It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 597 points –

Depends on if you're a tits or an ass guy, I guess?

Pack it in guys this is the comment.

I don't remember this scene in Shrek

That's because it was part of a scrapped movie in the franchise. It wad going to be called Shrek's choice with Shrek being played by Meryl Streep

A donkey is ill-equipped to give even a passable blowjob.

I, too, initially did not read the meme carefully enough.

Hey now, I made no comment on the offer to suck the girl's dick. It's girl dick, there isn't much interesting to say about it.

I'm not sure I wholly agree with you there.

Once you get used to the idea of chick dick, well, it's just a dick on a chick.

girl cock is girl cock

Well I don't think anyone can disagree with that, but I'm sure some would. You get all sorts on the Internet.

well im not talking to those that would make girl dick an issue

Yeah but a talking donkey in the hand is worth at least two birds in the bush ...

Yeah but a woman with a dick has three in the bush.

That's more like a gamified Rorschach test. If you need sexual rewards to decide whether you should save a human life instead of the life of unprocessed salami, you are a psychopath.

But this "unprocessed salami" can speak. Kinda puts them on level playing field.
Unless, of course, salami is voiced by Eddie Murphy, in which case it's an easy pick.

Unprocessed salami?

sometimes meat companies do a pro gamer move and turn dead donkeys into extra profit


How is this a regular occurrence? Are they factory farming donkeys alongside cows for some reason? That would have no profit motive and I don't think you're talking about when a family farm's donkey dies and they sell it to be used in dog food, so I'm honestly interested in how this has become such a widespread practice.

Really expensive salami is often made from horse or donkey

horse maybe, but donkey? they're very specifically working creatures and using them for anything other than pet food wouldn't make sense.

Ask the people in the Provence (France) and Veneto (Italy) regions. They've got donkey salami traditions.

Rarified salami, hahaha, that got a good chuckle out of me

Saving the woman sounds like a huge W. This is the easiest choice of my life, what are you on about?

The Internet would like you to verify that you read the whole meme carefully before posting.

Dude didn't stutter. Saving the woman.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do?

Like a Hoover vacuum

My friend wants to know if it's important to you that she's female?

She is a woman. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

My friend was wondering if you could would feel the same way if it was a man, you know, out of interest, and whether if it was, say, completely at random, a guy in his late twenties with curly black hair and a slight beer belly but he'd be willing to reciprocate so in some senses he'd be the best of both worlds, if that were of interest to you. He was wondering. My friend. Entirely hypothetically. Uhm...

Yes would choose her a thousand times. Starting with a nice one sided BJ and then we are taking turns riding each other. Nothing in the meme tells me i cant

Yes, the whole meme is read in full, what is the problem?

Really, really not a problem. Just checking. I didn't spot it the first time and it changed my perspective but not my answer.

Can I save both but reject both offers? Because I can see value in them as very unique individuals but I'm not really into mules or women with bigger dicks than me.

Who says their dick is bigger? Maybe they have a smaller dick... would you be into it then?

You can just tell, trust me. Professional dick predictor and gait reader, worked in physical rehabilitation for years. I can also smell thyroid disease.

Hypo or hyper? Because personally, I'm not getting hyperthyroidism from that photo and I don't know what hypothyroidism looks like.

I didn't mean I smelt it in this image, just in general I can smell it. A bit off topic but I noticed you're a little low on Vitamin K, is it a dietary concern or have you recently used a blood thinner?

Ace people: Guess you'll die then...

I mean I'm sure some ace people like to engage in sexual activity. Sexual attraction and libido are different.

I've talked to an ace guy abt this and he tried to masturbate as a teen and literally couldn't get hard. He's into romantic stuff tho. Everybody's different I'm sure tho

I mean it's not every day I meet a talking donkey. So

I'll never understand why low res images like this always have half the text cropped off. I get why it's done when they're conveniently censoring something, but...ugh. :(

They're cropping out watermarks. Better to just leave it in but oh well

I think it is to avoid image searches from easily finding the original image. You'll also find pictures flipped, tilted slightly, or have their colors changed just a little bit.

I'm a degenerate, I WANT BOTH

Drink more, then wake up with a nasty hangover, and think about how you should’ve hydrated while drinking.

Water is the universal solvent.

\3. Ride the Shai-Hulud to destiny.

lose lose scenario

Have you learned nothing from James T. Kirk? Let them both die, and suck your own dick.

and suck your own dick.

Not to toot my own horn...But I can actually do that to myself. I discovered that talent of mine after I fell off my bike one time.

And landed with your dick in your mouth? I'm happy for you. I could when I was younger, but I got too phat.

I kinda tumbled down a hill

This one street in the town I grew up in had one side exposed to a steep down incline. A big garbage truck speed past me while I was in the bike lane and the gust of wind created by it put me off balance for a moment

Ehhhh I'll save the donkey, use it to pull out the woman, and then no sexual favors will happen. They're both gonna be carrying some shit though, free labor.