
10 Post – 344 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To be fair, I'm not aware of any fediverse instances or other reddit alternatives that even have an appeals process. Reddit might be throwing away its best features, but it is a feature its competitors don't even have yet.

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Fuck the amish. Misogynists and homophobes, 99% of them.

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Getting some woman hater vibes from this comic tbh

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Israeli people and Palestinian people both have a legitimate claim to live in the land surrounding Jerusalem. Palestinians are mostly muslim, and there are other muslim places to live. Israeli people are mostly jewish, and there are no other jewish places to live. That said, religion isn't ethnicity. Palestinians may be the same religion as other muslims, but they're not the same race. Just like black americans are mostly christian, but that doesn't mean they're the same race as white americans. Israeli people can't be guaranteed fair treatment elsewhere. Palestinian people have a right to live in their homes.

Israeli and Palestianian people both have a valid and important need to live in the holy land. So the simple solution is, they should both live there. That's a solution supported by a lot of Isreali and Palestinian people. But it's not a solution supported by the government of Israel. The government of Israel wants political control over the whole region, and to be able to legally and systemically put jews first.

I don't think the correct answer is "support" or "don't support", because that's too broad. I think the correct answer is to support the people's rights, and support the government's desire for safety for its people, but not to support the government's treatment of palestinians.

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I'm a queer conservative. I believe in conserving indigenous sovereignty, the environment, pagan religions, labour regulations and the strength of unions, and our knowledge of history. I question these newfangled ideas like capitalism and binary gender because I think they're no good. Things were just fine when we had 10,000 genders and I don't see a need to change that!

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You want examples of systemic racism?

  • Poverty is inherited and it's impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Black people in America are poor because they used to be slaves
  • White cultural traditions are legal in Australia. Many aboriginal cultural traditions have been made illegal in Australia due to land ownership changes
  • Black people are under-represented in universities, so the university scientists building facial recognition apps aren't building them to work on black people
  • Schools teach their lessons in english. Multilingual students who don't speak english at home often have a disadvantage in lessons that will be felt their whole lives
  • Children of illegal immigrants may have never received identification such as a birth certificate and it can be hard to get this as an adult
  • Whenever the police use robotic and computer systems to detect criminals the AI ends up racial profiling and harassing black people
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This is like saying if Australia has multiple states, then there must be a state where Australia doesn't exist

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Mx (pronounced "mix") is getting more common

Also, Dr

Bruh's beard is just not it.

I want to reduce abortions by providing easy access to sex ed and free condoms. Abortions should still be 100% legal and easy to get, but there ought be less of them cause they suck to go through.

Anyway, hail Satan.

It's the position of zionists. I threw it in for completeness, and added a counterargument. If you want me to explain their position more thoroughly, zionists believe that Jewish safety can only be guaranteed by Jewish independence. In any democracy, minorities are only protected as long as the majority vote for their interests. Zionists desire a state with a jewish majority, to guarantee safety. I don't believe in states because I'm an anarchist, but I empathise with wanting the protection of a state.

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I'm a former moderator of reddit's nonbinary meme sub, and current moderator of chaotes vs patriarchy and soulism 101. Very left, and very plugged into forms of ableism and transphobia that might not be apparent to the vast majority of people.

And get re-banned if you post on the first instance from the remote. You can still be kicked out of communities because of misunderstandings and power tripping admins.

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It's been a pattern ever since Adolf "national socialist" Hitler

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Elon's wife left him for a trans woman and his trans daughter disowned him. Then he promoted a transphobic documentary produced by a self-identified Nazi. So, chicken and egg problem: is Elon a transphobic Nazi because he's butthurt about trans people, or do trans accepting people dump him because he's a transphobic Nazi?

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Boy am I glad I have the extension that makes shorts invisble

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You're right, too many of the people on the fediverse aren't extreme leftists. We should radicalise them

Beds are a tool for sleeping, candles are a tool for seeing, pots are a tool for cooking, spoons are a tool for eating, books are a tool for learning, needles are a tool for sewing. Are those allowed inside the house?

