12 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Who purchases the uniforms? You mentioned impoverished kids being made fun of, but the parents have to buy the expensive, overinflated uniforms as well. Wouldn't that put more strain on less well off families, having to buy specific clothes for their child's attendance, each year for each child?

8 more...

I'm gonna give you a little tough love: I think you need therapy.

Like, every week you put a post about how you don't think you're passing and you're ugly, and every week we all try to affirm you. You have to start loving yourself, and we can't help with that. You need professional counseling to find the root of your self-hate.

I get feeling ugly and unwanted. My wife left me a month ago, and, recently, I've been trying to find companionship. But, either people want sugar parents, or I get no f'n matches.

I think someone reported me on bumble for catfishing, and one of my pics was moderated, and I was FORCED to do a verification pic. And now, since my full face is on there, I've went from 150 matches to..... 0. Yes, it's a slap to the face. But girl, beauty comes from within, not without. If you keep not wanting to put in an effort and looking like shit because you DON'T put in effort, well, we can't help you. All these pretty faces get up, look in the mirror, tell themselves they are badass bitches who don't take shit from no one, put their makeup on, and face the day with a grimace and a smile. Cuz the world IS going to try to tell us we aren't real or we aren't good enough, but, goddammit, they're wrong!

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While I consider dude a gender neutral term, if someone asked me to stop calling them dude, I would, as it is respectful to them.

Just goes to show you, I don't know how to take pictures!

It isn't even that complex if you are doing basic forms. Literally plug in numbers from a document that gets mailed to you January 15.

These are just private companies that typically fleece you out of a percentage of your income tax return.

My ex made us file taxes using "experts" for 17 years, even though I proved to her I could do it myself, and came up with the same numbers the "experts" did, because "they insure you if something goes wrong"

It's a scam. TurboTax, Jackson Hewitt, it's a scam

Did you know: Puberty blockers cause ZERO harm to children, and to reverse the effects, which will allow puberty to continue its course, just stop the medicine!

This adolescent person that is nearly the age of majority will now have to suffer anxiety, body image issues, potential suicidal and self-harm ideation, and general misery, because the a person decided that what this other person was doing for self care, and to improve their mental health, was wrong. I'm so glad these lawmakers with NO BIAS and MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE are making laws, that are obviously not for any agenda and hurting nobody in particular, because trans people like me aren't actually real people and shouldn't be allowed to be comfortable in their own body.

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All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Specifically, I like this line here, that was present in the third paragraph I quoted from the Constitution:

no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean that we specifically don't care if God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever says they are supposed to be in power?

Edit: and since we both want to be dickheads, today, why don't you show me where it says in the Constitution to base our laws around the bible?

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Trust me, I never claimed to be a photographer, just an idiot with a phone lol. But ya, I'll take those tips in mind. I really do want to take better pics of myself. Thank you for trying to help!

Well, I guess first I'm going to see what HRT does for me before I consider surgery. I know it cant help my bone structure, but I usually don't let people under my skin and muscles anyways.

You know that later Mae Dean comic where she's talking to her doctor and her goal is "this, but girl?" That's my objective. Make my body feel right.

Also, stop looking in the mirror. Stop taking selfies.

Just be. Take a week, breathe, and exist without worrying how "girly you look," or w/e.

Stop being so hyper critical of yourself. I get it, okay? People keep telling me they love my energy, or I have a great smile. I can read between the lines. But that's just it tho. If you emit positivity, people will want to be around that. Stop hating yourself cuz you don't look like Kate Upton. Neither do I. Surely you don't think I should hate myself too?

I dunno, I just think I get enough hate from my own mother and brother, and myself in the form of my depression, that I don't like engaging it. I understand and acknowledge my depression. And I try to separate the depression bullshit from myself.

Ya, I have dysphoria. I hate myself. But if all I do is reflect on that, nothing gets done and I hate myself more. You may not feel you love yourself, but goddammit, try.

I'm sorry it went as you expected.

