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For some reason I can't help but think this looks a little bit derivative of Illusion City for the MSX Turbo R.

Not European, but I think they might not use PSI since that's Pounds per Square Inch. I believe they use Pascals/ Bar.

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They will probably do it. Nintendo fans are so rabbid they'll buy crap in a paper bag as long as it has the Nintendo logo on it.

I used to like you, Nintendo. But you have become something more terrible that I ever thought possible after Iwata died.

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Its pretty rare for a creative to want to go back to their previous works. Most want to keep making new stuff, even if that comes at an expense to everyone else. Its understandable, but it also becomes disappointing to people that like a certain work and then a creative revisits it only to make it something completely different.

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Ah, but you see, it wasn't just any cardboard. It was cardboard with the Nintendo logo on it sold by Nintendo.

People bought a game that is well known for being hard, and then complained it was too hard.

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Kadokawa is a big company that many people already know about beyond their ownership FromSoftware, why they would choose to title this on FromSoft is quite strange.

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I will never forget when this game tried to have a marketing campaign that copied Forspoken.

"So you dont have to be as good as games journalists"

I mean, ignoring the fact that From/Bandai 100% gave journalists a 100% complete save with a high level character to play the DLC with, this is such a massive burn to people complaining that its too hard.

Ironic considering the rapidly dropping playerbase of Helldivers 2 due to Arrowheads questionable balancing changes lately.

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Typically speaking in the aesthetic sense, _punk means taking a certain look to its extreme. Cyberpunk of course infusing everything with computer technology, steampunk infusing everything with the looks of a steam powered machine, etc.

Starfield was described once as having its aesthetic "NASApunk," which sounded really cool to me when I heard it. I expected white and black, gold foil, etc. Which isn't really how the end product ended which was a bit disappointing, but the point remained that calling it "NASApunk" had me immediately expecting a certain aesthetic.

In the case of Frostpunk, I am not sure. It takes place in a frozen world, but it doesn't have an aesthetic to fit that name so it may just be a title.

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Better headline:

"Florida Man has an Online Argument, Lives."

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Average modern Nintendo product

I didn't say anything about how it started, I said what it means as it pertains to aesthetics, which was what I felt was the primary root of the question.

Its only Reddit, it doesn't really matter. Real life doesn't care about Reddit.

Publishers when a game specifically designed for consoles does not sell like Candy Crush on mobile: :shocked_pikachu_face:

At least the game is still accessible for people that paid for the game, unlike The Crew. However, I am really tired with all these licensing deals expiring causing media to basically just be erased from existence.

This doesn't usually happen with automotive licensing deals, so I practically guarantee this is because of music. Record Label Companies are the actual scum of the Earth. They've ruined every single thing they touch.

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This looks interesting but so much of this seemed heavily animation dependant that it almost looks like they show entirely cutscenes or QTE type scenes. I doubt that much of the game will look like the gameplay they show because none of it looked generic enough to apply to more situations than the specific one they showed.

I certainly am interested, but I want to see some real live gameplay.

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This is cool but not for $200. That's way overpriced for something this underpowered.

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People are mad they can't just jump attack spam every boss with their base game overleveled glass cannon builds.

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What a dingus. This person yapped to a journo and really thought it wasn't going to be in an article? Thats what they get for yapping I guess.

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Its currently 71% mostly positive.

People just mad because they're trying to speedrun the DLC instead of actually playing it. Their basic one shot glass builds arent working with jump attack spam in the DLC, and people are mad they cant cheese it like that.

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I mean, isn't all AI in games limited by design? What's the issue with that?

"Designers instructed us not to improve [the AI] in certain ways, because they believed that players enjoyed being able to dominate the AI and that we shouldn’t deprive them of that.”

This is true. Wait what? What's the issue? If you make the AI un-defeatable then players won't have fun. I can see where some limitations may be annoying to very advanced players, but most normal players typically struggle vs AI in strategy games at high difficulty settings. This is where Age of Empires 2s latest settings that include tunable options for AI are the ultimate way to handle AI. But the AI being limited by design isn't really a problem IMO.

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DBD strays farther from the horror aspect every day. Its only a matter of time before it becomes like Fortnite and loses its identity entirely.

This seems interesting. Reminds me a bit of The COMA.

Modern gaming is really going downhill quickly (I mean, has been for a while but it still somehow gets worse). MTX and lootbox filled garbage, games that have good graphics but the story/writing/gameplay is trash, and insufferable players complaining because they couldn't speedrun the game in 2 picoseconds on their first blind playthrough.


You thought From was just going to make a massive DLC and let everyone waltz through it like they were a god with their high level base game character?

For most hackers or wanna-bes (often called Script Kiddies, that is, people (generally young, even children thus the "Kiddies") who are not technologically inclined enough to be real hackers and see a tutorial online on how to run pre-written scripts that repeatedly perform various functions), the answer to "Why do you do it?" is often:

  1. "Because I was bored."

  2. "Because I can."

Very rarely are other reasons given.

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This is Nintendo trying to enforce Japanese law on a global scale, again.

Nintendo, I used to love you. Now I hate you. Stop it.

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New York Times really is hurting for money, huh?

I mean, in the USA you cannot copyright or trademark the broad gameplay mechanics theyre claiming to own (even specific gameplay mechanics like portals from Portal), nor would those be protectable under DMCA, so everything theyre trying to claim will be immediately tossed out of court.

Theyre literally trying to copy Nintendo. They dont want to go to court. They want settlement money.

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This is honestly pretty funny. Even another government agency recognized how bad the response was. That was literally like someone asking how old you are, and you respond by telling them the definition of age.

Thats a very elaborate, specific bug that just so coincidentally happens to be monetarily beneficial to the developer/publisher.

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It is amazing how out of touch someone can be with reality.

Also, classic blaming the guy that just left. Maybe he contributed to some of the issues, but I guarantee there was a mountain of other issues unrelated to this guy.

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I hope this turns out to be the absolute disaster I am expecting.

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Palworld didn't rip off Pokemon in the way these Chinese clones are ripping off Palworld, though. Like, the marketing of the clones literally say players "survive with their pals," like theyre not even trying to hide it. Palworld was pretty careful to avoid terms like "pocket monster" or "pokemon" in its marketing.

Also, not sure if this really counts as accusing anyone of anything. He is pointing out that his game is successful enough to warrant multiple companies trying to rip off his own game. Honestly, you know you've made the big leagues when your products are getting rip offs in China.

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To be fair, that was back when people could add any other reddit account as a moderator to a subreddit without their knowledge. Still, I think he was still listed as a moderator when r/jailbait was banned, which if that is true is entirely inexcusable.

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why i paid 40 dollars you ess dee for taco bell

Did... Did you just spell out USD($) as "you ess dee?"

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Honestly, pirating Nintendo products should be considered an ethical obligation at this point, just to spite them.

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The bigger problem is that this game even had a battle pass and other monetization tactics at all.

Early Access games should never have a battle pass or cash item shop.

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