Is it against the rules to insult nazis here?

HardlightCereal@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to / – 5 points –

The anarchist code of coduct says:

What is Unacceptable:
Degrading, disrespecting, or insulting another person or group of people, because of their :

  • Political opinion

So, being a nazi is a political opinion. Denying the holocaust or thinking it should be done again is a political opinion. Thinking jewish people control the media and trans people aren't real is a political opinion. Am I correct in gathering that it's against the rules to disrespect someone for having these opinions? Is it against the rules to say "nazis suck"? Because I don't like that.


Insulting nazis shouldn’t be against any rules any where on earth

As the sidebar states, obey the spirit of the rules. Insult away

I can't see spirits because I'm not an ESPer. Taking things literally is a common symptom of autism. Most of us struggle with seeing the spirit of things.

It's cool. Now you know

Is it against the rules to insult people for believing in other white supremacist ideologies such as the existence of whiteness, or metaphysical realism?

No but I don't know (and don't care) about metaphysical realism. You can insult fascists

Thank you I will insult the white supremacists as much as I like now

Oh hang one, one more question: Is it against the rules to insult people for the political belief that more intelligent or capable classes of living beings have the right to lock up, sexually touch, and kill members of less intelligent species? By that I mean, can I call meat-eaters and milk-drinkers bloodmouths and perverts?

Fascism crosses a line where it's no longer an "opinion" but an expression of intent - also known as A THREAT when that intent is, you know, genocide.

In other words, destroying nazis is a moral duty and ethical imperative.

I don't think so, that would be a major red flag if it were since Nazis shouldn't under any circumstances be tolerated. After all if you have 9 people sitting around tolerating the one Nazi, you have 10 Nazis.

Goes for disgusting communists too. Ya know, because of the confirmed millions of deaths throughout history.

Communism as an idea has no inherent connection to those atrocities.

"The criticism of religion ends with the doctrine that man is the supreme being for man. It ends, therefore, with the categorical imperative to overthrow all those conditions in which man is an abased, enslaved, abandoned, contemptible being." - Karl Marx, Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Fascism and Nazism on the other hand are ideologies of inequality and annihilation.

That is not to say that you can't call yourself a communist and still be an enemy of humankind (so whatever kind of asshole) - but you don't have to be. But once you are a fasicst, there can be no doubt that you are.

Can I hate in Russians as well? Because that's my jam.

A very great number of the reported "deaths due to communism" are Nazi soldiers who were killed in battle by the allies. Go communism!