My son came to me last night, saying he thinks he hates both my mother, and his. I told him, if he doesn't want to hate them, he should talk to them, and tell them what they are doing to hurt him.

If they want to work with him, great.

If they don't, well... Cancers get cut out of the body, ya?

We probably both know what talking is going to accomplish, though. Good luck. I hope, other than that, things are going at least okay for you?

My son came out to me a little at a time. Testing the water saying they are lesbian, before they came out as trans. He came out to me in a letter, and was also scared of rejection.

I knew the statistics, that LGBTQ+ kids have a higher rate of self-harm, depression, and suicide. Knowing nothing at the time, I accepted him on the spot, every time. There was a small pushback from the wife, but I pulled her to the side in private, laid it out, and said he needs our support, regardless of weather we understand anything.

Your parents sound like they are good people, and your mom is letting you know she is at least okay if you were gay.

Don't take this as word of God, but it sounds to me that she may not initially understand you, but she will try. It's how I was, and now my kids father is their mother lol!

As a parent, watching my kids grow, and seeing their struggles with coming out and anxiety, seeing how MY family has treated them, and me, I can only grasp at how you are feeling now. I know it's gotta be tough.

I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide.

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Girl, you look a helluva lot more passing than I do. I had a realization about myself though. Covering my shaved arms and legs made me see him in the mirror. I think it's putting the illusion in my head about how hairy I am, or something. Idk, a cute unicorn onesie just gave me dysphoria cuz my arms were covered. I'm no psychiatrist.

Maybe try changing up your wardrobe. Instead of trying to pass as your trans goals, or something like that, try just something as simple as tank tops and leggings. It's working for me right now. And maybe stop looking at mirrors and selfies. I need to cut back too, and just listen to my kids.

Hon, my point still stands. Every few days you come on here saying "I'm ugly" and we keep saying "No you aren't." Idk what answer you're looking for, but we can't give it to you. I suggest again, find a therapist, and if you have one, talk about your self-image issues.

Edit to add: if you don't like those pics, why are you looking at them? Put them away if they have good memories. Throw them if they don't. Or give them to someone who wants to look at them. Why do you keep torturing yourself by looking at pictures you hate? What penance are you paying to yourself with this self-flagellation? You have the power to delete the pictures you don't like. Why haven't you yet?

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I'm so happy this distraction tactic is working and everyone is talking about a goddamn laptop instead of the actual court case.

Well, for starters, id probably come clean about starting hormones to your SO. Honesty being the best policy aside, they could help you look out for mood swings and stuff you may not notice on your own.

You did handle it well with your kid. Sometimes they get lazy and just reach for the nearest thing to do their chores, cuz they just wanna get it over with. You know how it is, we were both kids once, and I've got three little assholes of my own to deal with, lol. They mean well. They tried to get the chores done, after all, instead of neglecting it.

Like you told me, just take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time if you have to. Take some time to evaluate your emotions, and see if it's worth the energy you are putting into it. I'm glad you recognized it as a mistake, instead of maliciousness. Good luck and Godspeed on your journey. o7

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Random strangers treat me as just another person, so that's pretty nice. No, but actually. I always have such anxiety about going out, and forget I live in one of the most LGBT+ positive places in the country. I have so much internalized crap from growing up down south in Baptist churches.

If you are going to a private school, it's kinda implied money isn't a huge issue anyways. Your parents are paying for you to attend this exclusive school, after all.

But you can't take Johnson Academy's uniform to Brentwood. So, if Brentwood isn't having a sale, what then?

I'm gonna parrot others and say that we aren't licensed professionals.


Unless you are on the shorter side, 180ish should be fine, I think? It's about where I am currently, and I'm not flabby by any means. What do you mean you should have been denied HRT? Are you having health side effects? If the hormone treatment isn't being effective, talk to your doctor to increase your dose. I'm sure it's like other medications: BMI can affect dosage and absorption levels, and every body is different.

If you are concerned about your body image, the only thing any of us can really suggest is diet and exercise. Anecdotally, keto did wonders for a while, but at the end of it all, it all boils down to CICO, calories in vs calories out. Consume less sugars and breads, and try to use more calories than you are putting in.

