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Joined 1 years ago

Just a guy jumping from a hot mess into more prosperous waters.

Elon: "There are too many fake accounts for me to seriously consider buying this company."

Also Elon, after creating millions of inactive accounts to follow himself: "Please clap."

Presumably getting ready to launch his own presidential bid, so he needs to court the center by appearing more moderate.

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They do have intelligence, but that intelligence is deliberately underfunded to prevent this very situation. It's impossible to navigate the mountains of paperwork and legal loopholes the ultra-wealthy use with so few hands. That's why poorer filers get audited more often: less leg work, easier wins, at the expense of real revenue and justice against tax evaders.

This is your daily reminder to engage and boost Twitter alternatives such as Mastodon. It's not enough to ignore Twitter. We must build communities to draw in users, show them social media can exist without Elon or Zuck. Only when good alternatives exist, with content and people sought after, do users feel safe to abandon old platforms.

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Found an earlier article by El Observador before the legislation passed. Under Uruguay's old laws Spotify, YouTube, an other streaming platforms paid little to nothing in artist royalties. With the new legislation artists will now see fair compensation.

The Guardian does a better job explaining Spotify's problem: do the royalties come from rights holders (I am assuming they're referring to record labels) or the streaming services? The later case they believe will cause them to pay double what they're paying for streaming rights.

The issue just needs to back to Uruguay's government to sort out who pays the artist royalties, or if both labels and streaming share a proportionate responsibility.

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Said it before, I'll say it again:

It’s been shown the software is still not ready for production by interfering with emergency services, public transit, and normal traffic. These companies need to send these vehicles with a driver until the software is ironed out. We suspend human drivers for such actions. We must extend the same expectations and consequences to driverless vehicles.

If a human driver blocked an ambulance and caused a patient death, they'd be imprisoned for wrongful death. Cruise wants to roll out their software in this state, let them shoulder the legal and financial consequences.

The short version is that an actor's AI double, and an AI amalgam of several actors, will be treated as a proxy for the actor(s). The actor can agree or decline the use of their AI proxy based on the scene, and are compensated for use of their likeness as if they had gone in person. It's a pretty big win for actors considering studios wanted unlimited usage for a one time payment.

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This is a scam as old as time. An old professor of mine did the math, realized buying a new bottom tier printer was cheaper than buying its corresponding refills. Her husband was understandably furious at the stack of pristine printers pilling up in the garage.

While you do save money on ink for larger printers (laser/pro photo inkjet) you are losing a lot of money just to start up. Its also worth noting that liquid ink has a shelf life, drying out, hardening, and a hassle to clean out if not used.

On an interesting note: the EcoTank system is a reversal of the Stylus Pro and SureColor tank system. Instead of slotting in a fresh tank, you're just pouring a bottle into a permanent tank. Good to see Epson taking a practical and consumer friendly approach.

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Bay Area native here. They're also prone to dead stopping in the middle of the street and other moving violations, blocking emergency services and public transit in addition to normal traffic. Ideally, we'd like these vehicles to be held accountable for these violations like normal drivers: fines, suspensions, impounds. But we'll settle for a human driver on standby who can immediately override the software when a moving violation occurs.

The advertising angle is likely what sank their case. Proving the food does not meet a technical specification, like not having a quarter pound of beef in a fully cooked patty, is easier to prove. But advertising has always been hyperbole.

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I feel that this can be addressed at application step. Any date of birth proven to be under 18 cannot apply without an in person interview. This protects minors from taking on debt without fully understanding the implications, and puts responsibility on the lender for providing credit to a minor. If credit is provided and defaults the debt should be the lender's problem for taking such a huge risk.

Alternatively, the same premise with the exception that an adult is required as a cosigner. If the account defaults the burden is shifted to the adult as they have the cognizance to understand and take responsibility.

I wouldn't outright ban giving accounts to minors. My parents opened a savings account in my name and kept it in good standing. This gave me a big credit boost that my peers never had. But I realize I am an exception, and the problem others face is very real.

Needs another layer for VPN chaining after driving 1 hour away to use public WiFi so they never know where you truly are.

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There is a chance that documents regarding schedules and other sensitive matters may be in the vehicle. A security leak of that nature could be life threatening to a bigger target. Alternatively, being stranded would leave Naomi vulnerable to kidnapping and assault.

Not saying the shooting was an appropriate response given the location, but the agents are right to be aggravated given the line of work and stakes involved.

These are Eldritch servers. It's not bleeding, it's eating. The cables are how it catches prey.

This isn't surprising, a user found out how to abuse the API to progress without doing lessons by just submitting the expected parameters last year. If they followed through on reporting to Duo then they've had plenty of time to address it. Seems like the mod also found out how vulnerable Duo was and took it to it's natural conclusion.

