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Being on friendly terms with past partners is another one. Or for that matter cherishing the memories of the good times with those partners. A lot of people seem to think that after a breakup you should hate your ex forever and burn all pictures, throw away any object they ever gave you,... but that is actually quite unhealthy (unless abuse or stalking or similar things were involved of course). If a relationship does not work out that doesn't mean that other options, such as friendship, might not be on the table and even if they aren't that doesn't mean you can't treat each other like regular acquaintances when you randomly meet somewhere. Obviously they might not be an option immediately after a breakup but once time has dulled the pain a bit a friendship is absolutely possible with someone you initially shared enough interests with to try a relationship.

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Next time you feel the need to tell everyone how useful something is it might be good to include what it actually does so others do not have to google it themselves.


Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files. With ventoy, you don't need to format the disk over and over, you just need to copy the ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files to the USB drive and boot them directly. You can copy many files at a time and ventoy will give you a boot menu to select them (screenshot). You can also browse ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files in local disks and boot them. x86 Legacy BIOS, IA32 UEFI, x86_64 UEFI, ARM64 UEFI and MIPS64EL UEFI are supported in the same way. Most types of OS supported (Windows/WinPE/Linux/ChromeOS/Unix/VMware/Xen...)

Implicitly converting anything anywhere is always a bad idea, especially when it can't be done in a lossless way.

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When they mention that someone else is attractive. This is often seen as a red flag by people with insecurities but really it means your partner trusts you enough to actually mention such attractions. The state some insecure people want is that their partner is never attracted to anyone else but that is completely unrealistic. So the actual choice is between honesty and lies. And you do not want your partner to have to constantly watch every word they utter around you to coddle your insecurities as that will likely lead to worse communication between you in general. This goes for other topics as well of course but jealousy inducing ones are very common.

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Not sure about today but VBA (in the MS Office products) actually had translated keywords because Microsoft is batshit insane.

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Well, they have changed the world, they have ruined the perfectly good term metaverse with their failed product.

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Not talking all the time when spending time together. Being able to just quietly enjoy each other's company sometimes is actually a good thing since it allows both partners to relax without constantly worrying about keeping their partner's attention or keeping them entertained.

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More like a meta trend but the whole "let us redesign the look of everything for no reason every couple of years" thing gets old quickly.

As for actual trends, the one where they put all the options into one menu even though there is plenty of room to have individual buttons.

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The average person will always be able to afford water because if they can't they will soon cease to be a person. Watch out for statistical effects like that because they might mask the true horror of the situation.

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Authentication and authorization can not be handled centrally if the host performing the actual action you want to apply those to can not be trusted.

Media sharing is mainly a legal problem. With decentralized solutions you couldn't easily delete illegal content and anyone hosting it would potentially be legally liable.

It is really quite simple.

Flatpaks (and Snaps, and Appimages and Docker containers for that matter) are essentially designed for app developers who grew tired of distro maintainers demands to fix certain things about their build systems and their applications that broke when their apps were used on distros other than the exact distro and version the developer was using. They are designed to take a "kill the messenger" approach to the problem and now people are wondering why the work that the distro maintainers did before doesn't get done any more.

On a related note the whole notion extremely prevalent in the UK that all they have to do is decide they want to rejoin and it will happen. No matter which side of that a commentator is on, they almost never mention that they need to present something the EU27 actually want and convince them that the UK is not the 'break international agreements' kind of country any more. Overall the British still all seem to think that they are something better than everyone else and others have to do what they want and have no real agency.

I would like to see something that is less focussed on social media and more on building something together like Wikipedia. One thing that comes to mind would be mapping out all political statements along with arguments and evidence to support or falsify them and the relationships between them (e.g. "if you believe x is a big problem in society and you believe y is the perfect form of government then you must believe y solves x").

A lot of our political discussions seem quite repetitive and go in circles because each argument is presented in a very shallow way. Something to counteract that would be welcome and I think it could work quite well in a federated way since people with different political views would probably want to contribute the supporting and that falsifying sides for each statement.

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As a long-time Gentoo user the only packages where compile times (and RAM usage) really bother me are all the myriad of forks of that shitty Chrome browser engine (webkit-gtk, QtWebEngine, chromium,...) and LLVM and clang.

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Making life choices different from the societal standard (e.g. not wanting children or not wanting a marriage). Sure, if your own desires are incompatible with that you might need to find someone else but a lot of people who do go with the societal standard actually just do so because they never thought about alternatives and have a rather romanticized notion of that default option and might still grow to regret it later which can then often lead to breakups/divorce if that only happens to one partner in the relationship. People who make different choices at least thought about what they want. Basically you want a partner who has already thought about these and not one who only discovers their actual preferences on these options a few years into your relationship.