At the end of it all, talk to your doctor. Maybe it's the delivery method? Perhaps see about changing to a different medication. Injections or patches might do better than pills.

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At the same time, this douchebag wants to specifically target kids who are playing pretend to make their miserable lives bearable, just to distract from real issues like trans bills, don't say gay, and governmental corruption.

My brother has been there more than my parents have. Whenever Mom and dad exchanged custody, he was there.

And I guess I have always had this idealized vision of my mom.its been two months, but I'm still having problems flipping that switch, allowing myself to let them go. 37 years is a long time, ya know?

Fake it til you make it, I say! I have no confidence, and I honestly think it shows that I look like a guy wearing makeup. I was pleased with my literal first time putting makeup on tho.

No you don't. Friend, there are plus-sized cis women. Weight is not gender. Height is not gender.

I'm struggling, too, to find my style. My mom flat out said she won't help me clothes shop. She keeps saying things about how I'm an adult and I should put my big girl panties on and I don't need the support of my mother.

Sorry, inserted my own drama. But my point is, try. I got frustrated a few weeks ago cuz I went to goodwill and they have taken out their dressing rooms. There are other thrift stores tho. And if you are afraid of being recognized in your home town cuz you aren't out publicly yet, go to a thrift store out of your town. Might be good anyways. It could help you be less self-conscious knowing you won't have a possibility of seeing these people ever again.

11 more...

I'll be honest, I didn't even look at these. I looked the first time you posted a month ago and my opinion hasn't changed. Pretty sure none of our opinions have changed. Please. Seek help. This isn't healthy.

I know the pun here, but my mind just went to a crass, horrible mermaid that just casually drops slurs.

I'm not sure which closet you're in, honey, but you need to come out You got so much angst, darling.

Well, my first senses of euphoria was shaving, removing that dysphoria. And wearing women's clothes. Not being wolfman any more and just being a normal person was exhilarating.

Recent euphoria? I paid for a women's ticket to an event. Felt anxiety, and messaged the event coordinator about the whole "I've been out for like a month and not very passing, and social anxiety cuz familial rejection."

They said, ya, women's ticket was right and 'grats on coming out. So that felt really nice, and I have an actual adult party/event to go to for the first time that isn't work related?! Not some kids birthday party?! I'm excited, scared, and scared I'm gonna fuck this up by being too introverted. I know you get out what you put into these kinda things. The first hurdle is out of the way, and I'm in the door, at least.

My first name came from an indie game. In Sundered, an Eldritch metroidvania, the protagonist's name is Eshe. I liked it. Funny part is, I did some googling after the fact. Eshe has Swahili origins, meaning life. Lynn has French origins, meaning "living near a river, waterfall, or stream," or something. Or, as I'm choosing to mean, "wellspring of life."

No point to my story, either. Just letting you know, you can pick your name for any reason you want. Live your life. Kinda the whole point of coming out as trans, ya? Being yourself?

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you find the ways to express yourself without being ostricized by your family and community. If you need support, we are here

Thank you, love. I'm so happy for you, and I hope my appointment goes as well soon. I love for you your love is so into you, and I am glad you are seeing some body positivity. I found a bit earlier, and was gushing to the kids about my ideal body and they were so into it. Thank you for your uplifting message

Cool. Give it time, then. You remember the first time you went thru puberty? Rome wasn't built in a day, friend.

Sky, it doesn't anger me. I have genuine concern for you. I, myself have major depressive disorder, as do all three of my kids. My oldest is battling an addiction with cutting. Your depression touches me deeply, and I want to help you and I don't know how.

Honestly, there are many more people much more knowledgeable than me, in this community. But, with what knowledge I do have, it should redistribute some fatty tissue, I think, regardless of weather or not you lose weight. It may take longer than you expect, or the changes may have been happening and you haven't noticed.

I would almost recommend maybe recording your own timeline, but with your body image issues it may be difficult for you.

I deeply apologize for coming off as angry.

