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Joined 1 years ago

I can't be bothered to learn git.

How to become unemployable as an engineer 101.


That ship has long sailed unfortunately. The industry gave up on optimization in favour of praying that hardware advancements can keep up with the bloat.

Dumb take. I don't need to sit down and have a beer with my anti-vax MAGA neighbors to understand them. I understand them just fine, they're brain damaged morons.

Well that other guy said it's only 66megs so, you're wrong.


The fact that spez just bald-faced lied about what was said in his call with the Apollo dev was a huge red flag for me.

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His death, under suspicious circumstances, objectively benefits Boeing in an ongoing criminal investigation.

That seems like sufficient justification to conduct an investigation.

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Please explain to me how advertisers exercising their agency in choosing who to advertise with is "communism" or "socialism".

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You go live in a Christo-fascist shit hole. I'd rather take my family and go live somewhere safe, sane and better educated.

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Ya this. The extra 18% should be baked into the menu pricing so that at least the cost is known up front. This is kind of like sneaking it in.

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"MuH bOtH sIdEs" as you're in a thread about hateful right-wing politics and people driving an objectively good teacher out of her state. You're not very bright.

This is what always got to me that I don't think people focus on enough. It's such an anti-consumer pattern. Instead of improving the official reddit app, or buying out a third party one, they simply shot the competition in the knees.

If you want everyone on the official app, be competitive and invest into making it not suck donkey balls. Obviously that's far too much work.

So moving is an insane idea, but transferring huge portions of land between states is totally rational and reasonable?

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It gives you substantial skills and knowledge specifically regarding cannabis consumption.

If enjoying wine can be a hobby (wine connoisseur) then so can enjoying cannabis.

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You lack imagination. What happens when the system mistakenly identifies someone as a violent offender and they get tackled by a bunch of cops, likely resulting in bodily injury.

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Dude, you're 40. Move out.

Shen Yun doesn't hide it. Their show is all about Falun Gong. Although they don't advertise it as such. Went to one of their shows with my wife and mother thinking it would just be about Chinese artistic culture and then BAM - Two hour long Falun Gong propaganda piece.

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Well thankfully your consent on the subject isn't required. They're both hobbies whether you like it or not.

I never said everyone can leave, I never even implied it.

So a completely accurate assumption.

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Have you been living under a rock the past ~8 years? Those bullet points are central to the current GOP's platform. That's what you're voting for when you vote republican.

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Modulo operator my dude.

Okay sure,

Number 1: Threatening to jail and/or shoot protestors.

That was a fun game, thanks.

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Objects, obviously.

Source: see abortion bans. Women with unviable pregnancies that will kill them can't get abortions. Control is the entire point.

I just laugh now when people say "there will be reasonable exceptions". We already went on this rodeo with abortion. There will be no exceptions. Reality is slapping voters in the face and they just don't care.

Women. When Conservatives are screaming that they hate you, believe them.

The "people in power" didn't suggest that moving is an insane idea, you did.

I mean, thanks for the link but, if you actually try to find it on Amazon for example it doesn't exist. So that's not terribly helpful.

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Yes but, won't somebody please think of the short term shareholder profits!!

I'm pretty confident not everyone goes on crazy drug fueled racist, homophobic rants. No matter how well you get to know them.

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Patently false. Nobody is aborting 9 month old unborn babies unless there's an immediate medical danger.

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That's it, and all for a small fee every month/year.

My overly educated coworkers say the dumbest shit about unions and this one is typically leading the charge. You don't want to pay a couple of hundred dollars every year for massively improved job security and benefits? Are you fucking stupid? It's a trick question, they're dumb as bricks.

OP is an anti-vaxxer and COVID denier so, adjust your bullshit meter accordingly.

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Oracle DB

Wishful thinking I'd wager.

Watches with calculator functionality have existed since 1970 so... Nothing millennial or zoomer about it. It's firmly in boomer territory.

I would argue recruiters sending me mass generic emails for job offers only partially related to my field is, in fact, spam.

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It absolutely does. If you're rejecting basic, verifiable scientific facts based on your politics or religion, you're fucking stupid.

So don't vote democrat and enjoy your Trump presidency /shrug. What do you really expect anyone to say to this sort of attitude?

No clue what this reply is supposed to mean. Yes, crazy and racist are two different words. Yes, Elmo has gone on crazy and racist rants. Sometimes independently, sometimes together.

That's fucking crazy. I don't mean that in a funny way, I mean that it sounds like he has schizophrenia.

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