1 Post – 402 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When they announced that they were adding ad breaks I decided it was something I didn't need to watch live. Then I saw the highlights and decided there's no reason to go back and rewatch it.

On a skateboard... with tits!

"So yeah temu has become a trash site. "

I live in the bay area. I see and laugh at them daily

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They literally can't sell them in Europe because of the angles are too dangerous for pedestrians. It's only legal in the good old US of A because we didn't bother having safety regulations for pedestrians. The edge is literally a knife that will slice a person on impact. Absolutely moronic vehicle.

It didn't look like a big long weird floppy noodle though.

I do not give 2 shits about people speaking foreign languages out in the ether for the most part. Having said that, there are 2 instances I can think of that grind my gears.

  1. You order an Uber, and the guy who's driving is on the phone with someone, and is speaking another language with them the whole time. This is more just for the fact that this is shitty customer service for someone who works on tips to an extent. For whatever reason, this seems to only be an issue with foreign speaking people. My guess is maybe they're talking to family back home? I certainly don't tip those people who are doing it, but I don't care enough to call them out on it either.

  2. As a poker player, they have rules about speaking English only at the table. This prevents collusion. I will absolutely call people out for English only at the table especially when there is a live hand going on.

Russia like y'all got any more of them lords of war?

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If Paris wants to make an impact, They can ban Bitcoin and AI which is burning an incredible amount of energy. Otherwise let them have their air conditioners. This is stupid.

I think a bunch of municipalities got butt hurt at them for routing traffic through their cities. It definitely used to offer way better and more alternatives. Now it's absolute shit and I have to eyeball it all the time to see if there's a better route.

I miss the good old days where u could click and drag the line to a route that looked better and see if it actually would work.

Or when I was 5 years old, and some dick older kid traded me 2 nickels for a quarter. Learned a hard lesson that day.

Yeah, but the op was talking about worrying about people on the plane stealing from his bag in the overhead bin, not the TSA stealing from it. But yeah, TSA is grimy AF, I always make sure to count my money before and after I put my wallet through the security line. I also wouldn't trust valuables in a checked bag as well.

I love the downvotes. I wasn't serious ffs. Do I really need to bust out the stupid /s

I can't afford a house in my hometown in part because cunts buy houses to be airbnbs. Fuck them. I will always book a hotel unless there's literally no other option. I don't want to give my money to grifters who are ruining the housing market. I also ratted my mom's neighbor out to the city for running one out of his house. He timed the market and bought after '08 when he was working for a small social network startup. Now he doesn't even live in that house anymore and instead of selling, uses it as an airbnb. He is an exec at what is now a very large social media company. He absolutely does not need the money, but keeps the house as an asset and rents it on airbnb. I didn't win the birth year lottery and get a chance to buy the dip. Instead I came of age with an all time high housing market that has only gone up. Then rates went up because fuck u specifically Raiderkev. Fuck air BNB. Report every last one to the city. They are likely in violation of some ordinance. People need to vote with their wallets and drive these grifters to sell and not let it be profitable for them.

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Without getting into too much detail, a cached site saved my ass in a court case. Fuck you Google.

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This is the only reaction people will have when the article drops about her getting fired. Then she gets more viewers, and probably makes more than she ever would have as a teacher.

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You prefer the redesign interface? I'm afraid you must be banished.

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Well, every competitor to Apple used to have expandable storage on their flagship phones. Removable batteries too that were a breeze to replace if they went bad. They all copied apple, and terrible storage and glued in batteries that are hard to replace is standard now. U have to pay 100 x what a micro SD for the same amount of storage would be, and replacing a battery, while possible to do on your own now requires special knowledge and tools. If you're building your own PC, it probably doesn't affect your PC, but laptops have also followed suit. Glued in batteries/ hard drives are the norm, and it's way harder to modify a shelf model laptop than it was 10 years ago. Apple is the King of enshittification. I'm so tired of companies copying them and all their greedy, customer fucking moves.

