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Reminds me of the time a military algorithm was accidentally trained to conclude that tanks are only concealed in tree lines on overcast days.

Have they tried firing most of the neurons, keeping only the most hardcore?

Growing up everyone around me could use a knife and fork, whereas chopsticks were something most people couldn't use or only used badly. It never occurred to me that the opposite might be true until I shared a meal with some co-workers from mainland China and saw how clumsily they used our utensils.
It wasn't until that point that I appreciated the amount of dexterity and finesse that goes into using cutlery well, and that I took it for granted because it's something learned in childhood.

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Aww and I was looking forward to a chipped windscreen requiring the replacement of the entire cabin, unless the car had ever been in the rain, in which case fuck you buy a new one.

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I know Unity claim they can apply their new pricing to old versions anyway, but setting that aside, how practical is it to simply stay on Unity 2022 LTSB or earlier?

I'm not a software developer, I'm a CAD modeller. My company pays Autodesk a substantial amount of money every year for licence tokens which grants us access to new releases, but using the latest is pretty much unheard of.

For AutoCAD, 2022 is the default (2024 is current) although they don't seem to have added much of interest since v2019. For the likes of Civil 3D and Revit there are useful updates in newer versions, but the version used is locked in at the start of a project, and upgrading mid scheme is only done in exceptional circumstances.

If Autodesk came out with some kind of scheme in their 2025 tos that said "if you model a bridge in Revit, we will charge 5 cents for every car that crosses or passes under it" then we could easily stick on 2024 for a decade, more than enough time to skill up on the alternatives.

I stopped watching after the "speed of electricity in a wire" video. When I realised a video about something I knew about was bollocks, it made me question every other video that taught me about something I didn't know.
Even if that had been a one off, how would I know? The trust is gone.

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At least six of those go against the core tenets of MAGA

I was at the coast in the summer, not far from an offshore wind farm, and I didn't see a single whale in the sky, checkmate libs.

Users are bound by the version of the terms they agree with when they start using the product. There may be a term that says ongoing usage when the terms change constitutes acceptance of a change.
Unity are trying to say they can make the change retroactively, but the 2022 (and prior) terms apparently included a clause saying that if future changes were detrimental to the user they could stay on old versions of the software and remain bound by the old terms. That's one angle Devs could use to tell them to get fucked There may be others.

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If you cut your own hair, it won't grow back. That was a lie my mum told me (after I experimented with the scissors). I believed her for years because there was a gap in my hairline. Eventually I realised "how would the hair know who cut it?" The gap in my hairline was just my parting.

I believed LCD screens in digital watches were made of mercury (they were silver after all), which I knew was toxic. I thought that if you touched the display directly, you'd die. One day, I'd disassembled a cheap watch to see how it worked - I took everything apart back then, eventually I got good at putting them back together again. Drove my parents mad, but these days they always have something for me to fix whenever I go round.
Anyway, I had this watch in pieces, handling the innards like an IED, but disaster! I brushed the back of the screen with a fingertip.

I was dead. It was just a matter of time. I didn't cry or run for help, nothing could be done, I was resigned to my fate.
After about an hour of continued existence I began to doubt my assumptions. It dawned on me that something so frighteningly lethal wouldn't be simply handed to children with nothing but a cheap, press fit case! That said this was in the 80s, and back the I also believed it was both safe and fun to help demolish an asbestos cement outbuilding by jumping on the sheets to smash them into little pieces. That one might still get me, we'll see.

Malware is free too

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My Employer provides me with an iPhone for work use, primarily for remote access.

I was enthusiastic about getting it, as a long time time android user I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, but having interacted with it frequently I really don't get why people like it so much.

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You're paying for the curated selection. Been to the seashore lately? Most of that shits all chipped and broken.

It doesn't have to be xitty. Change the name, ban the racists, recruit new staff who have twitter on their CV. And if it fails, you're only out the $3.50 it's worth now.

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So does that mean a lawsuit now? Or jail?