Just dropping in to say this UI is beautiful and the features are superb. Thank yous for all the lemmy world staff and Sheodox for the time and dedication!

You're experiencing burnout. Rest up enough to improve your mental state, not finding joy in previous hobbies is a telltale sign. Try something that requires less critical focal or lets you take reprieve from your day to day schedule; vegging out, going for a walk, casual talk with friends, get counseling if you feel you need it, etc. The system will bleed everyone dry and leave them to rot if you let it. Take that time back and invest it in yourself.

Gayle McLaughlin used to be the Green Party's best example of what they could do at the local level, until she left in 2016 to vote for Bernie Sanders. I'm fairly certain she is the outlier.

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Reading these comments has shown me that most users don't realize that not all working artists are using 1099s and filing as an individual. Once you have stable income and assets (e.g. equipment) there are tax and legal benefits to incorporating your business. Removing copyright protections for large corporations will impact successful small artists who just wanted a few tax breaks.

Don't forget your manpower is limited. No one is a employee and people need sleep. That leaves 8 hours in a day for literally everything else a person needs/wants to do. Having one service that just works is a load off an all volunteer team's back.

That's how I understood it as well. Feels like most mandates have nothing to do with company culture and more to do with commercial property expenses/investments.

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I don't blame you. Even in a professional setting tagging is mind numbing and tedious. The only difference is without tagging you might miss an image that can be licensed and the business opportunity that needed it.

My guess is search for toddlers, whose parents handed them a phone to keep busy while they rest or do something else. They're the only demographic that does not know how to spell, or knows too few words to search effectively. But considering the American education system this could also apply to students who are illiterate despite completing the grade every year.

Something that’s getting lost in this conversation is the nature of the infringement and what that means to the copyright holder. Memes could be considered a form of infringement, however in practice they often serve as free publicity. The intent is not to deprive the copyright holder of revenue, but use the medium to express themselves. Exposure increases, and so does the likelihood of revenue from the conversion of new fans.

This changes with public conversations of piracy, because the nature of those conversations drift into how to deprive and evade the copyright holder by providing users just enough information to find pirated content. From a legal standpoint this can be used to prove aiding and abetting, a crime that be considered equal or an accessory to depending on the jurisdiction.

The admins are aware of how Lemmy's content caching works, and now publicly acknowledge the existence of their federation with dbzer0; whose piracy communities are its strongest asset. Any defense of ignorance is out the door. Without banning the communities LW becomes an accessory if dbzer0 becomes liable, as would any other instance who caches dbzer0's c/piracy.

To those who still disagree, that's fine. Open your password manager, make some new accounts on other instances, enjoy the lemmyverse. But you have to agree that it is unreasonable to demand you hold the evidence of my crimes because it would inconvenience me otherwise.

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It's likely the crew was using fresnel lights which are bright and very hot. You can easily burn yourself or set fire to delicate objects after prolonged use. Not impossible to imagine a crew member moving the lights, leaving them on and highly focused to imitate a distant light source; like a magnifying glass under the sun.

The short version is that there are two images and sidecar/xmp file sandwiched into one file. First is the standard dynamic range image, what you'd expect to see from a jpeg. Second is the gain map, an image whose contents include details outside of SDR. The sidecar/xmp file has instructions on how to blend the two images together to create a consistent HDR image across displays.

So its HDR-ish enough for the average person. I like this solution, especially after seeing the hellscape that is DSLR raw format support.

They are wonderful people. Especially when they tear off the crust so I can eat it.

As someone who has spent their life translating for family this isn't surprising. Nor is it any easier when they bring me poorly translated documents and hope I decipher machine diarrhea. The tech is still years behind being real world ready, especially with anything above 6th grade grammar and nuanced word choice that depends on context and sometimes dialect. But free is free so 🤷

The missing factor is intent. Make a random image, that's that. But if proven that the accused made efforts to recreate a victim's likeness that shows intent. Any explicit work by the accused with the likeness would be used to prove the charges.

That would backfire spectacularly. We must always keep in mind that Republican policies keep their citizens in a state of disinformation and dilapidation. If your life is already miserable, denied education and resources so as to never escape what few jobs are left, you'll latch onto anyone promising salvation. That is the whole reason we saw J6ers go as far as they did.

The long road has the best chances of keeping the country in one piece. Dispelling falsehoods piece by piece, enacting programs that modernize not just infrastructure but local economies as well. Bring the success of the coasts inward to lands exploited and abandoned by corporations and their elected goons. As difficult as it sounds, we're looking at another reconstruction era for those kneecapped by decades of Republican control.

