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I think it's crazy the number is people here who think that jail/prison is supposed to primarily be about punishment. Do they not understand the concept of recitavism?

18 more...

Fucking good. We need people to rein in all this culture war bullshit.

Isn't it illegal to take a citizen of one state and say they aren't allowed to do something legal in a different state? This is also just plain disgusting without the legality.

8 more...

Holy fuck. What. I read through the articles on this and they don't touch on much of what it actually says. Most of it is just quotes. But the guardian has this bit about them dismantling the EPA and, among other things, making it illegal for the EPA to raise emission restrictions.


These people better see jail time. No one, fucking no one, should be able to attack children and get away with it. And all because they're scared that people are different from them. What childish bullshit that culminated in attacking the most vulnerable.

So about abortion being a states rights matter? That was just a joke, huh?

I'll never get articles like this. First off, Biden, specifically, is the one creating a price war? Huh, only him. No one else is engaged in any way, shape, or form.

Second, oh, he's only doing it because of the election. How do you know that? What proof do you have other than timing? Did you read his mind? That's a guess at best.

Third, why does the president always get all the blame or all the praise no matter what? We don't have a dictatorship (however much some people want us to). This has always seemed to be such bullshit to me. I hate how people act like the president is to blame for every single bad thing that ever happens that's even tangentially related to the government and given all the praise when other parts of the government did things that the president has nothing to do with.

Four, there's so much bias on this article that basically just says "Biden bad even though he's trying to help. Doesn't matter. He's still bad."

4 more...

You are correct. Most of the world is experiencing price gouging and inflation.

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The cop deliberately walked in front of her car and pointed a gun at her. She panicked. I'd probably panic too if someone pointed a gun at me. Granted, I probably wouldn't have drove forward, but it was entirely possible for the cop to not have walked in front of her car, for him not to have pulled a gun. It seems like him pulling the gun is what caused this.

So where's the "pro-life" party who is supposed to be so concerned about the "unborn"? Are they trying to help this family who lost a mom and her fetus? Hmm? Crickets.

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You've gotta be kidding. Wtf. Isn't there anyone who can effectively fight to maintain our environment?

Here's a taste of their plan.

"Unaccountable federal spending is the secret lifeblood of the Great Awokening. Nearly every power center held by the Left is funded or supported, one way or another, through the bureaucracy by Congress. Colleges and school districts are funded by tax dollars. The Administrative State holds 100 percent of its power at the sufferance of Congress, and its insulation from presidential discipline is an unconstitutional fairy tale spun by the Washington Establishment to protect its turf. Members of Congress shield themselves from constitutional accountability often when the White House allows them to get away with it. Cultural institutions like public libraries and public health agencies are only as "independent" from public accountability as elected officials and voters permit."

"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not apolitical Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters ofwomen. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders.

And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. In our schools, the question of parental authority over their children's education is a simple one: Schools serve parents, not the other way around. That is, of course, the best argument for universal school choice-a goal all conservatives and con- servative Presidents must pursue. But even before we achieve that long-term goal, parents' rights as their children's primary educators should be non-negotiable in American schools. States, cities and counties, school boards, union bosses, princi- pals, and teachers who disagree should be immediately cut off from federal funds.

The noxious tenets of "critical race theory" and “gender ideology" should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country. These theories poison our children, who are being taught on the one hand to affirm that the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status while on the other they are taught to deny the very creatureliness that inheres in being human and consists in accepting the givenness of our nature as men or women.

Allowing parents or physicians to "reassign" the sex of a minor is child abuse and must end. For public institutions to use taxpayer dollars to declare the superiority or inferiority of certain races, sexes, and religions is a violation of the Constitu- tion and civil rights law and cannot be tolerated by any government anywhere in the country."

19 more...

Nothing to see here. Nothing to hide. They certainly have all the evidence that Trump is innocent. They're sure to release it any day now. This only proves what he's been saying all along.

I'm always baffled by the amount of victim blaming. And seriously? Using quotes around harassment? You're a special kind of victim blamer, huh? First, it's their fault and second, it's probably not harassment anyway. Great job in telling women who are attacked and harassed that it's really all their fault and that the people who did it get off without a peep.

Except that guy isn't dead. The woman is. The cop has plenty of opportunities to do a really big part of his job, de-escalate, rather than do the opposite, position himself in front of her vehicle and immediately point a gun at her. He went right for the death threat and almost immediately delivered.

They weren't smug at all. They suggested you not be hostile. It's not a crazy idea.

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“I did thousands of ultrasounds on animals, determining pregnancy and that sort of thing” Kitchens ascertained. “I think I know mammalian fetal development better than probably anyone here. And in my mind, there’s absolutely no question that’s a life.”