Not anyone at the hospitals of course, I mean those "wicked" women.

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There's a "cash converters" style store in my town (like a pawn shop, but they don't do loans or deal in jewelry). Once, years ago I saw a game controller (Logitech wheel) that I was after in the window . I tried to buy it, and was told it was "reserved" It's still there, along with everything else. They don't seem to have any stock turnover at all, and they're still open.

After talking with coworkers, it's generally assumed to be a money laundering front.

See also: The less hostile but equally useless advice to "Search online"

I'm more likely to take a break with work. Unfortunately that break often entails sitting in the same chair, watching YouTube on the same screen.

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They should probably stop reassembling it and just build a new one

I guess that's also why people started having turkey for big family gatherings even through chicken tastes better.

Now a chicken is perfectly adequate for a family of four, or even six depending on the trimmings.

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Apparently that was never the official line, and was just something a "dev evangelist" (marketer) said at some conference and it stuck

I'll be fine, I took a lactase tablet twenty minutes ago.

When my eldest was four she had a hundred kids, the eldest of whom was 1 million years old.

And also a cat.

What if law enforcement need to make a gooey to trace a hacker?

Pay $1200, obviously

These people would loose their mind if they ever saw a traditional British Christmas Pantomime

If Weird Al died on a Friday and came back the following Sunday, would he be Ryzen Al?

There's some loon still plastering their ill informed, anti Vax / anti mask stickers on every bit of street furniture across the nearby town centre.

I wouldn't say they have a disproportionate amount of Reddit coverage, spez' shenanigans are well within their usual scope. Before the api-pocilipse I don't remember the last Reddit column they put out.
It think the editorial direction follows the interests of the kind of readers they get. Not so many Facebook or Tiktok stories unless there's particularly egregious behaviour. Their readers are too young to care as much about the former and too old to care about the latter.
Out of all the social media, xitter gets the most, but then every day is clownshoes there. As Reddit started aping them, they got more coverage.

Wonder if Louis Rossman will be as quick to put out a video defending this as he was the one in Texas

He can tell them where they can buy a Mustang at an outrageous interest rate

Your mask isn't there for your own good. Wearing a mask may reduce the viral load you may receive if you're exposed, improving the odds your immune system can stamp out any nascent infection, but that's just a bonus.
The purpose of a mask in a mask mandate is to protect others from you in the event you're infected but in the window between becoming infectious and becoming symptomatic and therefore aware (and possibly beyond if you're the kind of person that knowingly mixes with others and coughs openly when sick). Because it's for people who don't know they're sick, it only works if everyone does it. So it's mandated for the good of the whole.
This was particularly important with the original strain of SARS-COV-2 because it had a particularly long incubation period.
The more aggressive variants since, along with more sensitive immune responses in most people due to vaccination, exposure, or both have shrunk that window significantly, but it hasn't disappeared.
General, society wide, mandates aren't imo necessary under the prevailing conditions, but that doesn't mean there won't be situations (close knit group with a spike in cases for example) where reintroducing such rules make sense.


When I had my house reinsulated last year I took the opportunity to run cables from every room to a small closet, and then a run from that closet to the router. Had some... experience, learning how to wire in the sockets, and right now only my office is connected with a bit of patch instead of the switch I'll eventually need to get the other rooms live, but it's so much more reliable than it was with WiFi or poweline. Not to mention that those technologies only just kept up with the 36Mb VDSL I've been stuck on for the last 10 years. Having ethernet means I'll actually be able to get the most out of the 500Mb FttP I'm getting next month.

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About 1/500?

Shall. Not. Be. Infringed!

That's what MAGA like to say, right? I'm sure they'll be out to support him.

Yo know you fucked up when the people normally telling everyone to shhhhh are making noise by booing you.

And then there's this.

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Blizzards CEO Mike Ybarra is out "by mutual agreement"

They are, and that undoubtedly gets under his sub micron thick skin, which is why he's going overboard about it with this.