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Joined 1 years ago

Or worse: it's in telephone mode now, so obviously you only want the sound from the "call" because there's no other reasons the microphone could be on.

The More sweeping forgiveness attempt was blocked.

He seems pretty committed to forgiving whatever he can get through. It wouldn't be unusual to give up after the initial attempt was blocked, but now he seems to be breaking it apart into more manageable chunks. I'm still slightly hopeful that more forgiveness is coming for those who need it.

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That's a wonderful eggcorn.

I was watching a video talking about how eggcorns are an unusual category of error because they require intelligence and creativity to make. The argument was that the process goes like this:

A new word or phrase is heard, but not understood. The brain makes sense of it using existing vocabulary that has sounds that are close enough. This is accompanied an explanation for why those specific words make sense in this new context.

For example: the original eggcorn was a mishearing of acorn. Egg because it's roughly egg shaped, and corn is sometimes used to describe small objects similar to how grain can be.

All this to say, it's maybe not something to feel dumb about. Your brain did something neat.

Sleater Kinney



Rainer Maria

The Thermals

It really depends what sort of recipes you're making, but for cooking very loose approximations are often fine.

I often have to convert to weight/mass in order to find out how much of an ingredient to buy. I have no idea how many cups an eggplant is. But once I get it home the recipe might as well say "however much eggplant you have."

If I'm truly off, I will typically scale up the recipe adjusting for the extra meat or vegetable content. I'll more or less assume that 1lb of meat is interchangeable with 1lb of veggies. That's not quite true, in particular with salt.

Your mileage may vary though. Some recipes and ingredients are much more sensitive to deviations.

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It does, but for a real world parallel see bike sprints.

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It seems fine, with a few concerns.

The federated nature could become confusing, especially for new users. For example, I'm not sure how a new user is supposed to distinguish between: and This seems like a potentially worse version of reddit's games vs gaming vs truegaming.

Also the lack of filtering options. Until I build up a reasonable amount of communities I'm subscribed to, I suspect I'll be using All more, which doesn't seem to have a simple way to do things like filter out all memes or just focus on text.

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IIRC, the Pope is only considered infallible when they say they are. Otherwise they're just speaking as the highest ranking member. So most of the time what they say is not treated by members of the clergy as the literal word of god.

Maybe other Catholics are more in the know, but this isn't a distinction I was aware of when I was a practicing Catholic. That might be because the Pope really didn't come up much at all. I'm sure he influenced policy, but his words seemed to come up in the news, and not really much outside that.

I had read (in a comment here, so take with a grain of salt) that some had started doing Proof of Work.

I.E. they ask the visiting computer to do some math. This is potentially less annoying to people than clicking on traffic lights or typing unreadable text, but could get costly if you're using bots.

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If you read the article, yes.

Debt forgiveness occurs after 10 years in an income-driven repayment plan (down from 20-25 years). Payments in these plans is now capped at 5% of discretionary income (down from 10%). Unspecified improvements to tracking progress towards loan forgiveness (historically this has been done by the company servicing the loan, and they are beyond awful at it, so this might just be not relying on them for this decision anymore).

If those are communication apps supported by the bank, that's the idea. Banks have been hit with huge fines for employees communicating over unapproved channels.

One of the problems with the unapproved channels is that the bank can't enforce a retention period. So written messages that are supposed to be kept on record for 10 years or whatever can get deleted. In the event of a lawsuit the bank can be fined for not having the messages.

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I'm not who you're responding to, but you may wish to check the first comment in the thread again.

The first comment says "running theme," which most people would interpret to mean generally.

The sulfury water may be part of the appeal to those who like it.

There's a handful of other sulfury foods that I love, but usually avoid if I know I won't have enough alone time for the embarrassing afterparty.

13 more...

Yes! The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum were both great. If you've read more of his work and have a recommendation for where to go next I'd love to hear it.

On the topic of Italian authors, I loved Italo Calvino's "If on a winter's night a traveler" as well. I didn't really expect it to pay off as a cohesive work. I was mostly along for the ride and was pleasantly surprised.

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True but I'd just like to sit and admire the word frugivorous for a moment

No disagreement on raspberries, but your comment makes me think you might like mangos in plain yogurt. The tartness of the yogurt works beautifully with the extreme sweetness of the mango. It tastes like a fresher more balanced version of flavored yogurts. So if you're into the flavor of mango, but the sweetness is off-putting, this could be a way to still enjoy them.

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Maybe folks just like symmetry.

If your comments are going to gum up the thread with a segment that they don't think will have any effect, what's a few more to match?

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Also it's Valve. People choose the projects they work on and are free to start their own projects.

I'd be a little surprised if there weren't several earnest attempts to make 3.

Boulders are the best kind of decorative bollard

This was recommended when I made my account. There weren't any regional communities for where I'm from, so Finland seems as good a choice as any.

I'm not sure I made an informed decision, but if there are real downsides to my choice I haven't noticed them yet. I seem to be able to see the things I want to. I have to use the block button liberally, but I can't see that being instance related. It's largely due to using All at times, and not having strong enough tagging/filtering tools to make that workable without blocking tons of communities that are fine, but not for me.

