Lemmy.world removes its rules against discriminationlocked

HardlightCereal@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Fediverse@lemmy.ml – 45 points –

5.0.1: Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. Lemmy.World is not a place for you to attack other groups of people. Every one of our users has a right to browse and interact with the website and all of its contents free of treatment such as harassment, bullying, violation of privacy or threats of violence.

In my opinion this is actually better than the CoC. The only thing "missing" is the definition of which qualities you shouldn't discriminate against. But that's now generalized into "groups of people".

I still can't discriminate against people based on any qualification. Hell, I technically can't discriminate against "pineapple on pizza eaters".

Good. Because it's fucking delicious and I don't care what the internet says. We all loved it in the 90s, and nothing has changed. It's still delicious, we just do less coke now.

Obligatory pizza related chime in. You fuck with jalapenos on that sexy pineapple pizza?

Sometimes I fucks with jalapenos, yeah. Especially if I'm high. Lol.

Jalapenos with the pineapple is so stupidly good. You get bacon on there and then it's like the crossroads of heavenly flavors. It's not a pizza for the meek.

It's a five gallon hat wearing, tambourine hand flailin, tastebuds up the wall wailin, genuine taste sensation!

Hot take: ham doesn't go on pizza. The pineapple isn't the problem

That a spicy one for sure. What's the combo then? I need to know what else to pair with that sweet ol pineapple.

Bacon or pepperoni. You need something salty do to do the job that ham fails to do.

Jalapenos are semi-optional. If they're too spicy for someone, then pepperoni might be the choice. There needs to be something spicy to complement the pineapple.

Ok, controversial question. Do you ever play with fire and sub in the ever dreaded anchovy? Spicy, salty, sweet and umami?

It sounds plausible? I haven't taken the effort to figure out how to like anchovies on pizza.

The one time I tried it the result was way too salty. I think I need to find someone local that likes them and copy their order.

Try it sometime! It's not for everyone but it's a real Michelangelo style ninja slice!

It's so fucking good, but I'm more of a ham than bacon person. Bacon is too hard for my poor, American, no dental insurance havin' teeth. Lol.

Hmm, does that mean you're also going soft not crispy pizza?

I can do crispy crust, it's not too hard. But I do also love a deep dish. Lol.

Ok, just making sure. I've met people that enjoy under cooked pizza and bread sticks and I've come to realize that they all tend to suck outside of just their choice of gross pizza. Like who the fuck orders underdone pizza that you plan on sharing?

Deep dish is awesome and you go with like a spinach, mushroom, onion and garlic... What a pie!

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You heretic! I want you to know that if I could discriminate against you for putting pineapple on pizza, I absolutely would!

I respect their right to put pineapple pizza, but I'll be damned if our pizzas are going to touch.

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By my reading of it, you can still discriminate against pineapple pizza eaters, or any other group whatsoever, you just can't harass, bully, violate their privacy or threaten them with violence. Which is fine by me, if someone wants to make a community only for ginger haired people and ban anyone they think isn't naturally ginger, that's their perogative.

That was my takeaway, too, and I think it's positive. The nice thing is, if it turns out that the policy fosters behavior that's bad for the broader community, they can change it.

Of course we would, and that's also exactly why we invited users to discuss and provide feedback while launching it. It is a living document, and we hope to update and improve it periodically and consistently.

Some people have given you guys a lot of flack, but I really think you're making a thoughtful, good faith effort to do things right, and I think you're doing well. There have been a couple things that I thought were the wrong decision, but (1) they've been relatively minor, and (2) they've been reasonable even if I might have chosen differently. I very much appreciate the thought that goes into running this place.

Thank you. I appreciate your sincere response, and I can assure you the rest of our team will too. Differences in decisions may naturally occur, of course, but I think being able to reason things is what matters in the end. Here's wishing you a great one.

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As it is worded you can't discriminate against nazis and racists either.

You can discriminate all you want, you just can't harass, bully, violate privacy or threaten violence.

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I think you can't read it too literally. Otherwise you also can't discriminate against "people who wrote their comment later" and so you can never stop reading the comments for fear of discriminating between "early comment writers" and "late comment writers".

Literal is the only way these things are supposed to be read.