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This post seems to have some more detail on what that feature actually is.

So you only need to use two technologies that add complexity and cost performance (filesystem compression and deduplication) to get to the point where you are still 10+% higher in disk space use? I am not sure your post supports the argument it is trying to make.

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An urbanism focussed city builder where you start with an existing city in the current car-centric style, possibly including a couple of dozen kilometers around the city so rural problems are included as well and have to transform it, with realistic building project times, into one that is more walkable, has safe bike paths, good public transport,...

In particular I would also like it to take verticality in to account both for transport (people and bikes and trains have a harder time going up and down than cars, boats need locks,...) and for buildings (stores at the bottom of a building, residential above,...) and that accounts for the huge amounts of space car-centric cities waste on parking as well as the ongoing infrastructure costs for maintenance and replacements of all that infrastructure in sprawling cities.

Basically "Not Just Bikes" the game.

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Release announcements like this one could benefit from a one line description of what your software actually is or does for those not familiar with it. And yes, I know that the GitHub Readme has one but I mean in the announcement directly.

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I think it is probably related to the fact that upsetting your crush has higher stakes than upsetting a random person.

As someone who had to help coworkers with Windows, Mac and Linux problems one of the main problems of macOS is the fact that you have to use the clumsy GUI for so many things and that the Unix-like underpinnings are badly maintained and outdated so many systems have several versions of the same tool installed in various locations (OS-, Homebrew-, MacPorts- or whatever other package manager of the day versions).

Most low latency use cases in games use UDP, not TCP.

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I wouldn't say they aren't profitable, I would say the greed outweighs profitability.

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If you, as a creator, choose to use advertising to monetize your content you don't respect the limited lifetime of the people consuming your content or their security or about the way the marketing and advertising industry is destroying our society, such as (not exhaustive, just off the top of my head right now)

  • building a surveillance economy, destroying privacy in the process
  • manipulating people into voting in certain ways that are harmful to them and others
  • protecting harmful products from scrutiny (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, products with too much sugar or fat or low quality ingredients, the car and oil industries, corporate climate change denial,...)
  • encouraging overconsumption both in terms of quantity and in terms of items or services they don't really need
  • destroying content platforms with their mantra "not advertiser friendly", leading to dystopian self-censorship on e.g. Youtube

And then there is the way internet advertising can spread malware and compromise the security of websites in general.

If you do want to monetize content in other ways there are models such as subscriptions or Patreon-style that are a lot more respectful of the user.

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However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: that desktop Linux is as user-friendly and productive as its mainstream counterparts.

Couldn't agree more. We need to get rid of that stupid idea that Windows or macOS are anywhere near as productive as Linux.

most traditional VMs do not like to have their power killed (especially non-journaling file systems).

Why are you using a non-journaling file system in 2024 when those were common 10+ years ago?

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"Owning a car gives you freedom" is a big one considering how expensive they are and that most people just use them to sit in traffic jams on their commute 90%+ of the time they are using them.

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Funny except the video's pronunciation is wrong since it is a German name for a company founded in Germany.

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but no one seems to be discussing how risky it actually is.

That is because people stopped doing it ages ago.

But shouldn’t Firefox be sandboxing every website and not allowing anything to access the base system?

Security is always a matter of layers. Any given layer can fail some of the time but you want to set up your security so situations where all the layers fail together are rare.

Also, expanding on that, if you go into every interaction with a narrow expectation (e.g. to find the love of your life) you will be disappointed almost all the time but if you keep an open mind you might come out of that with some other positive interactions (a new friend, an interesting conversation, ...) than you expected or were hoping for.

English pronunciation seems more like a joke by the makers of the English language itself.

I think you might want to recheck the ages of some of the people in your timeline, most of them aren't that young anymore.

that even the thousands of developers who wrote most of that code don’t understand how their own code works anymore?

The bugs I have fixed that were written by that idiot "me from a few weeks/months/years ago"...

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In my experience printing has always been pain on all operating systems, especially Windows.

The fact that you literally need to open up about half of all possible TCP and UDP ports in a firewall just to get all printing protocols over the network to work at all and that the vendors try to prevent you from using third party ink, and other consumables is good evidence that it is more the printer vendors fault than anyone else's.

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That is just nonsense. Without moderators the internet would be unusable for everyone.

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Well, some are even weirder, some made a legal department to fuck over their own customers.

If there was hard science behind UI design they wouldn't totally redesign everything every couple of years.

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A spray bottle for oil to easily coat a pan or food in oil without using huge amounts of it.

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Well, technically they do care about your privacy if your privacy is annoying to them and they wish it was gone.

Why would I trust a random Lemmy server admin with authentication for anything other than Lemmy?

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