Dad strips down at school board meeting to make ‘clear argument’ about dress code to Not The – 312 points –
Dad strips down at school board meeting to make ‘clear argument’ about dress code

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I disagree completely. Uniforms have been proven to not help with anything they claim to. For one, they generally can't be bought second hand.

Dude if you’re a parent with a friend group of other parents in your school district, there will absolutely be hand-me-downs going all over the damn place.

My kids have so many clothes that they’ve never worn because we just keep passing clothes around, between their friends and cousins, everyone is growing so fast, it’s foolish to be spending a ton of money on brand new clothes unless we need something for a specific special occasion.

I’m sure school uniforms, as long as they are consistent, would be swapped around. I’m sure there would be parent groups forming on Nextdoor and Facebook to swap clothes. And I’m sure they would show up at the thrift stores.

Secondhand uniforms would not be a problem.

But honestly the most important part is that schools don’t treat it as a fundraiser. They should be able to buy in bulk and coordinate with neighboring districts on selection to maximize discounts, and sell at slightly above cost in order to offset free/reduced cost outfits for low income families.

In other words, in theory, it should be less expensive to dress your kids in school uniform.

Personally I think uniforms solve a lot more problems than they cause. They sacrifice a bit of self-expression (at least the older kids, who mostly dress and style themselves), but at the same time, it takes a big hit out of financial inequality bullying. Combined with universal lunch programs it basically destroys it.

That in itself is worth it. Kids getting bullied (or feeling empowered, for that matter) for things 100% out of their control (like the caste they’re born into) shouldn’t be a thing.

Fine you have convinced me. I expect you to send meoney to pay for my kids uniform. Money order or cash since you don't seem like a person of your word.

Private schools have used uniform sales, buying second hand is not a problem.

Private schools are not public schools. Impoverished cannot afford private schools. And Uniforms are not interchangeable.

Hey here is an idea. School uniform companies should make it so they have to change it every year like textbook makers do. All it will take to convince the school is telling them that the old uniforms were end-of-lifed and a campaign donation to the school board reps. Parents will be offered a 5% discount if they mail back their old clothing. The clothing will interlock together so you can't mix last year's shirt with this year's pants without it being super noticeable. Which will kill the secondary market.

CaaS, clothing as a service. You will own nothing and be happy.

Brb getting turtleneck on, because I am a visionary now.

You. I like you.

Here have some stock in my 80 billion dollar startup. We haven't made any money yet but we have plenty of venture capital.

What do you think about data mining our customers and selling that information?

enshitfication is speedy now a days

Should I already prepare my announcement to do damage control after we broke a feature our customers liked?

I think we should just purposely break the website so they can’t give feedback or make it as annoying as possible. Let them waste hours on a website trying to give feedback on a loop of where their login fails and their profile continues to disappear until they give up. Or you could just remove the ability to give feedback altogether. And put a contact number on the website that puts them on hold indefinitely. That’s what I hear the cool kids are doing.

Ed choice has enabled many kids to attend private schools, tutition is actually less than the cost per pupil that that public schools cost.

Wtf is Ed choice. Oh. another ‘only American’/scholarship-rewarding-elites thing again. You’re using ‘many’ very liberally.

A way to divert money from public sector to scumbags in private sector who won't follow any of the government regulations or take underperforming students.

Private schools can fire someone for being LGBT, public schools can't. Private schools can share private medical information with parents (like being LGBT) or seeking birth control, public can't except under very regulated conditions. Private schools can get out of teaching evolution and sex ed, public schools can't. The list goes on and on. Public funding of private schools breaks a century of progress. We are going to see a brave new world with football couches and school admins making millions while teachers are making daycare worker salaries teaching from books based on a prot understanding of the bible.

What you said sounded wrong, so I asked the AI about it. I know the AI is wrong sometimes, but doesn’t this seem more like the truth than what you said about private schools firing people for being LGBT?

In the United States, federal law protects employees from discrimination based on their sexuality. The Supreme Court ruled in June 2020 that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, also covers sexual orientation and gender identity. Therefore, it is illegal to fire someone for being gay.

If you are going to a private school, it's kinda implied money isn't a huge issue anyways. Your parents are paying for you to attend this exclusive school, after all.

But you can't take Johnson Academy's uniform to Brentwood. So, if Brentwood isn't having a sale, what then?

Ed choice has enabled many kids to attend private schools.

Kids grow and their uniforms don't fit, giving them to the school to resell as a fundraiser or giving them directly to other students is common. On top of that most private schools do not have embroidered cressents on their uniforms so they can be used interchangeably. Private schools are different than what you see on TV.

Citation needed that every private school on earth has one

You need a source that every private school has kids that grow out of their uniforms?

Yes clearly that is exactly what I fucking asked about since it has 0% to do with the claim you made. That makes so so much sense.

Really putting that private school education to work today.

I'm going to need you to put your big boy thinking cap on for a second. What do you think happens to uniforms that kids grow out of?

And I want a fucking citation that every single private school on earth has a second hand shop affiliated with it.

Guess critical thinking isn't taught at private school

If you understood critical thinking at all you would know what you are asking for is impossible. What I'm trying to figure out is if you are too dumb to know that, too dumb to realize your gotcha is not one, or both.

Let's look at my statement "private schools have used uniform sales". The question you an intelligent person would ask is at what point does the number of schools that do not have used uniform sales invalidate that statement. Not even the biggest mouth breather would claim that only one school that does not offer a used uniform sale invalidates the statement, they would be adept enough to notice that the word all is missing.

Sorry your claim is difficult to support. You can hang out with the aliens and lock ness people now

If you were more than barely literate you be able to comprehend what I wrote.

Guess that taught name-calling in your private school vs evidence

If you don't want people to think you're barley literate don't give them reasons to believe so.