They could easily fix it by saying "groups (except for those that promote discrimination and/or hate such as nazis and racists)"

I just replied this to another commenter, but that's a bad faith argument. The ToS also says to not engage in illegal activity. The admonishment of Nazi's and Racists is an admonishment of illegal evil.

Being a Nazi is not illegal in most jurisdictions. It certainly wasn't illegal in Nazi Germany.

Bruh I hate to break this to you but nearly all governments are racist. Have you not heard of what the US did to black people for 300 years?

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Nazis are a group of people. Republicans are a group of people. Pedophiles are a group of people.

That's a bad faith argument. The ToS also says to not engage in illegal activity. The admonishment of Nazi's and Pedophiles is an admonishment of illegal evil.

Your inclusion of Republicans is a bit of an extreme juxtaposition. Feel free to admonish the individual evil views of Republicans, but to discriminate against Republicans purely for their association is rightly against ToS.

Kebab meat and pineapple, thin crust. I will fight to the death for that

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Need some context here: is this what we removed, something that's already somewhere else, a proposed replacement, or something else?

That paragraph is part of the new terms and conditions document they released.

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Well they banned me for saying I don't like ads and called it harassment. They have no idea what they are doing and are not fit to be admins of anything.

Was this during the sync thing?

To be honest as a mod or admin I would personally get sick of reading the same things over and over again, with sync fans attacking staunch FOSSers and staunch FOSSers attacking sync fans. It only served to get both sides upset for literally no reason, and fracture the community even more.

Their inboxes would have also likely been flooded out to death during that time with both sides reporting each other over petty remarks

Doesn't make it right, however I can see why it happened. Probably another reason behind the "dont report something unless its against the terms" rule.

I've definitely never reported anyone related to this. They came to a FOSS community and then got upset when people criticize the propritizing of FOSS software. They should change the rules to not allow any criticize of the ad business model instead of banning people for made up reasons. 🀷

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Seriously, this is the least of its problems, but it certainly hints at them: https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/554307/Just-wanted-a-warning-Lemmy-World-is-perhaps-worse-than-reddit

Basically, they don't even follow the examples they set in their Terms of Service and will not only ban but purge your entire comment account on a whim because they didn't like the criticism they said they were open to on a post stating that "users may express their questions, concerns, requests and issues regarding the Terms of Service, and content moderation in Lemmy.World." There's no doubt, they were pretty clear they considered the criticism "disagreeing with the terms of service".

Create your user on another instance and save yourself the surprise of encountering admins who abuse their power on a whim. That can be your entire account history down the drain, and the number of comments or the age of the account won't matter to them.

This is exactly what I experienced when I was part of their top moderator and ban discussion discord channels. They would regularly ban people for little to no reason and then laugh about it and then realize they need to come up with reasons after the fact. This is also how they deal with defederation. They had defederated an instance more than once prior to having any concrete reasons to do so. They operate on gut feeling and disregard their own rules and ToS on the regular.

Not even Reddit is so unprofessional.

Well I still think it is a bit odd that you can't really explain why canthidium left your team. It's obvious there is more to this that you try to deflect from answering by going on about how everyone or everything else is the problem but you. And from canthidium's comments back then it looks like he just didn't want to deal with you anymore and that seems credible. Canthidium has some cooking related communities and they seem very chill.

And tell me, which of the defederation decisions didn't you agree with?

He left because he was sick and said he was going to be in the hospital and wouldn't have time. That is what he told me. That is a pretty gross thing to joke about if he is lying. We had little to know interaction outside of discussing what posts to make for what shows and only over a few days.

Feel free to ask them to provide every single private or public discord message I've ever made to them. I'm sure they would likely try to hide it as it would only make them look foolish at best and terrible at worse. They are not good people.

You can believe whatever it is you need to believe, but there is no way for you to convince me that I myself have done wrong when I know for a fact I have not.

It should be telling that they are the ones that try to hide things.