Wtaf. I guess being a vet made this guy god and let him decide that pregnancy is no longer dangerous and never could need to be ended for any reason whatsoever. 🙄

Not before an election. During an election. Early voting had already started.

Great victim blaming. Wanna make more crimes punishable by immediate death sentence?

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There is room to talk about the handful parts of porn, but this certainly isn't the way to do it. Porn doesn't increase anyone's desire for a prostitute or pedophilia. That's just insane. There could be evidence that it reduces one's self esteem, but we'd have to study that. This is just Texas furthering the nanny state and actively requiring lying to people. Again.

Guess kids don't get any medical care anymore. They can't consent.

I disagree completely. Uniforms have been proven to not help with anything they claim to. For one, they generally can't be bought second hand.

28 more...

Except anything can be distracting and there's a certainly a reason why the school girl outfit has so many sexy versions and lingerie. School uniforms are a terrible idea for many reasons. You generally can't buy then second hand, low income families now need two sets of clothing for their kids, and it is possible to buy "higher quality" ones from places like Macy's.

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Haha, I couldn't hear a word he said over the "boos".

Veganism it's not a simple dietary choice. Depending on how long the person has been vegan, a sudden switch could make them very sick.

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You know what would actually put a dent in illegal immigration? Fixing their country that we broke. They come here because being undocumented and working under the table with potentially dangerous conditions is better than their home country. Maybe we shouldn't have destabilized so many democracies in South America.

You are detailing exactly what would reduce abortion. Republicans/conservatives would probably call you a socialist (while meaning it negatively) and say that you are encouraging teens to have sex by offering contraceptives and encouraging people to be lazy by offering free child care. These are the things that would really help. It feels to me like they don't care about actually helping, just punishing people and creating wedge issues.

So those people don't deserve full protections of the constitution, privacy laws, lawyers if their stuff gets searched, and should be arrested if they don't comply...?

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We could move if we wanted to. We aren't, at least right now, because we'd leave behind our entire social network. Even if we moved where we know people, they wouldn't help as much with our two young children. I know and understand and accept that. They don't have to help with our kids, but we'd lose the people who can. We'd lose our kids friends and the network we are building in the neighborhood, which of course can be rebuilt, but that's also a consideration. I'd probably only see my sister once a year if that because she can't leave the state due to a custody agreement. Funds would also be an issue.

I also worry about too many democratic people leaving and making the state more red as a result and leaving behind those who can't move, like my sister and her kids, who will suffer as a result of increasingly authoritarian laws. Some regressive politicians have outright said that it's their goal to make it miserable for democratic and liberal people to force them to move, make the state redder, and thereby gain even more power.

They're just full of hypocrisy.

Wait, hold on. I didn't realize everyone at pride events were taking their tits out and giving hand jobs. When did that happen?

1 more...

This is disgusting.

This is so messed up. The fetus has trisomy 18 and will likely die hours to days after birth, but they don't care about that or the mother's anguish knowing she's carrying a doomed fetus. What pieces of shit.

How would it let them live how they want to? How is forcibly sharing information allowing the family a choice? My brother is bi. Would forcibly outing him to our parents allow us a choice or does it deny one to my brother?

21 more...

They don't cite funding as the reason, but low test scores. As if getting rid of libraries and punishing kids instead will raise test scores.

How heartless do you have to be to take away what people need to survive all in the name of "saving a few pennies"? I honestly don't believe it would save them any money at all and that people will work slower if they're dehydrated and at risk of heat stroke. This is just insane. It's insane to even have this conversation period.

How can you truly fight for the working class when you lived a life of extreme privilege?

That's ridiculous. Can someone not fight for LGBTQ rights of they aren't part of the community? For POC rights if they aren't POC? For women's rights if they aren't a woman?

5 more...

Holy hell. If a Democrat did that, faux news would never shut up about them.

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Christ, this has insane. Of course, I understand, but I also don't. How can you go do stuff like this? Wtf.

What ironic backwards nonsense. Conservatives are rarely censored as much as their victim complex makes them want to seem. From what I've seen, they're only sometimes censored if they violate the site policy and even then Zuckerberg reinstated the biggest offender. Republicans just want corporations to be like the government and not be able to take down any speech whatsoever.

Social media websites are private companies. They are allowed to remove whatever speech they see fit. It's not a first amendment issue like some people think. Twitter has nothing to do with the first amendment unless the government is forcing Twitter to remove things. (Which, side note, they're not. They recommend things that they think should be removed. They don't force.)

I honestly wonder if Republicans think there is more censorship because there are less of them than there are of Democrats, independents, centrists, and legit undecided people. Maybe they see different percentages online than they do in person and feel like their voices are being suppressed.