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If you ever feel like your just a cog spinning endlessly in a machine with no real purpose in your career, remember that there is a man in Germany who has a job installing turn signals on BMWs.

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I won a radio contest for free season tickets and a press pass for the Raiders. It was cool as hell. The only whack part was having to pay taxes on the value of the tickets as income, but I got to do a lot of cool stuff.

I got to meet Ice cube, most of Green Day, and a number of then current/ former players. I've always wondered if I was somehow related to Tebow mania being a thing. I was sitting in the press box next to someone who said he worked with the Broncos. We started discussing Tebow, and how bad he was. I told him something along the lines of "Tebow can't throw to save his life. Idk why they don't try to run the option with him. It worked in college, and it can't get any worse than what we're seeing." The 1st half , the raiders were up big. The 2nd half Denver runs almost exclusively option plays, and came back to win. They continued to do so the rest of the season and turned their season around/ got into the playoffs. It could have been a complete coincidence, but I always wondered if that guy had any say, or talked to someone who did about it.

I got to network my way into an internship with the team the next year. I tried to make a career of it. That didn't work out, but it was a helluva life experience. Wouldn't have traded it for the world.

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Two things, not necessarily related.

  1. The cybertronk looks highly regarded when put together correctly. Imagine if it has the panel gaps of other cars TSLA makes.

  2. My tinfoil hat theory on why Elon is acting all right wing all of the sudden is to get those idiots to buy electric bare metal Pontiac Aztecs with "unbreakable" windows instead of F-150's

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Look man, you can support Palestine, but telling the soldiers to turn their phones horizontally for better execution videos of civilians is a bit much.

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There are 3 settings. Shower, jet, and assorted versions of fucking useless.

I'm sure the research was publicly funded, and the profit will be private as is tradition.

Or to fact check it. He doesn't seem like the type to jump the gun

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Every insider said this the last time they had issues with the Max 8. Now here we are again. It absolutely infuriates me. I work for a medical device company in procurement. I've had to deal with these asshats coming in and recommending outsourcing and screwing our local vendors to save a few bucks... Then, surprise! We get shit parts, and it costs us a ton of resources to fix the issue, but hey we're"saving money" right? Some companies shouldn't be publicly traded.

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Raider legend Carl Weathers. R.i.p. my guy. Imma get a stew goin tonight in your honor.

They died in the most painful way possible so far

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Where will Steven Segall go?

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Fuckin great. I ran out of hotspot like a month ago while working remotely on a road trip. I needed hotspot right then /there, and my phone is on a family plan. Increasing my hotspot data meant I had to do it for the whole family plan and pay almost double the amount on the monthly bill. I thought I outsmarted the system by getting a mint mobile 3 month subscription for like $40 to just use for that trip... Aaaaaand my data's been breached... Cool..

But how u gonna lock down your error codes so that people go to your service center and pay 10x the price of fixing it themselves if you let them just read the error codes? Will someone please think of the poor shareholders?!

I legitimately believe Elon uses a bot army.

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That was the first thing that popped into my head. Why can't this fucker just have a heart attack from all his hamberders already? I'm sick of hearing his shit. The last 3 years were nice. Man was practically out of the news cycle.

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"asset" lol

I never understood why he did. He had to know Putin was going to throw him in the gulag, and imo could have done a lot more influencing Russians from the outside rather than simply martyring himself and ruining the rest of his life. Now there's absolutely no one standing up to Putin, and Nalvany is dead. Imo Russia is in a worse spot as a result.

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Go figure. Bog down a product with micro transactions and bullshit, and people don't wanna buy it. I'm shocked.

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I think you're thinking about Celsius. SBF absolutely had his own coin, and it is tantamount to the whole FTX collapse. Their competitor owned a shit load of it, it was called FTT iirc. He then just decided to tweet out that they were selling all their FTT, and then everyone started selling FTT which started a run on the token.

The company also pumped FTT and other tokens value through their hedge fund Alameda research. The man deserves every last day of sentencing.

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She's gonna get jpegella