Yeah, I'm really getting the feeling they are just trying to bury it and ignore it. I was having trouble accessing the modlog, but when I was able to, they seemed to have gone through the effort to eliminate a lot of the entries, which included my account purge, ban, and ban reason. They still haven't even bothered to answer the ticket I put up on tickets.mastodon.world, maybe I'll add a screenshot to that later to show the ticket status and the time it has spent as unanswered. No admin has replied to me directly, and the closest I've seen any admin reply on the issue is to criticize the kbin.social instance as reliable because of the criticism they get on them.

The real problem is this is being done in bad faith, and if that's their core drive, then the only thing they'll do in the future is make-up better sounding excuses to cover their asses.

Isn't the modlog federated to all instances and impossible to delete?

I'm not sure what's up, but entries have certainly been removed. This was then: https://web.archive.org/web/20231019235547/https://lemmy.world/modlog

This was a more recent IWM archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20231021224842/https://lemmy.world/modlog

Search for "HEISENBERG" in both and then read back through to the most recent to get an idea of how different they are. Some bans are showing up, some aren't, a lot of them aren't even there.

I'm no expert, but modlog isn't exactly the same across all instances. I think actions like a user getting banned in their home instance do get propagated to the other modlogs, since my ban got propagated to lemmy.ml's moglog, but this user's ban in lemmy.world wasn't.

I haven't touched the lemmy code, but seeing what's mentioned over at https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2349 , the modlog seems to be just a combination of database tables that are normally maintained server side but, just like in any other database, can be edited manually.

Only trust the modlog as much as you trust the server you are reading it on.

I shouldn't be surprised that the primary motivating factor of administrators and power mods is to have and abuse power of users. Lemmy just feels like a failed experiment at this point.

The only thing left here is unoriginal memes. Which can be amusing, but I don't think it is enough for Lemmy to survive on long term.

Still, just because an experiment doesn't have the ideal results doesn't mean it doesn't get us closer. Unfortunately, if people are going to trust the server with the best marketing instead looking into issues like this, it pretty much makes it impossible to move on because bad faith actors who are best at lying and cutthroat tactics will be the ones to prevail over people questioning what you are telling them without reading the mountains of evidence you are using to back your claims.

The rot definitely seems too close to the core with lemmy.

Interesting you only have a problem with this after you got kicked out. Certainly no reason it could be exaggerated or straight up untrue. πŸ€”

Even his co-moderator from his sciencefiction community called him toxic. I'm sure there's more to this

Knowing the admins there they will still ban you for anything you say against their political views...

Against their political view that racial bigotry discrimination is bad? I sure hope so.

No, strictly against Israel and jews. If you call Hamas terrorists you get banned.

Israel and Jews are not the same thing. Israel is a country for the Jews who happen to be racist colonisers. Every ethnic/religious group has racists in it, and the ones stealing homes in Palestine are the racist Jews. Most Jewish people don't live in Israel, because most of them aren't racist.

Fuck you antisemitic piece of shit!

Jewish people are not flawless paragons. To portray them as such is to deify and other them, striping them off their humanity. They are human beings, flawed in all the same ways the rest of humanity is flawed. That includes, in many but not all, racism. It's not antisemitic to say that some are racist. They're human, and racism is a very human trait. You're the antisemite. You deny them the flaws of being human, and other them as universally perfect.

The worst part about lemmy world is that all the tech discussions seemed to have moved there. Granted a lot of them are people who dont RTFM but still its not a good consolidation of discussion.

I feel like I've made the right choice to stick with Kbin.

Oh yes, Kbin is a nice Lemmy UI


The new rules also say you’re not allowed to report content for things that aren’t a violation of the terms of service. So if you report a content for being racist, that’s against the rules.

Unless they changed it - the last time I checked there was an exception for posts violating community rules, so communities who want to exempt themselves can just add a rule IMO

From my perspective, communities in general instantly remove racist content once reported, and most racial slurs in these contexts are used as a personal attack towards another individual.

πŸ”₯HOT TAKE: There are contexts where racial slurs could be used without bad intentions, such as in a car visual customization community, or in a community with people of colour referencing each other. These slurs are especially used among younger age groups in a casual manner, who may not consider such terms offensive at their current point in life. Of course, such communities can just ban these terms outright with a new rule.

Unless i'm missing something, I don't see the problem with this

My fault guys, he is using one of my cooking bowls for his cereal

Well this is some bullshit. I'm out.