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The thing that got me was the lighting. I've been camping and you just can't get a good photo of your tent fire. Not as well lit as this at least.

The author complaining about Threads defederation from spinster was a pretty big red flag. It's on every mainstream mastodon blocklist I've seen and it's obvious he knows why. Really leaned into that "how can they discriminate against women!?" dog whistle that TERFs love to use.

Edit: Oh, it turns out he's married to the person who runs that server. He's also worked with Gab, used some of their code for his soapbox, and seems to have been involved with Trump's truth social. No wonder his feelings are hurt.

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They did change one thing. You used to be able to get electricity at wholesale prices from certain providers. When the rates went crazy during the 2021 storm and people's crazy bills for turning on the lamp blew up on the news, they shut down that option.

These rate surges do hurt customers, but now it's in the form of rate increases when their contract expires.

The article is about how new products are getting support for Wifi 7, so probably none of your current devices.

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Active works a lot like old forum posts. New comments makes a post more active. Hot is similar to Reddit, though posts do tend to stick at the top for longer than they should.

Edit: Turns out Hot is bugged and stops updating, requiring server restarts. Github issue tracking it.

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It basically is a tweet. It's a quick post, which is designed for The Verge writers to write a quick thought or link to a story using a website they control instead of posting it on Elon's website.

You can't just ignore the second part of that sentence which gives the right to make commits to all citizens of earth. That would include the person who wrote the last commit.

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It's not mentioned in the filing, so we can only speculate.

...on March 18, 2024, Nokia Technologies sent us a letter indicating they believed that Reddit infringes certain of their patents. We will evaluate their claims.

That's all we've got to go on.

That's just a high latency internet connection.

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The human body is truly amazing.

There aren't a lot of options for browser engines if you don't want to spend forever playing catch up while writing your own. My understanding is that Gecko, which Firefox uses, isn't as easy to build on top of. The idea with using chromium is that you can focus on building a custom ui or fancy new features without worrying about web pages rendering incorrectly.

I think a whitelist is worse. While it gives them more control, it also essentially shuts out smaller instances and can lead to the existing instances becoming entrenched and hard to replace. I'm also not sure if would be a good move 'politically' for the admins. People are going to treat whatever is whitelisted as being endorsed by them.

The second movie came out in 2022 and the third one doesn't come out until 2025.

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Nothing like seeing comments calling trans people the "Karens of the lgbtq community" with tons of upvotes to make you feel nice and welcome. Even the not transphobic person that the reports were about showed up to kindly let us know that every trans woman they know has a huge chip on their shoulder.

Edit: I remembered that this instance disables downvoting. This is the exact reason I've always been a fan of downvotes. If a mod won't remove transphobic content, at least you know that the community around you disagrees with them.

I think the best action is to 'cave' and then start working on moving your community to lemmy or kbin while the admins are patting themselves on the back.

Is there any evidence that the exploit works in a browser? A few comments on the article suggested that the Javascript engines in browsers protect against timing attacks like these.

The series S is the lowest spec console that they are targeting. In order to get the performance they want out of it, they are trying to optimize as much of the game as they can. Those optimizations have decreased the amount of RAM, VRAM, and CPU load the game is using and those optimizations affect the PC version as well.

It's a bug that should be fixed soon. Luckily it doesn't happen in the android app I'm using, Jerboa.

The PS5 is the size of a small boat. The only way Nintendo can release a portable console that matches it would be if it came in a wheelbarrow.

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The SEC is suing to get a court order to compel his testimony in an investigation. Assuming the court grants that order, which is likely, he will be forced to cooperate with the SEC or face the prospect of sitting in jail for contempt of court.

That paragraph is part of the new terms and conditions document they released.

Besides this not being true, how is this relevant? What point are you trying to make?

Yes, it is a thing in the US. People do it mostly to avoid filing taxes with the US when they don't plan on ever living here. It's rather expensive and time consuming. You have to pay a big fee ($2350 + any unpaid taxes) to do it and set up an appointment with the embassy/consulate.

You don't need to take it anywhere. The car will download it using its own antenna and then prompt you to schedule the update the next time you get in the car.

They aren't trying to move to be completely cloud based. That was a bad headline that misconstrued what they were actually doing. The article actually just talked about how they wanted Windows to be fully streamable from the cloud as an option.

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The comment/post ratio for active users on Lemmy is 100%. An active user on Lemmy is defined as someone who has made a comment or post within the last month.

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The active user count is the count of all unique users from an instance that made a comment or a post within the last month. So that means we have 6k people posting and commenting and 16k lurkers.

I don't know about the other two, but I know one of them is SimAnt.

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There's a second bug that causes new posts to show up on the top of the feed. That might be what you are seeing. I only see posts with 0 interaction when that happens. It's annoying because right as you are about to click on a post, it'll give shoved down the page as new content flows in.

Luckily, that is being fixed. I don't know when the next release is going to happen, but I saw the code fixing it got merged in recently.

Most people complaining about imessage are people who bought Android devices. In places where imessage use is prevalent, people with iphones tend to leave their android owning friends out of group chats and complain about their text bubble color being green if they text an android phone.

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Having a reason listed would be nice. I picked one off the list that I couldn't figure out from the name alone why it would be banned and decided to take a look and see why. I was apprehensive. What horrors was I about to see?

Couldn't figure out why it was banned from the content alone. I looked it up and found a website that has their defederated instances list and the reasons. I didn't see anything that matched the reason given, but I didn't care enough to keep digging further.

I think the list is shared among a few instances.

Tinder isn't verifying it. It's just a joke.

Every piracy lawsuit deals with that question. They simply subpoena the ISP, asking who was given that IP address at the given time. The ISPs keep track of that and they will give you up in the face of a subpoena.

It's why people always make such a big deal about using a VPN that doesn't log. The idea is that if your VPN provider doesn't keep track of your activities, it can only respond to a subpoena with a "Sorry, we don't keep track" letter instead of selling you out.

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DJI and an independent source both told us

You say you saw it with your own eyes, but you were looking through a camera. That's not the same thing.

You haven't used Linux until you've accidentally destroyed your install. Reversible damage like uninstalling your shell or breaking your display server counts as partial credit.

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They have a really small userbase, but it lines up well with the demographics here: Early adopter, tech enthusiasts with a distrust in Google and tired of how bad search is now.

Early adopters are generally very excited about whatever they've picked up. They feel the same way about a search engine the same way I feel about wearing only the same brand of black socks. Super excited to tell everyone about it whenever I get the chance because of how much it changed my life.

It's tough, because people also like to recommend things they like. If a friend in real life told you about the new CastX® Iron Extreme™ cast iron skillet that they got and how they love its rich iron flavor, you would just think they just like their new pan.

OEMs benefit from the rule. People (as in the average non-techie) who have older hardware or don't have the right bios settings will feel the need to purchase new hardware that is already running the latest version of Windows.

Well they aren't leaving you out because of the color of the text bubble. It's because having a phone that isn't an iPhone in the group causes it to fallback to using MMS instead of imessage. They lose a lot of the features that iPhone users love about imessage and the quality of shared images and video is much worse. The moment someone tries to share a video and everyone just gets a blurry smudge of pixels is the moment all the iPhone users get their own group together.