3 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is my #1 also. So many people "just asking questions"

I also hate the circlejerk of people going "I cannot possibly comprehend being gay/trans/disabled/whatever but I let them do what they want!" They're not aliens, you can listen to them explain what they are going through and have empathy. It's not very complicated.

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The best protest would be a blank canvas.

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I agree 100%

If you want to tolerate Nazis, bigots, fascists, etc under the guise of "free speech" then this is not the instance for you. And I hope we maintain that moving forward. Y'all can have your own hellhole somewhere else

Renovate your business and put a bunch of single person bathrooms if you care so much about anyone who may or may not be trans being in your presence in the bathroom. Otherwise shut the fuck up and let people pee in peace

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My last job tried to do this. They didn't even have enough desks for everyone. My entire team said "no thanks" and several people quit and they backtracked real fast. Now their stock is worth $2 when it used to be $40 a year ago lol

Just look for other jobs if you are standing your ground. Sometimes it takes a few losing a few people for them to realize they fucked up

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Well Barbie is an accomplished woman with a bajillion jobs so it's not surprising the movie is "woke". Barbie was "woke" for her time.

I bet they make a fuck ton of money off this movie, once again disproving "go woke go broke"

Woke is here to stay, it's called human rights

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Republicans are also corporate lobbyists in addition to being nazis

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That's ok, they don't know what woke means either

The videos sub is text posts only now. Must be text posts describing videos lmao

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Good. These places are just people practicing medicine without a license and an agenda they will lie for. Should be illegal everywhere.

Why would you vote for a party trying to tell you how to raise kids and what you can do in your own bedroom and what medications you can have etc etc etc if you are actually libertarian lol

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I don't get why people are clinging to the idea that reddit will suddenly give a fuck. They are unprofessional, rude, liars. It doesn't matter if they bend down and kiss your ass with a million false promises. They won't follow through.

Look at what happened to interestingasfuck, they are approaching a week with no mods and completely locked down. You can easily make reddit implode themselves with their hubris of mods being easily replaceable. They have shown that is not true. Y'all will be removed anyway before the IPO, they won't risk this again. So hurry up and let them implode before they have time to figure out an alternative before the IPO

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For me it was mostly about accessibility, because reddit essentially told disabled people they aren't welcome. So ... bye

But also the attempt at monetizing FUCKING EVERYTHING is pissing me off. I miss the internet where most things were free. I am not going to pay a subscription to read an aggregation of links. If I have to pay I am going to choose something more fun over social media.

How do you define "working"? I think it was pretty obvious from the beginning they were never going to change their minds

However they accomplished

  1. A bunch of negative media coverage
  2. Completely crashing the site
  3. A terrible AMA that showed spez is not a good CEO and the company is not profitable
  4. A select few accessibility apps are whitelisted (for now)
  5. Free drama for all of us

The IPO is fucked regardless of what reddit does next, they are in a lose lose situation. Anyone who thought they would turn around and change their mind is delusional and doesn't understand how maniacal CEOs work

What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that there is no turning back. There is no reason for them to keep ANY mod that participated in the blackout or said anything negative about the API decision even if they reopen and try to appease them now. Might as well mutually self destruct

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Plus they totally fucked up the messaging with the original blackout. It should have always included information about accessibility being taken away.

So far the only actual study we have on this says it's not a real thing. Sure, some cats have different preferences but it's not like you are torturing your cat with normal bowls and need to run out and buy special ones.

If you're feeding your cat an infinite supply of dry food without a feeding schedule you have bigger things to be concerned about than whisker fatigue.

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What's funny is RFK jr admitted multiple times he didn't understand fuckall about the conspiracies he was spouting, but for some reason they think it would be a good idea for him to debate ANYONE about vaccines lmao

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Blockchain (simplified) is a giant excel spreadsheet that you can never edit, only add to. I struggle to think of any applications that is a benefit for, and even then append only databases would already do it better.

One of the benefits is supposed to be decentralization, but people tout that as a benefit for things like house deeds, or identification, or whatever. Imagine how massive an append only excel file of every house with every owner change etc etc included in it would be. Then we once again only have the people who can afford to store that much data storing it, and we are back to where we are now.

It doesn't really solve any problems, it just is a worse version of what already exists.

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I was definitely addicted to reddit but it's been surprisingly easy to stop using it. I have been reading instead and I'm 75% of the way through Wool right now. Before I would endlessly scroll through but now when I open reddit I am bored in a few minutes. I'll probably still use it to find useful answers on Google but otherwise 🤷‍♀️

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I don't use neopets anymore but I have been following the neopets saga. I will believe it when I see it, they promised this with the site redesign back when flash died, and most of the original games are still not playable years later.

Fake chicken has come a long way in general. Daring chicken is meant to substitute white meat with no breading and very close in flavor. I wouldn't eat it on it's own because the texture is a little weird, but shredded in soup or gumbo or whatever it's suspiciously close to real chicken.

