
2 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

thank mr skeltal

I was 2006 adopter when Paul Graham dropped a link to it on his website. I was there before the original programming subdomain Reddit and even before they supported picture thumbnails. I've seen its wild mutations over the years. Bacon, narwhal, Mr Splashypants, Colbert name dropping, the original video IAMAs, the jailbait fiasco, spacedicks, random celebrity users, the redesign from hell, etc etc.

I left.

It was a good site for a long time but after being on Lemmy for a while I can see a clear difference in experience and now I realize Reddit has been bad for a while. Terrible discourse, lowest common denominator posts, and falling into the trap of continuous engagement just to get the next hit of dopamine. Honestly, spez ruining the site has been good for me personally.

I'm proud of our rejection of a commercial online experience. This is the thoughtful community I want to be a part of. This feels like the Internet of the late 90s in terms of authenticity. With its revival with the Fediverse I'm hopeful that these types of communities will forever be part of our digital experience.

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As much as Steve has already shown he's willing to lie outright (especially we characterizing his talks with the Apollo Dev) I really can't put it past Reddit to lie about the mods "encouraging" porn posts.

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Dude didn't stutter. Saving the woman.

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I could have lived a long happy life without reading "fishussy"

A little Internet history: the etymology of "troll" in the Internet sense comes from the fishing term "trolling" which is where one moves around the fishing area with bait waiting for fish to hit (or bite). In the old bulletin board days a normal response before engaging with an obviously inflammatory/bad faith post was to start "ok, I'll bite ... [Counter Argument]"

I love how after a decade pandoc is still Haskell's "killer app". smh

What Crockford did was enable a lot of devs to realize there was a viable development platform built into the most prolific and open network client in the world. For that he should be commended but it should have never been taken as "this is a viable general purpose language".

They seem like fun story prompts honestly. Could be a blast just doing it for fun with friends.

Didn't think I'd see some necromancy today

This is my life now

I would argue that ASM isn't "powerful". It's direct. You can access advanced features of a CPUs architecture with the trade off limited portability. Sometimes it's necessary but power comes from being able to express complex control and data structures in a concise and readable amount of text.

The subjective topic of what "concise and readable" means is where the language wars come in.

Like a Hoover vacuum

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Retro computing love is lonely irl but thriving online. So yeah definitely a topic we don't really bring unless you want to get a slice "back in my day" geezer action. Which honestly I'm leaning into these days.

BaconReader is out

Ukrainian forces advanced closer to the Russian second line of defense in the Robotyne area in western Zaporizhia Oblast on August 24, further widening their breach of Russian defensive lines in the area. Geolocated footage published on August 24 shows that Ukrainian forces advanced further towards the Russian defensive lines west of Verbove (18km southeast of Orikhiv) and into southern Robotyne (10km south of Orikhiv).[30] Some Russian milbloggers indicated that Russian forces maintain limited if any, positions in southern Robotyne and that fighting continues east of Robotyne.[31] A prominent Russian milblogger expressed concern at the Ukrainian breach of Russian defensive lines in western Zaporizhia Oblast and stated that this is a critical moment on the battlefield.[32] The milblogger stated that Russian forces need to hold their positions for at least another month and a half to try to make gains in another area of the frontline and attempt to shift the battlefield situation in favor of Russian forces.[33] Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Valeri Zaluzhnyi responded to criticisms about the Ukrainian counteroffensive by stating that it was not a counterinsurgency but the Battle of Kursk, referencing a weeks-long World War II battle that ultimately allowed the Soviet army to regain the battlefield initiative and recapture significant swaths of territory.[34]

Icey pops. Mystery Green was my jam

How is it? I've been using KDEnlive forever.

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I respect this

A synth meme... Here?

With regard to point 1 I've personally found that my work relationships have not been impacted by remote work. I still can have honest and hard conversations when needed but also able to just shoot the shit and connect with people all over the globe. I have friends in Spain, Brazil, Scotland and Italy now. However I think there's a real component of playing politics that's lost when there is no office to roam around in and jump people but in my eyes that's a good thing. And honestly that's what really bothers middle management. They've built up a career playing that game of in person politics but once they had to survive in a remote working world where ad-hoc discussions get thrown out of the window they find their usual toolbox is empty. And it drives them crazy.

I've been hearing number 3 for about 20 years. It never works out that way and if they could split the job between cheap overseas contractors and limited on site employees then most businesses would have already done so. International hiring is a good thing and great talent can be found but it's usually not the "savings" people expect it to be because the market will always adjust to demand.

We have commercial media perpetuating outright lies to an established monoculture. It's not surprising.

I love that you committed to a fancy Dutch angle

This shall not stand

Caca: that's and ancient word that many speculate is older than even the proto-indo-european roots and may have been part of the same lexicon of the originating humans who migrated into East Asia.

America has a lot of problems but the idea that Americans can afford to be frivolously litigious is hilarious.

I think you have to do it manually. I haven't seen any short cut myself.

I wish we grew up using that name

Looks pretty cool. I need to check it out

I've got a lot of great memories of my old place beep and now they're gone.

I'm on Jerboa currently. I've been finding it very useable.

RCP has a tendency to post even the most crackpot polling firms which gives the entire site a rightward lean.

We can capitalize on his greatest fear... Electric Shark Boats

That's fantastic. So much great content was lost when the original sites went down

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