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Why, though? Isn't that discriminatory?

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If no qualifying religious measure can be used to install a person into office, it stands to reason that religious belief shouldn't come into play.

I would hope our (the US') political system would be aware enough that writing private funding into any religious system would be seen as favoritism and the remaining belief systems would be righteously offended at the lack of consideration, or perhaps even the outright rejection of our beliefs.

This nation was built on immigrants (and the blood of natives, but that isn't what we are discussing) from every walk of life, every religious circle. To disregard others in favor of your own belief SHOULD be political suicide. These elected officials, after all, supposed to be elected to help with the concerns of the WHOLE populous, after all, not just a specific subset.

Playing religious favoritism has a high potential to try to convert the country into a religious state, as funding continues to be funneled into these specific religions, and in turn the churches funnel money back into the candidates as lobbying.

Coming to that point, does anyone who wants to to fund the church with government money which would be better used to take homeless off the streets, feed homeless children, or making people's lives in general, don't have the people's, or even God's best interests at heart?

Do they tithe their first ten percent, as the Bible says? Surely it would be in their tax records as charitable donations? If not, that would make me even more suspect of their intentions.

It's been little over a week lol. I kinda know I'm jumping the gun a bit, I just want my brain to get on to the same page that I just wanna be me, dammit.

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Good luck. Idk what to tell you, what advice to give. Everyone's story is different, with different ups and downs. Just... not to be a Debbie downer, but maybe temper your expectations? You've read my ups and downs, I'm sure. Hope for the best, expect the worst, ya know? I send love, hugs, and support from the other side of the internet.

I feel you. My mom is like "why do you want to have to worry about bigots?" And I'm like "You can't un-eat from the Tree of Knowledge, mom!"

Ignorant people make it seem like a choice. The only choice we are making is to express the deepest parts of ourselves, to take off the mask that was foisted upon us.

You should probably bring up the fact those kids are suicidal is because they don't have a proper support network, like loving, accepting parents, and then look at them pointedly. And then follow up with "but I have a loving support group that wants me to be happy, so you don't have to worry about me being a statistic."

This is a wonderful step towards self positivity, and I applaud you!

I agree with others and will say find a hairstyle for you, or experiment! The only thing I know for sure i want for myself is I want to go blonde, but other than that, I'm not sure. So I'm just gonna keep it in a ponytail, grow it out, and when I have the fun money, go get my hair colored and nails done.

Good for you for doing for yourself! Keep it up! We are all rooting for you!

I promise, I'm not being condescending. I really am proud of you.

You look sad, but you do look feminine. Taking care of yourself will go a long way towards body image. The only clothes I have right now are handmedowns from my ex before she left, and from my middle daughter. I'm no hair care expert, by any means, but I do know enough to know frizzy hair takes some extra work to maintain. Researching a proper hair care routine might be a good way to start feeling better about yourself.

I would also recommend a routine in your life, in general. It can really help stabilize what's going on in your head and help getting into a good headspace.

Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive. You are very pretty. You just need to give yourself a chance to shine.

Look, I wasn't trying to be inflammatory or anything, just giving you my perspective on things.

Making a blanket statement against any group of individuals is bigotry. I'm sorry you have had bad experiences with some people, and I'm sure some racism can be stemmed from bad personal experiences as well.

I, too, have been told I am abusing my kids by the mere act of coming out as trans. I've been told to kill myself. I reported those messages on my profile to steam, and their accounts are still active.

I've been called a liar for telling my story, telling only the truth, because trans people are terrible, manipulative rapists in their eyes.

So, yes, I feel your pain. But don't perpetuate the stereotypes about anyone, please.

She says she only told her dad and sister today she was leaving me because I wanted to be a girl, and she's not into girls. She's just aggressively straight, and right now she is leaning heavily into the aggressive. To the point where she bought a plane ticket for tomorrow, leaving me fucked on rent. How the fuck she could do that to her own children, I don't know, but it's the last straw for me. Hate me as much as you want, but don't fuck with my kids.

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