'We are all Gisèle': French women rise up against 'rape culture' during Gisèle Pelicot trial

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 667 points –
'We are all Gisèle': French women rise up against 'rape culture' during Gisèle Pelicot trial

They line up in front of a courthouse in southeastern France, from morning to evening, and have gathered in the thousands in cities across the country. They hold signs reading, "one rape every six minutes," "not all men but always a man," and "giving in is not consenting."

They chant: "Rapist we see you, victim we believe you."

Women across France are rallying in support of Gisèle Pelicot, a 72-year-old reluctant icon whose husband is on trial in the city of Avignon for systematically drugging her and inviting dozens of men, 50 of whom are now his co-defendants, into their home to rape her over nearly a decade.

The shocking case has sparked what many women in France call a long-overdue reckoning over "rape culture" and systemic sexism in the way the judicial system handles sexual violence.


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I'm not one of them, but the problem is the sign in the thumbnail. Without that I doubt it would've upset as many people.

Nah, that's just a pretext. They're just as bad as the "all lives matter" folks.

Nah lol I literally would be in here in full support without the sign, but with the sign I am reminded that even though I have been raped by two different women, not only am I seen as a horrid abuser for the crime of having been born with a penis, the women who raped me are seen as victims for the virtue of having a vagina. Erasing male victims and woman perpetrators in one fell swoop really isn't a good look, it makes the issue gendered rather than about abusers V victims, and then to turn it around and claim that men are making it "all about us" as if the sign didn't lead us there in the first place is some A+ victim blaming.

If women don't like that the conversation becomes about male victims in response to their erasure of male victims (and in this case woman perpetrators), then women should start speaking up for ALL victims instead of erasing us, regardless of how insignificant they think we are ignoring us is hurting OUR cause, yes "ours:" victims' regardless of gender.

"yea I'd like this protest, but there's literally one sign that offends me and they didn't chant my name so fuck them all" you're a piece of work omg xD

No u lmao, you literally are trying to silence victims of rape as we speak and you think I'm the piece of work? You having a stroke or something?

My dude, this post, and that sign, are not about you. They're about a woman being raped by over 100 men.


Then put that on the sign, not "always men" ffs. The sign is a lie and a problem and the fact that you can't see that means you're part of that problem.

To be quite frank, the vast majority of sexual violence against women is perpetrated by men. The vast majority of all sexual violence is against women.

I understand you feel your particular experience is unrepresented, but this particular case, and rallies, and signs etc... Are simply not about you or your experiences. This is about sexual violence against women. If you can't see that, and you insist on inserting yourself into a context that has nothing to do with you, then there's really nothing left to say.

To be quite frank, the vast majority of sexual violence against women is perpetrated by men. The vast majority of all sexual violence is against women.

Oh thank you for clarifying why you think me being raped is insignificant and doesn't matter. Wanna go for the rest of the hits while we're here? "You must have enjoyed it because you're a man" and "she was hot you should consider yourself lucky," or who could forget the classic "get over it pussy?"

Fine, if there's nothing left to say, then say nothing. That'll be better than what you've been doing.

Fine, if there's nothing left to say, then say nothing. That'll be better than what you've been doing

Probably best to take your own advice.

Hell no I'll advocate for myself and those like me until my fingers fall off to combat people like you, how 'bout you quit trying to silence rape victims, hmm?

You're not advocating for yourself my guy, you're advocating against women. Do this on your own a post, the garbage you're spewing here does literally nothing for men, you're just shitting on a movement full of women for daring to protest for their rights and not yours specifically

I'll do this wherever it is relevant, like under a post that says "always a man." Guess what? Both times I was raped it was a woman, clearly not "always a man." Just admit you don't care about male victims either, we're literally all used to it. What is it "I must have enjoyed it because I'm a man" hmm?

For the love of god, how can you lack self awareness to such a degree.

This is a post about a woman who was raped by over 100 men, orchestrated by a man who she trusted, over a span of 10 years. That's a jaw dropping level of personal assault.

Yet here we are, in the comments, talking about you. You and your problems. Men and their problems. For fucks sake.

Same question.

Goddamn right, because the post just had to claim all rapists are men, which I just had to refute by being raped by two women (sorry to inconvenience you.)

Maybe next time make a sign for ALL victims of rape and sexual assault that doesn't exclude male victims and excuse woman abusers.

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I didn't even look at the thumbnail. I'm a man btw. If I had to rewrite that sign it might say 'NOT ALL MEN - JUST TOO MANY'. Or, I dunno, something like that.

I kinda feel like, for blokes there are two important things we can do. Aside from stop having arguments about who's the bigger victim (it's women). First is just don't do that shit. Just don't. It's actually easy and rewarding to not be a bad person. Second is don't let any other guys get away with even talking like that. Even if they're mates, step the fuck up and let them know that talk is not okay. Let's be honest, many of us have heard our mates talk about women in a way we weren't quite comfy with and afterwards thought we should have said something. Say something.

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