Is jellyfish vegan? to No Stupid – 191 points –

They don’t have a brain really and kinda just float there. Do they even feel pain?


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At this time it is impossible to know if they feel pain. They're a living creature.

Plants are also living creatures, but don't tell the Vegans.

If you want to minimize plant death, going vegan is still the right move.

Most of the crops we grow go to feeding animals that people eat.

I don't really care about minimizing plant death. I'm not Vegan or Vegetarian, nor will I be in the future. I just made a joke.

They told me Lemmy would be more leftist, why am I still seeing 0 IQ vegan jokes

That's I think most of us just want this to be a place with less politics and extremism on either side because it's exhausting.

What's more extreme: not wanting to harm and exploit animals or killing and exploiting them to use them as products?

I think it's pretty clear.

The former, by definition, because the vast majority of society does the latter. Extremists always try to reframe themselves as the moderate ones and say mainstream society are the extremists instead, so I'm not surprised you're saying this.

Just because it's always said doesn't mean it isn't sometimes true. Can't you think of examples of views that were fringe but became the moral baseline?

Can't you think of examples of views that were fringe but became the moral baseline?

Yes, I can, but I can't think of any that were extreme despite being the most widely held views in a given society, because that's an oxymoron. Once something becomes a widely held view it is no longer extreme.

Plants also react to being harmed, so it's arguable they don't feel pain.

I remember reading that some species of plants release a specific chemical or audio frequency (I can't remember which) in response to being cut down, and this chemical is detected by other nearby plants that cause them to become stiffer or something along those lines. Whether that meana the plants feel pain or not, there isn't anything conclusive. I think it would be pretty hard to feel pain without a nervous system, but its possible that what constitutes pain doesn't need a nervous system or pain receptors at all. Im not a scientific expert, I just tried to be funny.

Dunno about funny, but insightful and empathetic, yes. Cheers!

plants are not "creatures", neither are animals.<br> both are indeed living evolutures ;)

Do you often write in HTML?

there was something wrong about formatting. Without the HTML code my lines were all huddled into one long line 🤷

How would you define creature?

The word creature is theistic. The person you're responding to is being pedantic, but isn't wrong.

Thank you for the definition. I think it is wrong. But i appreciate it nonetheless.

My reasoning is that, while it may have started as a theistic word, it isn’t anymore. When someone says it i don’t think “a creation of God” i just think of like, an animal. Definitions change over time.

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We may be able to tell if they are stressed, which could be related to pain, depending on your viewpoint.

Here is a recent study of audible reactions plant can have to stress:

Do plants react to stress and harmful situations like infestation? Absolutely. Do they actually feel pain as we understand it? Probably not since they lack a nervous system.

This boils down to the question: What is pain?

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It is impossible to know anything for sure. You can just go with what is the most plausible within our current knowledge. Jellyfish posses a very simple nervous system, even less complex than that of insects. Personally I don't think it's possible for them to suffer but since there is no reason to be cruel to them why should I endorse it?

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