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Joined 1 years ago

I'm Gen Z, don't use Linux, don't know the first thing about programming (I know how to use file explorer though), and never intend to learn, and I'm here because I don't wanna use the official Reddit app and because I'm convinced that the Fediverse is likely to become big in the future and I wanna be able to say I was here when it all began.

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Microplastics are the new lead, and screens are the new tobacco, in my opinion. Overuse of sugar in processed foods is the new version of how they'd cut food with inedible stuff like sawdust back in the day.

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Because I want there to be shit to do on here

Congress is legally allowed to impeach any SCOTUS justice they want.

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Why would you specifically use the sentient robots for your grunt work and why would an artificial intelligence have problems with the same things humans do? Especially if an AI was made for the specific purpose of doing work. The reason humans don't like doing work is because evolution naturally selected for us to be good at things like

-hunting gazelles

-gathering berries

-making finger paintings on cave walls

-sitting around a campfire making ape noises

and not working at a corporation. For an AI, it'd presumably be the opposite, meaning that AIs would be about as content with their lives as humans are in their natural environment.

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Abusing service / customer-facing staff fits in to this as well and is at once particularly revealing and particularly damning.

Whenever a customer is rude to me I just remember that they're probably compensating for how terrible their own lives are. If it was actually an issue on my part then one of my coworkers would've told me by now. Makes it way easier to move on with my day.

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gen z, hate that trillion dollar corporations run our social media.

This isn't even an issue for me so long as those trillion dollar corporations let me use social media the way I want to. I can just download an ad blocker and stay off the more garbage parts of their websites. The reason why I like the Fediverse is not because trillion dollar corporations don't have a stake in it, because let's be real, money was always gonna be involved. The reason why I like it is because I will most likely be insulated from the effects of enshittification and corporate incompetence on company-run instances. Even if the instance I'm on gets enshittified, it won't be that difficult for me to just move to another instance, especially once the Fediverse matures and we get things like account migration, or even account federation, if I wanna keep one foot in both instances. Same for whatever community I'm involved with. Plus the fact that I can just block any community who's users I don't like means my experience will be way less toxic than it would be on Twitter, where avoiding toxicity requires a lot of effort. That's one of the things I liked about Reddit, the structure kept the toxic people in their own little bubble and I was able to ignore their existence if I stayed off mainstream subreddits.

TL;DR: It ain't about the money (or lack thereof), it's about the potential for a better service.

I'll start actually posting things when my favorite communities jump ship from Reddit. Until then I'll just lurk while occasionally commenting.

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One can't let themselves be defined by what's done to them, only what they've done in response. Those who act like toddlers in response to life's obstacles should be treated as such, while those who react calmly and constructively are exhibiting virtue, and will probably get further as well.

When you pump large amounts of iron in rapid succession at the gym, it makes you feel unstoppable, like you could take on the world. It's an absolutely wonderful feeling to have, and I think it can be chalked up to the testosterone boost. The way to cultivate this mindset is

  1. Simply work out. The body releases the "unstoppable" chemical when you do Chad shit.
  2. Have more faith in your own capabilities. This will naturally happen if you surround yourself with positive reinforcement and if you do step 1.

Ackshyually, we've had millions of years to get used to fire, about 200,000 to get used to being sentient, 20,000 to get used to agriculture, about 150 to get used to industrial society, and about 30 to get used to computers. We have just barely figured out how to cope with knowledge of our own deaths by making up supernatural stuff about it and we have not gotten used to any of that other stuff at all.

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Most of Sweden and Finland's working class supports joining NATO according to polls. Turns out living next to Russia does that to you.

We should have that in America

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So when flowers rub their gametes on passing animals in the hopes that those animals transmit them to other flowers, it's fine, but when I do it, everyone loses their minds???

Sugar is incredibly addictive, non-nutritious yet high in caloric content, unfilling, causes highs and crashes reminiscent of drugs, and overuse of sugar in modern food is a major promoter of obesity. As with all types of food, sugar is fine in moderation. I consume plenty of sugar. However, if you rely on it too much for your daily calories then you won't get enough of any other macronutrients such as fat, protein, and fiber, and you'll get almost no micronutrients like vitamins. Sugar is also converted to energy incredibly quickly by the body, which is a good thing in many cases (like when you need a quick burst of energy at breakfast time, provided you balance it out with things like protein), but also leads you to get hungry quickly after eating it and eat some more, causing you to get fat, and wasting your money. When your body gets used to large amounts of sugar it also starts to crave it like a drug user craves drugs.

Oh ya, it's also in just about everything these days, especially in America. It's not even the tasty kind that comes from sugarcane, they just use corn syrup. Thank you, corn lobby!

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Factory? Hell nah, we home brew in this household

What are you trying to achieve with this pointless aggression?

Some people in the tech community just seem to have this weird superiority complex for some reason. They think they're smarter than everyone else and look down on the normies, meaning they come off... Like this guy. It's like they put all of their skill points into INT and none of them into WIS.

Idk I just heard that apparently knowing how to use file explorer is considered impressive in modern CS classes

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so what happens when republicans take back the Senate and the presidency and then add like 10 conservative justices to balance out the liberal ones

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"Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis?"

listen to electric callboy

I'm a cisgender male and would much rather take a shit in a stall next to a dude with a pussy and a beard than take a piss at a urinal next to a woman with a dick, and I think women would probably rather take a piss next to someone who looks like a woman than next to someone who looks like a man. As long as the transgender person in question is dressed as their identified gender then I highly doubt any reasonable person will give a shit about their presence in the bathroom, unless women like to inspect eachother's genitals in there or something.

