1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

His fat mouth got me to download a Chrome extension for the sole purpose of excluding Reddit from my search results. Even Pinterest didn't get me that far.

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As a UX designer with a specialty in accessibility, I'd break up requirements even smaller. Accessibility is an ongoing process (like security,) not an achievement.

A dev can get pretty far just using Lighthouse to audit code, then running through with a free screen reader and with keyboard only. But accessibility can seem daunting if you try to make it one huge ticket.

The best way in my mind is to build basic accessibility testing into every ticket, the way you should do with security concerns, and then have a designer or QA run periodic audits to generate specific update tickets.

As a UX designer who decided not to be a doctor though I could have, I don't think this is how it works.

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I think you're getting temporary POs confused with permanent ones.

My ex and abuser was convicted of domestic violence charges, and currently owns a gun and has no public record of his crimes. This despite being anti gun and getting it for the sole purpose of scaring me. Proof has nothing to do with it. Courts regularly ignore proof in order to fail to protect victims. If they don't accept criminal convictions as proof, there isn't much they will accept. Don't pretend this has anything to do with a need to prove that someone is a monster before taking away his deadly toys.

For what it is worth, our kids are still fighting to heal the damage he did to them. But he has a right to a gun, so bully for him.

Police don't issue POs in any jurisdiction I know of. You have to go to court for that. Police can't do more than ask them nicely to go away until you get a court issued PO signed by a judge.

The vast majority of evidence shows that people don't tend to go around falsely accusing their loved ones of crimes just for kicks and giggles. Yet every abuse apologist loves to polish up that argument every single time.

I'm trying to give you the benefit of doubt, but you do realize that making these arguments in this way puts you squarely aligned with the most consistent group of murderers in the world, right?

"People are being hurt and terrorized, and need to be protected!"

"But we couldn't possibly take away a few guns until we sort this out, because an entitled violent person's right to have a gun is way more important than thousands of innocent murdered women and children, right!...Right?"

Or they'd be pushing paper somewhere else.

* MySpace has entered the chat*

What he didn't bank on is a lot of power users were already getting sick of wading through ads and dealing with mass idiocy. I mean, mass idiocy will move with the masses, you can't really get away from it. But add a power-hungry megalomaniac to the mix of an already irritated user base, and it's not pretty. Frankly, Reddit can keep the kind of users who are willing to stay there. Hopefully that will keep other communities cleaner.

I wonder if you could automatically reverse generate a description using AI.

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He's basically saying that the dignity and life of the potential to be a man is more important than the dignity and life of a living woman.

After all, how dignified is it to birth and raise the child of your rapist, or your brother?

Males tend to get better quality and fit than women do, though.

Plants also react to being harmed, so it's arguable they don't feel pain.

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That doesn't mean if you get rid of insurance jobs, they would be nurses.

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Sadly, this is paywalled.

But I'm guessing we haven't seen the end of awful consequences of the government getting this involved in medical decisions.

I filed for no-fault divorce at the advice of my lawyer, despite clear evidence of abuse and infidelity. It hurt, emotionally, because it felt like a lie. But now I understand my lawyer was looking out for me. I would have been in much more danger publicly calling out his behavior.

My favorite has been the Deque training.

Agreed. If we don't call out the problems, isn't it tacit approval?

Probably because it became less about getting food (where gatherers provided the bulk) and more about protecting the land you have (which required strength.)

Words can't express my fury. What can be done about it?

CEO stands for Cock Excavation Operator.

Agreed! You can make money and not be a donkey poop about it.

I did it, albeit a very small community. I cared enough about the topic to give other people dealing with similar things some space to build a community. Mine was luckily mostly dead, since I don't care about building a base or keeping it going, but it served well for its time. Anyone who thinks modding is anything but a labor of love doesn't make for a very good mod.

Yeah, that's the point I stopped reading because it went totally off the rails. Women have a pretty good handle on what men find attractive. They tell us incessantly. We just don't care, most of the time, because we are born how we are born, and eat how we eat, and care more about being comfortable in our own skin than with what men think of us.

I don't have an issue with men writing it, but I do have an issue with the patronizing attitude, the condescension. These guys still don't get it, and if they simplified on purpose, they took it too far.

Yeah, if he really believes that, where's the campaign for CEO?

Oregon Trail.


I'll show myself out.