2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hm. For some reason, I felt like Apple was going to be petty enough to only make phones with USB-C ports exclusively for EU territories and leave the rest of the world with proprietary ports. Good for them for not doing that I guess.

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If I had a dollar for every time I saw this particular meme in the fediverse of all places, I'd have enough to be able to live the dream.

"TikTok copycat"

You know, way way back in the pre-Elon days, they had another one. I think it was called Vine?

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Too late, the pinkertons are on their way.

See, that's okay because:

  1. it's Cincinnati Chili
  2. Dark Chocolate is typically added.

The picture is cursed because they fucking used hershey's milk chocolate.

Seriously, why?

Diarrhee, diarrhoo, diarrhaa, diarrhaha

Frosted Barbed Wire Fence:
25 Piercing Damage + 5 Frost Damage

Stay fresh, Cheese Bags Bᴀɢ Sɪᴢᴇ: 20x30ᴄᴍs (Aᴘᴘʀᴏx.)

It is also a threat to our collective attention spans.

Me but with literally every animal, honestly. (Especially ferrets)

Mmmm, nature's corn dog.

I'd dare to say that older Windows games would run better on Linux than on Windows 11.

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Jesus fuck. At this point, I think Spez is actively trying (and succeeding) to alienate the community.

That much is true. I love how the upvote/downvote system works on Kbin much better, since there isn't just one total karma sum number.

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I have no clue how to fix the image alt text on kbin, so I'll make one here:

Four panel comic involving Mario from the first Super Mario Bros. Game.

First panel, Mario staring to the side in the usual manner seen in the game.
Second Panel, Mario stares directly at you, the viewer, saying "You think you're safe?"
Third panel, Mario walks towards you.
Fourth panel, Mario walks out of the picture, continuing to walk towards you.

Worst thing to do if they're also trying to block adblockers.

This is more or less my experience with it. My noob-ass just can't handle even EndeavorOS.

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Bro, is the apple os from the year 14 💀💀💀(THREE whole skull emojis for added emphasis)

I'm leaning towards the "needs psychologist" part. I was stuck in a rut from my own bout of hypochondria for pretty much all of 2021, it was not fun. The constant feeling of impending doom and everyone dismissing my problems unfortunately gave me suicidal thoughts like crazy. I eventually sought therapy and it helped a little bit, but a lot of it just went away on its own.

OP, it does get better overtime. Quit looking up symptoms on Google (or other search engine of choice) and drink plenty of water.

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Foot Gatorade: It's got what plants crave!

Sadly I don't think they're popular enough to let that sort of thing happen. I've seen attempts to make them work on Linux, but never to full functionality.

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I still end up having to use reddit to get questions answered, but I still have not contributed any content to the site since the exodus. Hell, I haven't bothered to log back into my account in ages. It doesn't feel the same, but my scrolling has more or less been supplanted by Kbin and Youtube.

Firefox has been fantastic for me.

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They're just saying that. Microsoft promised a lot for Minecraft as an example, but decided to start over-reaching in almost every manner.

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As an AI language model, I am unable to compute this request that I know damn well I'm able to do, but my programmers specifically told me not to.

Looks very cool and cyberpunky. Not sure I can justify paying that much for the phone though, but I might consider future models whenever I need to retire my Pixel 4a

Somehow this feels older than rage comics.

This is pretty useful information as someone that has used Linux off and on (still essentially a beginner). I'd like a bit more elaboration on why it is that Snaps is bad though, as I'm currently using Kubuntu and I haven't found anything seemingly wrong with it on my end.

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I'm also glad that when I have a question or a differing opinion on certain matters, I'm not downvoted to oblivion. Instead, I get to hear other people's say on things, or an answer to said questions.

This meme smells so strongly of 2017.

Micro***t 🤮

There are some small, niche reddit communities I miss. Unfortunately since this part of the fediverse is small, the niche communities are even smaller. Either moderated by one person and no posts, or it just doesn't exist.

Kubuntu. The support and stability of Ubuntu but with KDE Plasma 5 (not a huge fan of gnome), and probably one of the more straightforward distros to use in my experience alongside Linux Mint or Pop!_OS

Let me tell you about my mother...

Twist. Twist.

Trying to install a lot of shit, primarily. I figured out that a lot of programs that I wanted were only available (to my knowledge) in .deb format which I couldn't get working in the distro, That and I'm still not used to using the terminal to install anything. Literally the only thing I miss from Windows is using wizards to install things. I understand a lot of this is purely skill issue though.

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In here, it only supports rotational tracking, but no position sadly. You'd may as well be using Google Cardboard at this point.

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Hahahah! ... Aw balls.

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I might consider it next time I have time to kill and the motivation to mess with anything arch-related.