Reddit's response about the actions they took against the subreddits (note: r/mildly interesting DID NOT encourage nsfw content and their suspensions and removal have been revoked by a diff admin) to Reddit – 238 points –

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As much as Steve has already shown he's willing to lie outright (especially we characterizing his talks with the Apollo Dev) I really can't put it past Reddit to lie about the mods "encouraging" porn posts.

r/mildlyinteresting did not encourage it, and Reddit lied about that, and their removal and suspension was revoked by a different admin than the one who removed and suspended them. Here is the post, "The Reddit Admins are lying - r/MildlyInteresting did NOT allow or encourage users to post ANY sexually explicit content, see draft of now-deleted announcement":

Given how that's been going, and how that subreddit apparently got caught in the crossfire, it kind of makes you wonder what's going on behind the scenes at Reddit. With a different person revoking it and apologising, it kind of seems like the admins aren't really communicating to each other, and that some are putting out fires that the others are lighting.

EDIT: No Apology, just an explanation.

I can't imagine that everyone in the company is like spez.

Yet disorder and ambiguous goals/requirements by management tends to have a domino effect.

I wonder how many people were hanging around hoping to cash out after the IPO and are realizing it's not going to go as well as they thought because they're being led by spiteful idiots.

I didn't see anything about an apology, where can i see this?

In the comments on one of the articles on The Verge about this, someone claiming to be a mod over there said they were reinstated. I know you can't really prove that, but maybe that's where this notion comes from?

they have been reinstated, thats confirmed and you ca go look and confirm for yourself, im talking about i never saw an apology from any admin or reddit

I think there was a comment later, in another thread, where all the reinstated mods later had their permissions changed so that literally the only thing they could do was modmail, nothing else. Don't completely remember if it was the same group of mods, but I think it was.

It was. Seems the admins are infighting now. They were all banned and removed, then reinstated, then had all their mod permissions removed a few hours later

Just once again shows that, as always, users are the one that makes Reddit Reddit.

Polarized actions like this is just Reddit showing off their inability and ignorance to the community.

All I can hope for right now is that every shitty things that happened so far is all because of spez and spez only. He’s the one and only almighty CEO and nobody can disagree him (basically Zuck 2.0?)

Par for the course at Reddit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Consistency has never been their strong suit.

That's nonsense, the 'C' in "Reddit" has always stood for "Consistency."