Mozilla Announces Layoffs, Renews Focus on Firefox to – 334 points –
Mozilla Announces Layoffs, Renews Focus on Firefox

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And this only just after they enabled a whole raft of add-ons in their mobile browser that have already stripped away so much shit from my daily browsing experience.

I switched last year when Google entered their new phase of ad tracker evil and I bet I wasn't the only one. Feels to me like Firefox fucked with the money and they're being brought to heel.

What? They're laying off people working on a metaverse platform,, and other assorted products nobody cares about. They're doing exactly what everyone said they should do, slimming down and focusing on Firefox


I'm sorry but what word are you trying to replace? I can't tell

They misinterpreted "metaverse platform," as a single item in the list, not as two items.

For anyone who isn't aware, Mozilla has a thing called Mozilla Hubs that could be considered a metaverse product

A I see, thank you for clarifying,.I was genuinely confused

Grammatically it can be properly read either way, but I think you're right that's probably how they meant it.

Metaverse. is the fediverse

I know, they had also opened a thing called Mozilla hubs, something I consider metaverse product, like the other person said, I am aware is a fediverse platform