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Has a modern military ever gone up against an enemy using lots of small cheap drones though? I'm sure they have plans in place, just can't recall if they've ever really been tested, aside from Russia with the results we see.

Yeah, I've made that mistake too. Thing is, if you really mean it then waiting until they say those words to you first kinda feels dishonest and manipulative. Like, if you're feeling that crazy feeling it makes you want them to know exactly how you feel and be able to give informed consent to falling in love. You want them to know how you feel because you don't want to be intense and creepy when they maybe think it's just a fling. You want you words to maybe unlock part of them that feels the same way.

A good suggestion is to not say it during or right after sex in a new relationship.

So yeah, I've fucked up too by saying 'i love you'. But I've also said it first and started a relationship that was maybe the best I've had.

I dunno, I guess I think that when you love someone honesty is the best policy. It won't always work out and when it fucks up you'll be hurting - but you'll at least know you were being open, not hiding stuff.

I hope those words have worked out better for you since!

Yeah, it did this to me a few months back. Got the files back local eventually but it was a big pain in my arse. If I had time to learn another os I'd already be gone. Seems like Microsoft is determined to asset-strip whatever good reputation their product had left.

Yeah, a whole lot of working folks are one missed paycheck from homelessness. I'm old enough to remember that it wasn't always like this, if you were working you didn't have nearly so much anxiety and exhaustion, you could afford to look after a kid or have the occasional holiday, maybe own a home. Not anymore. The rich are getting richer though.

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We've never really needed to use photo ID in England and never had problems with fraud. You can only visit one polling station one time, the system worked fine. The Tories changed it to deliberately disenfranchise the poor who are less likely to have these types of ID, and they did this because they're scum.

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That doesn't seem funny at all to me, maybe it's in the delivery.

Indeed. Some of us prefer being locked in the pantry.

Yeah, my job sometimes requires me to drive round areas where people may be sunbathing. What I do is drive in first gear even if it is frustrating and be observant because I don't want to hit anyone. Seems like this ought to be common sense when you're driving and humans may be lying on the ground.

I'm not necessarily saying there should be a violent far left committing crimes. . . but the right keep trying to both-sides their terrorism shit, that's how you get a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe you're getting incorrectly billed, have you checked the meter readings? Smart meters don't have a great reputation.

The problem with democracy is that to really work it requires an informed electorate, and a lot of the information the electorate get is propaganda. But like you say, I don't have a better alternative to offer.

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Yeah, it's getting pretty hard to be an isolated community anywhere these days. Looks like these guys in the nicobar islands may be fucked.

I've got a hammer.

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Yeah competition won't work in a market where some competitors have such massive amounts of wealth. This is a failure of unrestrained capitalism and it's bad for consumers ultimately.

Trump in court is like Sideshow Bob in a room full of rakes.

Yeah, it's really messed up. And getting worse. I'm just not sure how we change it without violence though. Voting doesn't fucking help. And, like me, most of the people who are hurting don't want violent change. Rightly, because like capitalism, revolution hurts a lot of people. But it feels like society is a balloon and the rich are squeezing it and wondering when it'll pop. It's hard to predict what's gonna happen but based on the way things have been I'd say worse.

I'm wondering if this may already be illegal in some countries. Revenge porn laws now exist in some countries, and I'm not sure if the legislation specifies how the material should be produced to qualify. And if the image is based on a minor, that's often going to be illegal too - some places I hear even pornographic cartoons are illegal if they feature minors. In my mind people who do this shit are doing something pretty similar to putting hidden cameras in bathrooms.

Nah, he'll start screaming about rigged elections and try for a coup.

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And that's something else that makes a lot of the world look at America like a backwater shithole. Feeling the need to be able to kill other people - that might be important to many Americans but from the outside looking in it seems ignorant and barbaric.

I think Portugal will basically sell you a passport for a €250,000 investment. I don't know about Spain. I had Spanish residency years ago but moved away and let it slip, residency was pretty easy to get back then. I'd fuckin love to have an EU passport.

Isn't this just voice recognition software?

Yeah, it feels like a much improved version of an Eliza. Much improved, but still software. It doesn't understand what it's saying. TBF though I know a few humans like that.

Hate speech can also incite violence against targeted groups. I'm fine with freedom of speech but there's got to be a line somewhere. I'm not sure whether this legislation is over the line or not, we'll see how it's enforced.

We don't know the breed involved yet but we're mostly assuming it's pitbulls. They're illegal to own here in the UK because they keep killing people.

Same with banana yoghurt. You rarely see it, no idea why because it's yummy.

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I had just started to appreciate twitter when musk bought it and it turned to shit. The big advantage of it was that it seemed like pretty much everyone was on there to some extent. Mastodon doesn't have anything like that user base, though it feels like it's growing and I much prefer the UI.

Your experience as someone who tried it for a week probably doesn't reflect that of people who used it professionally for many years. Part of what made it valuable to media people was the ubiquity of possible sources, but it takes some time and work to develop links to those sources and to the professional contacts who have their own connections to share.

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For one glorious moment of misreading there I thought there was a humane pin strap on.

I kind of feel that the term 'addiction' is being used a bit freely these days. If you're addicted to heroin, for example, and you're unable to access the drug you are sick as fuck for a week. That's not just a psychological phenomenon, it's physical too. If a porn addict is unable to access porn I find it hard to believe that they suffer similarly. That said, people manage to mess up their lives pretty profoundly with gambling so perhaps it's better to define addiction based on the harm done to someone life rather than the consequences of withdrawal.

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What about just one really big wasp?

Shame you're getting so downvoted. People are so determined to believe in good philanthropic billionaires that they forget the system that allows the accumulation of such ridiculous wealth doesn't work for nice philanthropic people. It was like this with Elon musk, before he sacked his publicists (my guess) before the cave diver thing. People were saying he was going so save humanity or some shit. All he's done is fuck up twitter. Same with this guy. I use steam and I think my steam deck is a cool little machine but that doesn't inspire me to tongue the sweaty arsehole of an obscenely rich guy.

Yeah I've been thinking that too. Not sure I have time to learn it though so I keep sticking with windows. But I really have to make the effort to switch.

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E.g. Belle Delphine bathwater stunt.

Do I want to know what this is?

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Well that's grim.

I suppose the feeling is that no actual children are harmed in making AI porn. It's still something that sexualises kids though so I'm not sure how valid that argument is.

I'm not sure there are that many suckers. Trump's campaign has bled his supporters pretty hard, they don't have billions to invest. And serious speculators ought to know it's not worth shit, unless they're just riding the idiot wave. I suspect there's something fucky going on.

Yeah I was going to say this is what overpopulation looks like. Then I remembered the witch trials in the 1600s and thought there's plenty more crazy shit people have done. There's more people now and arguably less crazy shit. Stuff like this is always going to happen though, human condition. Still horrible, we've got lots of work to do as a species.

I don't know how many people would be accidentally strangled by their abusers - from what I understand, it takes a fair few minutes and bit of effort to strangle someone to death.

I love RTS but I rarely play it these days because I don't have a lot of screen time. When I have half an hour to pick up my device I'm probably going to play an FPS. I did start a play through of the original homeworld campaigns a while back but I've not had time to progress far.

Alas I'm in England, no trader Joe's here!