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It should not be too hard to create a collaborative pixel board and accept input from anywhere in the fediverse.

That's a super optimistic viewpoint. Handling that kind of stuff is actually a pretty challenging technical problem. Reddit themselves wrote a nice technical blog post about the how they built r/place and the challenges associated with it. Dealing with synchronization issues across federated instances makes the problem quite a bit more difficult.

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Very mixed feelings on GitHub's recent approaches to security. Tighter security measures are great, but deprecating password authentication on git operations seems obtuse to me. What if I want to push a change from a machine that's not mine and doesn't have my registered SSH key on it? I don't have a Yubikey or anything similar nor do I intend to get one in the foreseeable future.

the expectation would be a better solution will surface in reference to streaming.. the same way streaming was a solution to cable.

What would that look like though? The current streaming model was pretty easy to predict ~15 years ago with the advent of online video streaming in general, especially mainstream forms of it such as YouTube. I have a hard time imagining how any other business model for distributing video content would look like, but then again I don't have a very entrepreneurial mind.

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git restore is a pretty new command AFAIK. Those of us who learned git before its existence have probably stuck to the old ways of git reset --hard.

If you look carefully at Meta's actions in the last few years, you'll notice they're slowly stepping away from the Facebook brand and product. I suspect that they no longer internally consider Facebook to be their main product, giving way for Instagram, which at the moment is a lot more popular and despite the obvious association doesn't have a tainted name the same way Facebook does.

...and those who didn't expect a ternary joke!

Don't forget that he inflicted the blight that is JavaScript upon the world.

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I second this, incredible product all around. Even better, they recently changed the free tier from allowing 20 devices to 100. An upgraded free tier is not something you see often.

A YoY inflation rate of ~10% is most assuredly not natural in most of the developed world. I fully understand why it happened, but that serves no justification for the negative impact on the lives of the majority of the population.

I don't know how much you care about this, but even within each product class (i5, i7, etc) there can be a huge performance delta between specific models, especially in laptop chips. The same applies to AMD.

John Carmack.

It's still more waste. An adapter is a bigger use of materials, extra cost, and another point of failure. Hardly a sound decision for a self-proclaimed "sustainable" manufacturer.

You can, but the feeds that are supposed to help you find people to follow in the first place are important, and Mastodon's are awful.

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They're not, what the attackers are most likely doing is just repeating some regular operation that they know is very costly to the database. It could be something as simple as just spamming the upvote button, for example. Write a script to do that frequently enough and boom, instance taken down.

You fucking bet I scrub my feet. I rock climb and as most climbers do I wear my climbing shoes without socks, which also means they collect a ton of dead skin cells and sweat which makes them smell absolutely vile. I spray them all the time with a multitude of bacteria and fungus killing products, even wash them from time to time, but there's no real solution. I just treat them as biohazard when not climbing. So yes, I make an effort to thoroughly scrub my feet to ensure they don't retain the smell and to try to reduce how many dead cells end up in the shoes.

Since the App Store sits in between the ad click and App launch, there isn’t an easy way to track it without that.

How does that work exactly? Does the App Store pass along some information to newly installed apps or something? My company's app, which I worked on for some time, also uses an external service to track installs (not Facebook or any social media), but I didn't work on the implementation of it and never really got to grips on how it works.

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My anecdotal experience is pretty much the same. My home country's sub (the only one I really look at "new" on) slowed down a lot since the Reddit blackout. Before, you could expect a new post every 15 minutes or so. Now? A whole day can go by with one or two new posts. It's weird. I still see the usual names in the comments, but posting in general is extremely slow. My "Best" tab in the homepage (this is old reddit mind you, I don't know if that's a thing on nuddit) also holds the same few posts at the top for the entire day, whereas it used to cycle a lot faster before the blackout.

They probably meant the in-app browser for browsing external links from Reddit.

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His program was more of a virus than a lot of computer viruses out there.

Loved using it when I took a brief stint as an Android dev at my company. Later talked to my tech lead to see if he was open to me writing future backend developments in Kotlin but he said it would be too much unneeded work to get the entire team to learn a new language to keep the backend maintainable.

Some toothbrushes have a tongue-scraping thing on the opposite side of the bristles.

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Bingo. For a lot of devices, especially anything made after 2015-ish, there's no real reason why mid to high-end devices couldn't be running the most recent OS version outside of "it's a lot of work to certify updates for so many devices". Thankfully Android has a custom ROM scene which keeps devices going for a few years longer.

Tell me about it. Dalvik was replaced by the ART in Android 4.4 Kitkat IIRC, which is what my Nexus 7 shipped with back in 2013. Feels like 3 years ago rather than 10.

A lot of mouth bacteria lives on your tongue. Any dentist will tell you that cleaning your tongue is an important part of oral hygiene, even though it's often overlooked. Doing it really helps with keeping bad breath under control and generally healthier teeth.

This is the only correct take ITT.

No, I'm talking about the hypothetical algorithm that fills a page with things you might be interested in. Twitter has it (even though it's not necessarily good), even Reddit these days has some of that, it's a feature in most social media websites and sometimes quite a useful one, and Mastodon just lacks it altogether.

None of those points demand the removal of the headphone jack as a compromise.

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Being good at chess isn't about being "smart", a lot of top chess players will tell you as much. It is however about things like spatial awareness and pattern recognition, and some studies have demonstrated those traits to be, on average, stronger in male subjects. I'm sure evidence to the contrary exists though.

Samoyeds are so effin cute.

Hear hear. Water all day every day, with the occasional beer or glass of wine.

I guess it's easy to think that way if you're new to online communities.

At least base your distaste on reality. The term was born on 4chan back when it had a mostly leftist penchant (around the time the OWS movement was going off). It has nothing to do with "right wing", that's just you putting political polarization on everything.

The removal of the headphone jack is what made me call complete bullshit on their whole "repairability and sustainability" schtick. At the same time of the removal, they began selling their own wireless earbuds. So now you can't use wired headphones with their phones, and instead have to buy a pair of wireless ones (which they conveniently sell to you) which will eventually have their internal batteries die and need to go to a landfill because none of it is repairable. I initially thought they were a pretty good company with decent values, but ever since they did that I no longer care about them.

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