Fire Witch

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Joined 3 months ago

Professional circus performer by night, master code monkey by day

He should try injecting bleach into his lungs

Not saying I get it, but most undecided voters I know are undecided between voting for Biden and not voting. They don't seem to care about the implications of a Trump presidency, and nothing can get through to them. They just don't want to vote for Biden.

Obligatory, I'm holding my nose in November

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It depends on what you mean. America the government courting christofascism? Hell fucking no. I wish all the Republicans and neolibs in power would have a heart attack. I also wish to live long enough to read Trump's and Alito's obituaries. But I do love my local community too much to just abandon them. At best, I would call my relationship with America akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

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As long as Republicans hold any amount of power in any branch of government, absolutely nothing can get passed. They need to be purged from government first.

I'm certain someone offered them a gratuity

I have the fire nation symbol tattooed on my arm. I'm a fire performer, so I don't think much would change there. Post-Aang fire nation, ideally.

It'll most likely be both

I just don't see how this is so blatantly done. It should be a slam dunk in court.

The fact that they're doing this openly should be a warning sign of where this country is currently, and is heading. They're doing this because they know the SC is compromised in their favor. All they have to do to get away with it is promise 5-6 judges a small gratuity.

As a horror performer who sees (and does) absolutely horrifying shit on a normal basis, fuck this shit in particular

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Texas state government attempts to annex Mexico out of nowhere, fails miserably, and is subsequently taken back by mexico.

They can have it if they want it

Your example hinges on the implication that 100 America Street (ie the Republican Party) is stable and unable to cause further harm. In reality, 100 America Street is a blazing inferno, has billionaires in white hoods tossing cans of gasoline at it, and houses tons of high explosives that will absolutely level the entire neighborhood if/when it goes off.

Ignoring 100 to piss on 102 is only going to make a bad situation much, much, much worse. And at this point in time, one can't help but wonder whether anyone distracting from 100 America Street is doing so out of ignorance or malice.

Can't wait to get $10 and six months of credit monitoring from a random settlement in 5-10 years

Comedy. Tragedy. The very very faint hope that one of them will have a heart attack on air.

TV, Facebook, Instagram, radio ads, billboards, etc. Basically all the places where boomers bask

I'm a sideshow circus performer. My specialty is fire performance, but I have other talents as well as a split tongue. My friends are the kinda people who like to swing from meat hooks and swallow swords. Freak show type stuff. We do it live on stage.

Unsurprisingly, I've also performed in haunted houses.

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But the first step is Dem voters having higher standards than "not a Republican".

The prerequisite to that is to dismantle the NRA and purge the Republican party from power by vote or by force so they can't ever back another Hitler wannabe again. Then we can talk policy.

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Art is also political, and more popular with open minded people than regressives. Fascists have historically hated art.

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Beautiful πŸ₯Ή

Got severe food poisoning and ended up in the ER after eating a tainted wrap from a deli

This was the second time

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It only contains copies of 50 Shades of Gray and Ayn Rand

Depending on who dies, it would raise at least one if not both parties' popularity

I planned my end of July weekend vacation around February. We have a senior dog who needs special attention, so it's often hard to find someone to watch her.

The judge is giving him more rope to hang himself with

I have a day job that pays the bills (many of us do) because the only money in art is money laundering, but I do perform fairly often, and occasionally produce. Of course it varies on the season, some months are slow for everyone. My day job is a grind.

Also how was the bifurcation process?


Nope, a hundred miles apart

I'm definitely not voting for Hunter Biden now

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If you work hard you'll have a successful life

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Congratulations drugs for winning the war on drugs

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Found one!

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Man, it sure would be nice if the person who orchestrated all this would face some sort of repercussions

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It is but only for leftists. Thanks, McCarthy.

Good orcas

Americans warn America against listening to GOP senators

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I've been a trans woman for 10 years and an immigrant for much longer. This is one of the worst existential threats I've faced. I have had to sit down and discuss serious contingency plans with my partner if he wins because there is no chance I'm sticking around.

I just want to exist dammit. I'm tired of being persecuted for simply existing.

ADHD meds have been basically non-existent for the last few years. When will they actually make the medication available to us?

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Who the fuck is losing rights over this

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Other planks call abortion homicide and gender-transition care β€œchild abuse.”


This is REALLY scary because a lot of conservative states have also been trying to add the death penalty as punishment for child abuse. Anyone with half a mind can see where this is going. Florida started this trend, and we all know how kill-happy Texas is.

Florida also tried to reduce the number of jurors needed to execute someone from 12 to 9 8

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Taking a nice looong relaxing walk downtown in my sluttiest outfit with my girlfriend

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He's right, it would make me drop whatever I'm doing and plan out a party that night. We should do it more often.

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The worst is when mocktails cost as much as cocktails. Like a non alcoholic whiskey sour will be $13, Shirley Temples are like $10

At least from my experience in NYC

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