4 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Blue Diamond makes these blueberry-flavored almonds that are amazing.

Coffee in the morning, Sleepy Time tea before bed

Yes, I don't think many people realize how good we have it here. I say this having traveled to places and seen some shit (war in Iraq, gang violence in El Salvador, abject poverty in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan).

Can the U.S. be better? Of course it can. There are horrible things happening here and people are losing their rights at a scary rate. However, these horrible things are not on the same level of horror as that which is occurring/has been occurring in other countries, it's apples to oranges.

Anytime I've been overseas and I come back to America I realize how much I love it here. We have it so good here, really. But as someone else stated, there is huge inequality that needs to be addressed in order for EVERYONE here to have it so good.

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Used to religiously watch a guy that played the same video game I was into. He was incredibly good at it, well-known in the game's community, did how-to guides, build guides, super nice, just wanted everyone to have a good time, wanted everyone to excel in the game, good-natured, just an all-around awesome dude, etc.

Then I dunno wtf happened, but 9 years later he's become a total fucking elitist asshole who does nothing but complain about the game and the gaming studio, doesn't seem to give a shit about the little guy just trying to learn the game anymore, it's like he did a 180 in personality and now has a "git gud" mentality. He made a video of him declaring that he was leaving the game, and he did, for like a month, then promptly returned once his viewership clearly went down. I unsubscribed at that point. He became a total whinebox bitch and I lost all respect for him.

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I live in a high cost of living area and I was just telling my coworker, who lives in another state, that I know several people my age (mid-40s) who either still live with their parents or who live with several roommates of the same age, and I don't blame them a bit because it's fucking insane out there, dude, and only getting worse.

I totally agree. There's a huge effort by the wealthy to keep the average person down, otherwise the rich don't make the money. It's super fucked up.

True Vanguard

Same. I'll occasionally download some of their old podcasts if I'm flying and just need something to pass the time, but their new stuff was dull. It's a shame that it ended the way it did.

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Jesus, that's something out of a horror movie.

I'm still subscribed to him, but I have definitely not been watching him as often as I used to, and I couldn't exactly say why. I will say that The Library of Letourneau scratches the itch when I have it because it's just edited content of the best parts of NL.

No. In fact, I consigned on my mother's student loans when she wanted to go back to college (and she has since paid them off on her own).

For me, it totally depends on frequency of their use. Everything in moderation is fine to me (but let's face it, have you ever known anyone to casually smoke crack once in a while? Some drugs are more dangerous than other).


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I aim for 10pm, but it always ends up being like 10:45/11

Is this not cool anymore??

Had an absolute asshole of a Lieutenant over my platoon while deployed to Iraq. We get there and they're issuing out bed linens. We're all thrilled because we're getting actual beds and not cots. This motherfucker refuses the linens because "they have flowers on them", then proceeds to demand a cot for himself. He slept in the cot in his sleeping bag instead.

He was also Mormon, attempted to proselytize every second he got, and proudly declared his virginity (he was in his late 20s at the time) when NO ONE ASKED to hear about that shit.

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I couldn't date a cop

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I'm a late gen-Xer (born in '80, so I'm more of a "Xennial"). I have a stable job, pension, matching 401k, no kids, no debt (paid off my car and student loans), make 6 figures, and I am STILL convinced that I will never be able to retire. I feel horrible for all those who are in a worse financial situation than me, but we are all really fucked in the next 20 years.

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Chocolate. Really cheap, off-brand chocolate is horrific, waxy, and has some weird aftertaste, like mint when it isn't supposed to be, or ketchup (for real).

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When using Google Maps for driving directions, you can swipe left and it will show/speak the next upcoming step. I had no idea about this and I've been using Google maps for ages.

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Yeah, they keep saying Trump self-reported his height and weight. Apparently he's lost 25 pounds since his presidency, according to CNN. I ain't buying that lol

Barack Obama tried to do the same thing:

While I would love for this to be a reality, I just don't see it actually happening.

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Social Security is set to run out in the 2030s, and I fully expect the stock market to crash, effectively wiping out my 401k. As others have mentioned, resources like water will start to become scarce, inciting instability.

