Lemmy that "3 Palestinians got murdered by Israel", insinuating that 3 totally random civilians ("dudes" in his own terms) got killed. It is manipulation, disinformation and lying by omission.

There's a reason why every reputable outlet, excluding AlJazeera which is clearly biased here and loves to editorialize the headlines (but even they admit it in the article), choose a headline that doesn't exclude that crucial piece of information:

If you're this unhappy that 3 terrorists got assassinated, then you should be outraged by the way Osama Bin Laden got assassinated too I guess?

Osama Bin Laden wasn't assassinated in a hospital bed by soldiers wearing civilian clothes. It's a literal textbook case of a war crime, as in someone earlier brought up a document of examples of War crimes and wearing civilian clothes was in there lol.

Because the article you linked is 4 hours old and my comment is 9 hours old.

Also them being enemies is irrelevant. Shooting up a hospital while disguised as civilians is a massive war crime.

Hamas going into an israeli hospital disguised as civilians to shoot an IDF commander would be acceptable according to you?

I am quite sure that even Hamas wouldn't rape their own...

New York Times is currently having massive internal debate over the credibility of their Hamas rape allegations on Oct7.


Internal critics worry that the article is another “Caliphate”-level journalistic debacle. “There seems to be no self-awareness at the top,” said one frustrated Times editorial staffer. “The story deserved more fact-checking and much more reporting. All basic standards applied to countless other stories.”

The critics have highlighted major discrepancies in the accounts presented in the Times, subsequent public comments from the family of a major subject of the articleOpens in a new tab denouncing it, and comments from a key witnessOpens in a new tab seeming to contradict a claim attributed to him in the article.