1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Pretty wild to complain to a team that runs a lemmy and mastodon instance about not doing enough for FOSS.

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The reddit search was broken for years

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I see people in this thread say they never had a problem with the search feature but honestly personally I always used Google

Because they're greedy?

Great news, that's a whole lot of people having access to this community again!

You tried. RIP

I'm not even on LW but I think they have already gone out of their way to explain everything. But it's never enough for some people. "I don't believe you" ok sir have a nice day 👋

Still waiting for an instance to swap to photon or alexandrite as their default UI. Those seem to develop faster

Isn't the modlog federated to all instances and impossible to delete?

Yes is perfect! Highly recommended

I have yet to come across anyone sharing their username after they get banned. You see them in posts or comments "I was wronged!" but then they don't want to give their user name. Sure buddy!

Well I still think it is a bit odd that you can't really explain why canthidium left your team. It's obvious there is more to this that you try to deflect from answering by going on about how everyone or everything else is the problem but you. And from canthidium's comments back then it looks like he just didn't want to deal with you anymore and that seems credible. Canthidium has some cooking related communities and they seem very chill.

And tell me, which of the defederation decisions didn't you agree with?

Even his co-moderator from his sciencefiction community called him toxic. I'm sure there's more to this

This is an ALT account of OP

Edit: can confirm

IIRC there was a bit more to it. care to comment?

Oh great it's the troll with 40 different accounts using 3 different names that is banned everywhere. Hardlightcereal aka dronerights aka pm_me_fat_enbies aka probably some more

"Damn fascists!"

I didn't see any other moderators come to your defense? There was a moderator from /c/sciencefiction on lemmy world who came out and said you were toxic and the reason why he left.

LOL the OP of this post is YOU. I remember the blahaj stuff. You had another alt, dronerights, too.


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Nah, you both suck

Then tell them to look at the tools available for discord

Just pointing out that you signed up on one instance to complain about the TOS and bans of another one. And that was your first and only action. Pretty sus but I am sure you have no stakes in this

"Derail the intent of this community", what?

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Oh shut up

Your account is brand new, which of the banned users are you?

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