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It will be the hottest year on record

Sounds like an Interdimensional Cable commercial off Rick and Morty

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Be excellent to each other

I have just the site for you:

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I have a bad case of Resting Bitch Face and I got fired from my barista job at Starbucks for not smiling enough and because I apparently "always looked like I wasn't enjoying myself" while at work.

My "default" settings face just looks serious, sorry, I can't help it.

What happens to the people who actually believed this? Imagine someone quitting their job because "the world is ending on Monday." They tell all their friends and family goodbye. They stop paying bills. Then Monday rolls around and....they're still here. Now what? Do they go beg for their job back? How do they face their friends and family again? It sounds so embarrassing.

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Is he maybe just a really literal person and took the forwarded email with instructions "send THIS to them" as "send this email to them", but then he knows his work responsibility is to send the product, hence why he sent both the product and the email?

Do you have an SOP or exact steps to follow written down in a very clear, concise manner (yes, even something as simple as "after employee A sends the email, employee A will notify employee B to send out the product by forwarding the customer email to employee B"; I'm talking reaaaallly literal steps here)?

Can you give other examples of times he's messed up in a similar way?

Does he have poor reading comprehension? ADHD?

I train employees a lot in my current job and jobs prior and I've learned that everyone interprets things differently and learns at their own pace. Most times you can adapt to their style, but sometimes people are just mentally out to lunch 24/7 and not fit for the job.

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I dunno if it's considered "bad", but I personally hate when one of the characters gets amnesia, or the group meets a character that has amnesia. It just feels like a laziness by the author who can't think of any other way to make a storyline interesting.

Corn on the cob must be eaten from left to right. You must eat all the way around the cob so that section is clean before moving on to the next section. I suppose I'd accept right to left in the same fashion; it's the people who take totally random bites with no rhyme or reason or uniformity that make me crazy.

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If we're in the middle of sexy time and he asks me to pause for a moment because he's worried he's gonna finish too soon, I ask him ridiculous questions about Lord of the Rings.

"Why didn't they just fly to Mordor on the eagles?"

"Legolas is neither a Lego nor a lass. Discuss."

Works every time.

I'm in my mid 40s now but I knew even when I was a kid that I never wanted kids. I see my friends and family now struggling with their own children and I just cannot imagine that life for me. I have no regrets not having kids, but if I ever did, I know it's better to regret NOT having them than to regret having them.

My bad, I didn't realize it was called by another name elsewhere. It looks just like this [USGI Military Folding Cot](USGI Military Folding Cot

What do they call those where you're from?

To be fair, that LT would feel right at home in what you're describing (we call that a "crib" in the US), he was such an ignorant ass.

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My high-school math teacher made us all submit our work in these tiny notebooks that were like less than half the size of an American standard notebook, with unlined paper. He would write the homework problems on the board and then you had to copy them into the tiny-ass notebook and then hand write all your work on the single tiny-ass page, he would fail you if you used more than one page or side of a page because "One page is all the room you need to work out a problem."

I am really horribly bad at math and even writing numbers down is hard for me, sometimes i can't even read what I wrote, so being forced to write them even smaller was a nightmare. I barely passed his class. Plus he was just a total dick in general to anyone who struggled in his class, and most students did (it was already the math class for dumb people), and we could all tell he didn't want to be there.

I hope he's miserable whenever he is now.

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I tell you what my personal trainer told me about weight loss: When it comes to losing fat, you have to view it as you would see a puddle drying up. The areas of water on the edges will be the first to go, then slowly it will dry up until the center is left, that being the deepest part of the puddle. That's how fat loss goes. The area with the most fat will be the last to go. You cannot target special areas for fat loss, so if you think doing more sit-ups will make your gut magically disappear, sorry, it's doesn't work that way.

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I remember learning that there was a joke (but quite possibly legit) notion that the reason there's that huge, sharp indent in the Jordanian border is because Winston Churchill was drunk while he was splitting up the map and hiccuped, and that's how that weird part of the border came to be.

I know we're not here for this, but her dress is awesome.

That being said, after reading the article, I'm not surprised she was denied her visa when she's investigating something the Indian government clearly doesn't want the public to know about. I hope she gets to return some day and complete what she started.