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Joined 3 months ago

You'd think, based on your username, you would be against what Trump stands for, seeing as he's clearly worse for Gaza too.

I can no longer tell if you're a provocateur or an idiot, frankly.

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I see so many people screaming that primaries should have been held, especially today.

Biden would have easily won the primaries.

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It's China, they're definitely killing him.

And that's bad, to be clear, but still.

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Yeah crazy that people have to pick the fascist or not fascist side haha

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But his administration hasn't failed. It's been immensely successful.

Yep my immediate thought too

Nah they all believe that

Did the allegations against rammstein ever amount to anything? I remember seeing the initial story, but then never any follow up about how the court cases went or whether it turned out to be true or not

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What the hell does this even mean

There has been like 4 videos about Biden that are all provably fake in the past week alone. They're lying about him. He's old, but he doesn't have dementia.

Who the fuck defends tipping culture, you're just making shit up to justify your hatred of an entire country

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Or people who don't know anything about what you said because the media just acts like the bill steals money from us to give to them instead

They did not in any way "declare neuro divergent people to be the problem."

If you go around your day and are constantly being misheard, it's more likely that you're mumbling than it is that every other person just has bad hearing.

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It's not but he was making the point that you don't even need to have that aspect included and it's still coming off terribly

She shouldn't have been forcefully attempting to enter a restricted area while having guns actively pointed at her while being told to stop, then.

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Maybe you wouldn't dislike sleep as much if you weren't so starved off free time that sleep feels like time you could be doing something fun

All executions are but yeah Japan is particularly so

Well I have good news, you are objectively wrong and much more sickening

Ok so let's let Trump win instead because that will be so much better

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some homeless people got there by making bad choices.

But, you know what I'll say it, making a few bad choices shouldn't convict you to a life on the street and being treated as subhuman by people around you

Trans women welcome Biden taking their meat

Read the post or shut up

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We understand we are voting for the candidate who realizes and disapproves of Israel's treatment of Gaza (the other one would triple down and encourage it harder) as well as the candidate who supports Ukraine (the other one would give it to putin for free) and also the candidate who won't genocide LGBT community within our own country.

Anyone who doesn't vote Biden does not care about Gaza. Not at all. They're just virtue signaling and afraid to admit they want to vote for Trump.

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Neither points are true.

Again? When did they give it to them the first time?

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Never understood this. Standing at a urinal and someone walks up and starts talking to me, like no dude shut up

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I am not defending her but that is in no way proof of the claim being made. It's a fictional book.

Now, if she's on record saying that, and using them as justification, then that's different

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Meanwhile I'm not even remotely gay, but I also recognized them immediately

Biden has supported far more than he should, but it absolutely not been unwavering. Are you even paying attention?

I'm a bit disappointed in him for not trying to go above her for a mistrial yet. But I'm holding out hope that he won't just sit there and let her blatantly kill the case without even trying to hide it

They're trying to own all the correct negative labels they're getting from the left and the news. Like that one convention where they were celebrating the fact that they're domestic terrorists

They have an outdated idea of trans people and think that trans women are literally just guys in dresses (kinda like 80s transvestites, if that word is still usable). So they expect to see fucking Frankenfurter from Rocky horror or Eddie Izzard (she's fantastic and all but let's not kid ourselves that she's what they expect trans women to look like)

You know it's a joke right

I barely make 20k and would do a lot of things to nearly 4x my yearly income

The problem is that the NBA pays way too fucking much

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Hit me up, it's more of a 2010s thing

Not even remotely implied or relevant

They cannot use that word until he is found guilty of murder.

I'll go with symphonic metal but then she got just symphonic

Hey look it's the comrade we're talking about

Or it could just be that the son isn't a conservative dickhead and wants the correct choice to win, everything doesn't have to be some weird conspiracy (though sometimes it is ofc)