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Joined 12 months ago

Hello, I'm a man in an apocalyptic wasteland that before the cataclysm did nothing more strenuous than adjusting my ergonomic chair at my cubical. Now, for some reason, I am able to hunt water buffalo while fighting off hoards of zombies with hand crafted firearms.

3 more...

Upvote for using decimated correctly and also being spot on with the math. Made me completely forget about what an ass-hat Musk is for a short time.

Then let your competitors wind up losing thousands of dollars when they cancel on them.

3 more...

I'd bet money on this possibility.

"Sir? Sir! It is well past time for you to begin your day. Yes, sir, I am well aware work, as you put it 'sucks ass', but never the less, it is time to rise and shine. I will be back tomorrow at the same time."

If an Excel sheet is that big, it should be replaced with a proper database, which most likely would run on Linux. I think you're right, though, about the lack of planning around the practicalities.

7 more...

"I get the impression a lot of consultants are kind of winging it." Agreed. Every consultant I've known and worked with was winging it. Source: was consultant.

Less Scientology?

It's a big problem for anything using rails.

If hating brings you joy in these dark times...

Pretty sure it's millipervs.

Yep. Asking if it's fetish content IS fetish content.

I eat most of Turkey every November.

2 more...

Soooo ... acid. Yum.

WHERE the_data_matches_the_vaguely_defined_parameters_in_your_head_that_you_never_told_me

... that we know of.

. . . for now.

Begrudgingly given upvote. Sigh.


85 is a bit high. It would be around 60, and that is the global illiteracy rate. Still too high though.

MSG maybe?

Sounds a bit like Stoic philosophy. Number 6 and 9 specifically.

Now that his criticism is nice and sharp, maybe he can waggle that around in a threatening manner.

McDonald's purple rotund mascot Grimace was originally conceived as an engorged taste bud. I give you cursed taste bud knowledge in return.

White knight takes black queen.

Con man and high as balls are not mutually exclusive.

For those of you who do not understand calling it coke: where do you put your soda / pop to keep it cold? A refrigerator or an ice box?

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CEOs are vastly underpaid.

I think maybe you did, and so did I. "Every human testicle." Question is: when did they sneakily test everyone's testicles?

You are very slightly less likely to win the lotto if you don't buy a ticket.

4 more...

Truly, more than our fledgling nation could endure.

It is a McDonalds antenna! It only receives McDonalds radio, which only broadcasts McDonalds commercials 24/7.

1 more...

Do you cut it in spring so it's long in winter?

... and two hours before me.

Illegal in Wisconsin: the dairy state. Perhaps they know something we all should know. Perhaps we should follow suit.

Team Brother!

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Thought that image was of a rad Winamp equalizer at first. Was disappointed.