I recommend checking out Greth's videos on the current state of the game. He's an experienced player so his opinions have good reasoning, although I don't always agree with his views on maps. Personally I'm waiting for them to add 3rd weapon slot and to bring back the Jammer pack. Right now it looks too T:A GOTY for me, which is odd considering that GOTY peaked in 2012; the same year T:A released.

As a Californian and with regards to Pelosi that blame is on us--the voters. Incumbents with mediocre records can still win reelection on name recognition alone. Getting progressive challengers in California isn't hard. But getting progressives that can build their brand and base to a competitive size to match incumbents, while surviving the mudslide of bad press from establishment outlets? That's hard.

Hell, my home town despised the previous mayor. Still won his reelection in 2016 by nearly 2/3^rds^ despite a progressive challenger who has been active in city politics and community outreach for over a decade. Had to wait until he termed out in 2020 before we could get the current progressive mayor in office.

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Fixing requires readers support their preferred news outlets with subscriptions. Currently headlines need to drive the ad machine if the lights are going to stay on. Challenging the ad buyer's main revenue stream is not financially viable. It's the main reason news outlets do not want to touch Medicare For All, pharmaceutical ads are big money makers. Money in politics is a no-go because it's a guaranteed cash infusion every two years, not to mention the overlap with other ad buyers. Decoupling the ads from the main revenue gives media outlets the freedom they need to address the news as they seem fit.

It really depends on what the site's terms of service/usage agreement says about the content posted on the site.

For example a site like Art Station has users agree to a usage license that lets them host and transmit the images in their portfolios. However there is no language saying the visitors are also granted these rights. So you may be able to collect the site text for fair use, but the art itself requires reaching out for anything other than personal/educational use.

VGTG VGS (I am the Shazbot!)

Given your experience what do you believe would be a good starting point towards caring for these individuals? What issues and solutions do you see that aren't addressed? I understand I'm an outsider looking in on this issue, avoiding the mentality ill homeless like many others. But if my vote can go towards a better solutions I'd like to learn about them.

Especially when they're non food/textile producing ones that are literally used to just get drunk.

Just for clarity agave can be used as a sweetener, edible, it's fibers can be used in textiles, can be made into soap, and has some medicinal uses. Once the market saturates with spirits it's other uses will likely be marketed to fully utilize crop yields.

If we apply the current ruling of the US Copyright Office then the prompt writer cannot copyright if AI is the majority of the final product. AI itself is software and ineligible for copyright; we can debate sentience when we get there. The researchers are also out as they simply produce the tool--unless you're keen on giving companies like Canon and Adobe spontaneous ownership of the media their equipment and software has created.

As for the artists the AI output is based upon, we already have legal precedent for this situation. Sampling has been a common aspect of the music industry for decades now. Whenever an musician samples work from others they are required to get a license and pay royalties, by an agreed percentage/amount based on performance metrics. Photographers and film makers are also required to have releases (rights of a person's image, the likeness of a building) and also pay royalties. Actors are also entitled to royalties by licensing out their likeness. This has been the framework that allowed artists to continue benefiting from their contributions as companies min-maxed markets.

Hence Shutterstock's terms for copyright on AI images is both building upon legal precedent, and could be the first step in getting AI work copyright protection: obtaining the rights to legally use the dataset. The second would be determining how to pay out royalties based on how the AI called and used images from the dataset. The system isn't broken by any means, its the public's misunderstanding of the system that makes the situation confusing.

Keep the deck, I want those controllers.

Let's break down some of the confusion you're experiencing.

  • When it comes to buildings there is indeed copyright on the building itself. The question is did you get a usage license from the owner to photograph the building for your purposes? For example if I were to get a written usage license for the lighting of the Eiffel Tower at night, and a location permit from the city I would be able to photograph it. This is common in commercial photography with contracts known as property releases.
  • Theft in regards to photography usually means taking photographs of classified or trade secrets. General photographing of buildings in public spaces would not qualify as theft but copyright violation as per the previous example.

If you want to learn more you can google "photography usage rights" or "photography license agreement" and deep dive the untold number of blog posts about it. You can check out this blog post for a crash course if you need good starting point.

If books are more your fancy there's Nancy Wolff's The Professional Photographer's Legal Handbook and the American Society of Media Photographer's Professional Business Practices in Photography; both are pretty old but a very easy to understand. John Harrington's Best Business Practices for Photographers also goes into detail and is more recent, but very broad in what it covers. Technically, there's the demo for fotobiz X which will let you make a sample contract from their templates.

I'm sure you'll find more resources but these books were my go-tos when I was working as a photographer. If you feel like socializing you check out your local APA (American Photographic Artists) or ASMP (American Society of Photographic Artists) chapters. Not sure if membership is still a requirement for attending events but it doesn't hurt to ask.