I assume you're talking about not defining PFLAG? Acronyms widely understood by the target audience aren't always defined. The LA Blade is an LGBTQ publication so PFLAG not being defined makes sense.

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Per capita probably isn't a good way to measure this.

Car deaths should probably be by miles driven.

That could explain the difference in experiences. I filter out those communities as best I can given the tools available.

Chittenden county is moderately dense. It has about 25% of the state's population. There's public transit in the form of buses and it seems moderately used. It's a rural state, but not nearly as rural as you seem to think.

In contrast I grew up in a significantly more densely populated suburbs in the greater Boston area. People might use the commuter rail, but I'm not even sure what other public transit even existed. If it's there I've never heard of anyone interacting with it.

I don't think they're confused by times like 1pm.

At least for my brain, 12pm and 12am are the sticking points.

As you note, pm is Latin for after noon, yet we call noon 12pm. Noon isn't anymore after itself than it is before itself. Neither makes any sense.

With 12am, we generally seem to think about midnight as the end of the day, even though it's really the start of the new day. The Latin isn't confusing here, but the numbers get real weird. We start the day counting at 12:00, go up to 12:59, and then reset the count to 1 an hour in? Our 12h clocks are split between being 0-indexed, and a weird variant of modulus 12.

I'm clearly overthinking things, but I don't always immediately remember which 12 is which. Latin doesn't help.

With 00 it's clear which time we're talking about, and which calendar date it's part of. It's also the easiest way to sort out which 12 gets mislabeled what.

Maybe English (Malta) if that's an option

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Has-text is case sensitive. Adding / before the keyword and /i after will set it to case insensitive.

Example: > .row:has-text(/Blockchain/i)

You can also use | to add multiple keywords to the filter.

Example: > .row:has-text(/Blockchain|ChatGPT/i)

As a kid I had heard Got my Mind Set on you by George Harrison on the radio once or twice.

A few years later when I was starting to listen to music for myself I heard the Weird Al parody, and wanted to track down the original. I didn't remember any lyrics to the original so the best I could do was accost people with a very poorly sung chorus of "this song is just six words long."

It didn't go well. I didn't find the original until the Internet had caught up enough for me to find it easily.

I had a similar arc with Downtown by Petula Clark. Thankfully without me trying to sing a parody chorus at anyone.

There may be an earlier version, but I know this as an old Emo Phillips joke

Great recommendation! I've made this many times.

Some additional notes:

With the limited budget, I would recommend eating the onion halves rather than discarding them.

And if an onion is too much produce, onion powder will work. Both onion and garlic powder are reasonable options, especially in any recipe that cooks a while. Especially given your limited budget, do not shake any spices directly into the pot (they'll start to clump). Always put spices in another dish (like your bowl, you can always rinse it if you feel the need), or your hand and then add them to the pot.

Onions will keep for quite a while in a cool dark place, and can still be used even if they start to go off.

  • Soft spot? Cut it off

  • Sprouting? That's edible, chuck it in too

  • Mold? If it's black mold, Peel off all layers with evidence of mold, or wash it off, it's probably only on the top layer

In any of these cases, you might consider using twice as much onion as the recipe calls for, to try and use up as much as you can.

Carrots and celery can also keep for similar amounts of time in the fridge, and bad spots can be cut out. They can also be added in a lot of places where they're not asked for. I understand that produce might be challenging, but even if you only make it to the grocery store once a month, these may still be an option.

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It's not clear which point OP made that you're claiming is inaccurate.

Thanks for this. As a native speaker, it never occurred to me that headlines had separate rules that would be hard to parse as a non-native speaker.

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Hot take: ham doesn't go on pizza. The pineapple isn't the problem

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For me it also happens constantly with things like the crossword, which obviously can't be listening.

Links between folks is part of it, but a lot is just ordinary coincidence.

Yes. But it's a duel, so they're just trying to stay behind one person.

You're not allowed to stop, so you try and creep forward really slowly by doing bike stands until the last lap.

I dunno exactly what sandbagging looks like in Mario Cart, but I kind of doubt it looks this silly.

I thought I understood your comment until I got to the emoji. I'm not sure if they work terribly well

The bag suspended from a stick is called a bindle was also real. I suspect these were just replaced by backpacks that were cheap/ubiquitous enough.

It's a good feature, and probably makes sense to default to on. But I know I'll find it more distracting than useful, so I'll turn it off.

Large tooltips on mouseover are usually distracting. Facicons, text, and additional windows do enough to remind me what my tabs are.

New features often aren't helpful to each and every user, but as long as I can turn off the ones that are actively unhelpful to me, I'm perfectly happy to see them.

You've moved away from the part which specifies long-haul trucking. To my understanding this is an area where trains are a reasonable solution.

Last mile coverage we also have room for improvement with much smaller vehicles, like bikes.

Cheerios and Bugles (each separately). Nothing in either item should make them smell like death. But every flavor of either I've encountered always has. They're not even the same kind of grain.

I'll eat most ingredients in a wide variety of contexts. It's pretty rare that I'll find something that I don't like, and can't eventually find a way to like.

I'm not expecting them to be amazing, but them being substantially worse than bland and boring is still a surprise.