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I like to fight against my opponent's strongest position. If I were to ignore my opponent's best arguments, then those I educate could change their minds later when they run into those arguments. If I acknowledge their best argument and refute it, then there's nothing more they can do in the debate. OP didn't know the first thing about Israel when I made that first comment. They ought to know why Israel thinks it's in the right. If I say Israel are bad and don't explain why they're being bad, then I'm not properly educating OP. Every hateful or evil group in the world has some kind of reason they think they're in the right. Understanding these reasons is essential.

Sock is a stereotypical name for enbies, in the same way Chad is a stereotypical name for boys. Nonbinary people being autistic is A Thing. Autistic people tend to struggle with executive dysfunction, which makes doing chores hard. Allistic people are often naturally good at manipulating or guilt tripping autistic people.

Sock is an autistic enby who no wanna do dishes and blames their roommate's neurotypical privilege for being able to guilt trip Sock into doing them.

I don't know anything about Portland.

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Eh, half the reason Amish hate phones is that they'll infect the community with newfangled ideas like respecting women and gay marriage, so I feel very comfortable laughing at them for their willful ignorance.

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Just FYI the Raddle admins are enbyphobic and there are serious issues with power moderators abusing positions of authority all over that site. I don't think we should be including Raddle in the conversation

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They are both authoritarians who claim to be socialists. And they both spew reactionary rhetoric under the guise of progressivism

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A fool once told me that Sabaton is a Nazi band because of their song "The Final Solution"

Ever since it started
On Kristallnacht '38
When liberty died
And truth was denied

They said only Nazis call it Kristallnacht, because it sounds too poetic

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Yeah, I know, it's not what's normally meant by the word conservative. But I don't see why we should have to give the idea of conserving things over to the right. There are lots of great things to conserve. And colonialism isn't one of them. Here in australia, we have a 60,000 year history that predates the right wing idea of conservativism.

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How come only boys are allowed to be Master Chief fans? I'm nonbinary and there aren't any nonbinary characters as prominent as Master Chief. Plus he's already a queer icon so why can't I like him as a fellow asexual?

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These sorts of signs are installed in the women's bathroom and not the men's, so that women know the code and men don't. That way a woman can use the code to avoid a creep and the staff will understand, but the guy harassing her won't. If a gay man is being harassed, though, he doesn't know the code. And if a lesbian is harassing someone, she knows the code and it's therefore worthless.

How is the yellow one teasing? I just see a really emotionally unavailable person with no interest in vulnerability. There's nothing appealing or interesting, so how is it enticing interest? And what does feed mean?

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Live so you can transition to a pretty girl

I tried soy milk before I tried oat milk because soy was the only cruelty free milk I knew about. But I eventually tried all the varieties and determined that oat milk tastes the best.

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Tate is telling people not to be open about their interests?

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People falling in love in meatspace be like

"Ooh baby yeah, I love when you flap your meat like that"

I just tried listening to Master Chief tell me to clean my house and it was really nice

What I'm thinking the working class can do is protest, civil disruption, direct action, unionisation, labour strikes, and worker action.

Labour is entitled to all it creates.

All cars look bad because pollution is ugly


Conservatism is a cultural, social, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional institutions, practices, and values.[1][2] The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears.

The culture I belong to is the queer community. Thus, the tenets of conservativism, to me, center on the traditional institutions, practices, and values of other people in the queer community. We promote the traditional institutions that rightfully govern colonised land. We promote the traditional institutions of pagan religions. We promote the traditional institutions of labour guilds and unions. We promote the traditional practices of indigenous land management. We promote the traditional practices of nonbinary gender. We promote the traditional practices of the old gods.

The things I am interested in preserving are not the same things a white coloniser binarist capitalist is interested in preserving. And given that whiteness, binary gender, and capitalism have no ancient history and no recent history worth keeping alive, I consider their conservativism far less legitimate. There is a whole lot more to conserve on the left.

The Republicans want to take away your right to an abortion. Big government has gone too far!

(Also they love spending on the military)

If an algorithm knows exactly who you are, then it knows how you think, and it knows what sort of content will manipulate you politically. And right wing political content is profitable. It's called the alt right pipeline. Most people have some kind of argument that will manage to radicalise them to any position you can name. Through correlative learning, an algorithm will look at how people like you changed their views, and it'll send you down the same path. It's easy.

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NERF is a brand of toy guns that shoot foam sticky darts