And now lab grown chicken is FDA approved 👀

Spez said in an interview he admires Musk. If you haven't noticed yet, the corporate world is just 1 giant game of follow the leader.

"Oh X laid 13% of their staff off? I'm gonna do that too even though I don't really need to"

"Oh Twitter charged ridiculous amounts for their API and didn't crumble? Me too"

Remember when Google was doing those dumbass interviews where you have to figure out how many manhole covers in NYC or whatever? Every tech company and their mom was OBSESSED with those types of questions even long after Google figured out how useless they were.

Remember when you paid outright for things and everything wasn't a subscription model?

Thankfully Twitter is actively dying now, but if they somehow manage to turn it around we are all fucked. If they show people will stay around while you strongarm them into paying AND having limits to save server costs that is going to be adopted by basically everyone.

I think it's funny that in response to this people are STILL insisting that it's easy to find new mods. TIHI, interestingasfuck, and shittylifeprotips have been closed for over a week because they have no mods. Before TIHI mods got banned, they offered multiple users complaining the option to take over moderating the sub and they said no.

How does any of this point to it being easy to replace mods? Delusional

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What's funny is apparently they blanket sent this out to ALL private subreddits. Subreddits that have been private for 3+ years are getting the message now.

Like I said before, the admins are going to remove whoever they feel like regardless of how much you bow down and obey them. Even if it makes no sense and has no warning. Remove all your custom stuff so reddit can't take it over, and abandon ship. Waste of time to expect anything positive or event neutral to come out of that place anymore.

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Perfect is the enemy of good. Trust me, I am very irritated by the complete lack of giving a fuck shown by billionaires and large companies.

But I also know that when it comes down to it the only thing they actually care about is money. And I am one of the people that provides them with that money by choosing to buy their products. Sure, it will take a significant amount of us to make a noticable impact but vegan alternatives have been becoming much more popular and prevalent because there is increasing demand. It's happening. The dairy industry obviously feels threatened with their stupid wood milk campaign and desperate attempts to ban anyone else from using the word milk.

That is something I actually have control over. I can vote accordingly to try to stop rich assholes from destroying the earth, but I don't control it alone. At least when the earth dies I can say I tried.

By not giving them traffic

Even with stalls you can peep through I've never had anyone creeping on me in the bathroom, except kids

Kids are the real menace here, not trans people

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I'm sure that will be on there regardless. Less views is a bigger fuck you than any banner

I find it hard to believe this is actually a popular idea among their base, along with cutting social security. But maybe I am naive. I know GOP voters like cruelty, but not when it affects them personally

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It's like the home goods version of fast fashion. Unfortunately, a lot of the products on temu are the same Chinese made products you will find elsewhere at a higher markup. Especially if you still buy from Amazon. It's kinda annoying to see people turn their nose up at temu but happily buy JABXBSJ or whatever weird ass Chinese company name products on Amazon.

Hell, even if you're buying expensive ass home decor or clothes a lot of it is cheap stuff made by workers paid poorly in shit conditions.

Buying used has become the only moral option at this point. There's still a few products made in the US that are worth the money, but a lot of ones that used to be popular have moved their manufacturing to other countries now also.

That's not what Elon Musk would do, so spez doesn't like it.

Too little oversight you say?

Remember that time when Dems would only vote to pass this with the condition of oversight? We even had someone ready to do the oversight!

And then Trump fired them, oops definitely not intentional

Create a new one then? Idk why we need low quality posts like this. This a very reddit style post

I miss reading all the salty comments by users who contribute nothing but are mad their mindless scrolling was impacted

As someone who has ingested a lot of weed, strong disagree. I don't know how anyone who has experienced being high can say they are not impaired. That's a mind blowing statement to me.

I definitely wouldn't say it impairs you in the same way being drunk does, but I also wouldn't say driving high is the same as driving sober. And if you are driving high you really need to cut that shit out. All it takes is one time where your reaction time is slightly decreased and it could be catastrophic.

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Unfortunately as we have approached July 1st I have noticed more and more hostile users on kbin. Obviously I've only been using kbin for a little bit but within the past couple days I am starting to see mele users who come online just to start arguments, which is one of the main things I didn't like about reddit's userbase.

For example, today I was name pinged several times by a user who had "born and bred <slur>" in their profile. They kept name pinging in an attempt to start an argument. I haven't seen this at all over on tildes

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I deleted all my comments and posts but kept my account in case reddit undeletes anything. Also to keep my saved stuff and messages. I don't feel like it matters if I keep my account or not since I'm not using the site anymore

I agree, I meant don't give a fuck as in suddenly change their mind about the API changes. They give a lot of fucks about making everyone bend to their whim. They give so many fucks they will willingly shut down subreddits themselves

The protest was working and they should keep it going

Ya we should have thought harder about who the bad guys REALLY were in WW2


They are definitely a flakey texture inside, I would compare them to Wendy's nuggets. I am autistic so texture is a big thing for me, and it doesn't bother me. I am not even a huge nugget fan because a lot of them do have that spongey texture that grosses me out

I would recommend trying them deep fried for the best texture