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Joined 1 years ago

This is way all Nations need high speed rail. This person could be just a couple of hours away in a more civilised world.

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It's very nice of the people of south Carolina to dedicate a lake to my life's work I wild like to thank my local dealer, my school for all the abuse to make this happen and global capital for the extra sprinkling of universal bad.

No we're all crisis actors paid for by the German government to scare countries to stay in the EU.

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1200ish is my personal best can't remember what site it was on.

As to what we can do not really a clue on a grand scale,i just block ads and cookies fanatically.

The upcoming 16 inch model will have a dedicated gpu.

Is chelsea manning in need of a pardon? I thought Obama gave her one.

I mean for many (myself included) setting up shop in Israel is reason enough for boycotting an organisation.

I mean this implies that Vegas was ever good. A position I will argue strongly against.

Well where the hell else are we supposed to store our Marxist filth?

I am the only true leftist. The rest of you are posers and/or feds.

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If you're running mostly Linux vms proxmix us really good. It's based on kvm and has a really nice feature set.

That's because it still is. Just using web view 2 rather than electron.

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The senior nurse who was in charge of her was suspended the other day. No idea if any others will face consequences.

The trick to powershell is to make incredibly liberal use of tab completion to speed yourself up. Or make aliases for commands you use really often.

As a lifelong resident of the UK you really shouldn't. We've really not covered ourselves in glory over the last decade or so.

It's been a while since I've found that true. You can do everything you want to do in powershell now days.

This is why you get a letter of marque to give you legitimacy. I've been letioning my government for one endlessly so I can attack Russian shipping in the balkans.

Usable battery size? The FP5 has a 4200mah battery which is about 500mah less than the s23 plus which is pretty reasonable and I've found it very usable for day to day use. Wireless charing is a pointless gimmick personally and I don't see the utility of it. Lack of a headphone jack is a pain though.

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Did they finally install those fire exits Homer was so worried about the lack of?

You've got it backwards, she's suing the paper for peddling conspiracy theory stuff.

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Yeah very much a "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" situation.

Might get drone stoked to protect American interests.

That's not far off what Strasserism was/is. Though ultimately being x left and y right always means your just a right winger as people drop the x left to preserve the y right.

The only acceptable vehicle to deliver good in is a Toyota pickup with a 50 cal welded onto the back.

A common use for it is tranqulizing horses.

The narwhal's horn isn't a horn but a tooth.

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They tried but they're losing.

As in supported classless society. He supported and associated with numerous left wing movements throughout his life.

It was less of a massacre and more a preemptive student debt forgiveness plan.

Also WiFi is half duplex so you only get those speeds in one direction at a time.

They're also poisonous by the same logic.

I was speaking to someone at a party recently and realised they where both in their 20s and born after 9/11. Was quite a moment.

You can get a higher capacity battery for them now that's a drop in replacement.

I mean sites like library exist and provide large amounts of academic texts for free.

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I mean if you keep a FP5 for it's entire service life it's actually a pretty damn cheap phone. If all goes well maybe a couple of battery changes tops.

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I find mine useful as both a learning process and as a thing need. I don't like using cloud services where possible so I can set things up to replace having to rely on those such as next loud for storage, plex and some *arr servers for media etc. And I think once you put the hardware and power costs vs what I'd pay for all the subs (particularly cloud storage costs) it comes out cheaper at least with hardware I'm using.

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Better drugs. We need to start putting crack in the vegan cheese it'll still be plant based after all.

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I wonder if a repeating crossbow counts as an automatic weapon for the purposes of law.

If you were more racist these things wouldn't happen to you. Probably.