Facebook down on Super Tuesday? Some users are reporting outages on primary election day

Raiderkev@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 62 points –
Facebook down on Super Tuesday? Some users are reporting outages on primary election day

Why the link to voting?

People voted before Facebook, they can vote without Facebook, like... what?

How can the GOP have a fair shot if their propaganda machine doesn't work? Facebook needs their disinformation like flowers need water, or you and I need air.

I like the image of GOPers gasping for propaganda. Sowing seeds of confusion rational information seems like something everyone might benefit from. League of Women Voters anyone?

Lmao this problem is global. It obviously isn't related to the Republican primary

It still may be related, just that people responsible just don't care about the rest of the world.

I wonder if this is why I wasn't able to log in to my Meta account for the Quest. I assumed it was just their shitty software and services being extra shitty today because "fuck me". It's comforting to know the reason is actually "fuck everyone" and that Meta's software and services suck big ol' donkey dick.

Was told this also affected work Facebook hope it stays broke was nice having a day where I wasn't getting moaned at for not looking at it while you know I'm working

Tf is work Facebook?


It's literally a work version of Facebook and even more tedious because that's where all the managerial master bastion and misinformation about how awsome your job goes

If there's 1 company I don't want involved in my workplace, it's Meta. So it's like an outlook/ teams competitor? Hard pass.

Nahh not competing with outlook or teams.

Whar you get with public Facebook is what you get here but your work pays for it and is in control of how it's set up and who can access it.

Take the worst of Facebook with the worst LinkedIn lunatics and you have workspace

Christ, I thought LinkedIn being “work Facebook” was bad enough, what the fresh fuck is this shit?