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It depends on what the subject is. Learning things requires energy, which we don't have an unlimited supply of. If you ask me a question about, say, Hotwheels toys, I'm gonna tell you I don't know the answer, and I do not care nearly enough about Hotwheels to put time and effort into researching anything other than surface-level facts about them. This type of ignorance is fine by me, I'd rather deal with a person who knows they don't know anything about a subject and doesn't care about it than someone who knows little yet cares deeply about it.

If I'm being real, my only knowledge of trans fats comes from that one American Dad episode where Stan tries to smuggle them across state lines to make his food taste good again after they're banned. Would you mind educating me on what the commotion was about them?

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I was a high schooler last year and by this standard, every single one of my classmates' parents are complete failures, including mine. Not that I disagree, but clearly we can't trust the parents to do anything about this.

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"Sir, we must burn down the world's forests and destroy everyone's economic assets."

"Are you sure that this is the way to go about solving inflation?"


Unless they're marketing to children or marketing sexual things that shouldn't be shown to children then they really have no legitimate case.

Also what the fuck does "promote gender" mean? Oh sweet heavens, my child is gonna know the difference between a boy and a girl, oh the humanity

I'm not at the point in life where I can really avoid plastic, but I aspire to get there eventually.

I think using a political philosophy or a common enemy to unite a society is more harmful than it is good, since those things will inevitably be held sacred, and it becomes impossible to think rationally about them. Religious people are able to disagree on things like economics because the things that they hold sacred are supernatural sky gods, instead of things which are of this world (Americans are an exception due to the polarization of the two-party system and the compelling force of American Civil Religion, which makes freedom, democracy, and the Constitution into sacred things), but people who hold a political ideology like Marxism or Liberalism to be sacred (Tons of people, many of them on this very website) cannot tolerate disagreement and will ignore facts that might disprove their ideology. This is manageable when it involves nothing more than a sky god, but when it involves the very basics of how society should operate, it gets bad, quickly, which is how you get thousands of dead dissenters and a permanently stagnant society. Using a common enemy is even worse since it leads to an irrational hatred of said enemy that drives people to do horrible things to eachother, with the most infamous example being the Holocaust. The Nazis also held their political ideals to be more sacred than their religious beliefs, coincidentally.

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Why would you even take the time out of your day to go on a Q&A forum and respond like this to someone asking a question? Do these people not have hobbies? That kind of response is more insulting than just not getting a response.

On my phone, yes. I intend to still use old.reddit on my PC in order to keep up with my favorite communities.

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I like excessive sweetness in all of my beverages since I've been drinking excessively sweet beverages all my life. I got the taste buds of a toddler. Still, give me aspartame over sugar, even on the off chance that the meager amount I consume gives me cancer some day that's probably better than what too much sugar would do to me.

Achsjullllyallyyyyiu, humans also do a form of Selective breeding voluntarily and it's why families that tend to live in a more rural farming type communities tend to naturally be larger. We breed for what our families job is going to be.

This is not really what I'm talking about, making more people so you can make them work on the fields is kinda different from breeding dogs with inhumanely short snouts for aesthetic purposes, or making gargantuan dogs capable of 1v1ing a tiger so they'll protect your livestock

All I'm saying is the Human race is very adaptable and we have changed a lot since drawing on cave walls.

Culturally, yes, physically, a little bit, psychologically, no. Our minds are still optimized for the savannah, and not the office, factory, or farm. Cultural adaptations, in the form of religion and etiquette, which we patch in after birth are what fill the gaps and make us actually capable of thriving in such a foreign environment to what our biology is made for.

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Achsjulllyally, dogs and cats changed quickly on account of selective breeding. Natural selection, especially in cases where flaws in biology won't immediately lead to someone losing reproductive fitness, operates on much longer timespans.

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Legalese is actually a good thing because it covers every possible situation and reduces the number of loopholes. We have people like LegalEagle to break shit down for us into plain English. If we write the laws themselves in plain English then corporate lawyers will argue, successfully, that there's a loophole that lets them violate the spirit of the law, or the government will apply the law in situations where it wasn't meant to be applied in order to fuck over innocent people.

Very insightful and not something I'd have thought of. A large part of me feels as though many of the issues of today can be blamed on the fact that nobody actually talks to eachother anymore. Socializing has been replaced with social media, where you see curated snapshots of your "friend's" lives which only show the good, and get invested in the curated snapshots of the lives of celebrities. You look at your friends and random celebrities doing things instead of doing them yourself or with your friends. And in turn, you post your own curated snapshots to make yourself look good and feel like you're participating, thus continuing the cycle.

This state of knowing only about the cool and fun things other people are doing while simultaneously never actually speaking to them causes you to feel left out because your life isn't anywhere near as fun as their lives look, and the fact that people tend to only post good looking pictures of themselves online makes you feel bad about your own appearance, because you don't look anywhere near as good as they make themselves look.

With how pervasive the atomization caused by the internet is, I should've known that even its greatest strength, its ability to deliver information, might have harmful side effects. Indeed, I wonder how many conversations I've not had the opportunity to partake in because I found what I wanted out of them on Google. Or books I haven't read because I got what I wanted out of them on Google. Convenient, for sure, but perhaps it takes a little bit of the joy out of finding new information, whether that joy comes from the other stuff you learn along the way or the human interaction which occurs in the process.

The only time when willful ignorance is bad, in my book, is

A: They're being willfully ignorant about an essential skill that they need in order to make everyone's day go smoother

B: They're willfully ignorant about something but somehow still give as much of a shit about it as experts on the topic. These people are the worst.