
0 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's crazy how reddit's run like it's a 1-2 year old startup still trying to figure out how guidelines, communication, consistent rule enforcement, etc. work.

It's becoming more and more apparent the site's success was despite the company running it, not because of it.

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I think it incredibly damaging in the long run to have 50% of active users on this platform to be centralized on one domain.

I agree, but 50% is still better than 100%. I definitely appreciate that I'm reading about this while being totally unaffected personally rather than just disappearing entirely like what happens with a banned subreddit.

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Seriously. I'm running a Synology with 12x16TB. That'd buy a bunch of months of streaming services...but this way actually gives me content to watch that I want to watch.

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Michael Cassidy, a former congressional and legislative candidate from Mississippi, was charged the next day with fourth-degree criminal mischief, a misdemeanor. He told the conservative website The Sentinel that “my conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted.”

I feel like admitting your behavior is based entirely on your religion not written law should disqualify one from public positions where creating and following so-called "bureaucratic decrees" is kinda the whole point.

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"Piracy isn't stealing" doesn't require a qualifier. It's objectively a separate, lesser crime. That correlation is just the result of effective, aggressive marketing that conflates the two. It was so effective that everyone misremembers the "you wouldn't steal a car" ad.

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I don’t want some validation, internet points, 2 minutes of fame to sound / look cool.

No, you just need everyone to know you don't care about sounding/looking cool to sound/look cool. Totally different.

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Citing an example of McMahon’s “extreme depravity,” on May 9, 2020, “he defecated on Ms. Grant during a threesome, and then commanded her to continue pleasuring his ‘friend’ — with feces in her hair and running down her back — while McMahon went to the bathroom to shower off,” the lawsuit says.

Not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.

ETA: Link to the complaint itself, which includes more details and screenshots of texts. It doesn't reflect especially well on him: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647.1.0.pdf

Those poor, lonely Alaskans.

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You don't mag dump like that if you don't care. He very much was trying to kill him.

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And even when it's allowed in, it doesn't mean allowing people to just do whatever. There's plenty of places around the world where you can have a drink outdoors, but there's still laws against loitering, being a nuisance, picking fights, etc.

There's a whole wide world between "nobody can do drugs ever" and "we must tolerate fucked up people fucking up everything everywhere."

Strange, I read for weeks how easily replaced they'd be by the thousands of willing, competent volunteers.

That's such a strange reaction, since fake stories like yours are the only reason that sub has any content worth reading.

You don't get to be a billionaire with just hard work and fulfilled promises.

I'm more inclined to believe it's just incompetence.

Wasting time asking dangerous clarifying questions like that is what gets you shot.

Now what is Google going to do with YouTube?

Run even more ads in the non-premium version, I'd wager.

It's almost always going to be easier to obtain them through other means.

In the past, I've had good luck with StreamFab. It's expensive and Mac/Windows only, I believe. I had a smallisj use case and was able to automate mac address changes on a VM so could get by with the free trial. Been a while, so I can only vouch that it used to work well, not sure if anything's changed since then.

There was a pretty widespread crackdown on widevine decryption keys last year, iirc. That's the sort of thing you'd be looking for if you wanted to continue searching out other tools or possibly roll your own.

It's obviously an estimate, but "no sign" seems a little bit of an undersell.

Because to our knowledge no recent reliable state-level data on completed vaginal rapes (forced and/or drug/alcohol–facilitated vaginal penetration) are available, we analyzed multiple data sources to estimate reported and unreported rapes in states with total abortion bans (Table 15). We also estimated the number of resulting pregnancies based on findings from prior research on rape-related pregnancy rates (eMethods in Supplement 1). This study followed the relevant sections of the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guideline. The institutional review boards of our institutions did not consider analyses of publicly available data human participants research.

To estimate the contemporary incidence of vaginal rape nationally, we analyzed the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 2016 to 2017 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey (which used special methods to accurately ascertain reported and unreported rapes). We adjusted for the fraction of survivors who were female individuals aged 15 to 45 years using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) annual survey on criminal victimization (which is known to underestimate rapes5)3 and further adjusted for the percentage of rapes that are vaginal.1 We calculated 95% CIs using measures of uncertainty from the CDC survey. The CDC and BJS surveys do not include state-level data; thus, we apportioned the 2022 nationwide rape estimate among states based on the US Federal Bureau of Investigation’s most recent Uniform Crime Reports, which include rapes reported to law enforcement in 2019.

To estimate rape-related pregnancies, we multiplied the state-level estimate of vaginal rapes by the fraction likely to result in pregnancy (eMethods in Supplement 1)6 and then adjusted for the number of months between July 1, 2022, and January 1, 2024, that a total abortion ban was in effect. We used Stata, version 16.1 (StataCorp), to analyze the BJS survey data and Microsoft Excel for other calculations.

Have to say it's the right call. It's common enough that software (jdownloader2 comes to mind) will do the conversion automatically. it'd be super trivial for a bot crawling for DMCA links to add that functionality at some point.

Seems like the witnesses saw it differently.


"They were putting out some rage for really no reason at all. They just wanted to vandalize something, and they did," witness Edwin Carungay told KGO-TV.

The witness told the outlet the Waymo was vandalized and set on fire by a big group of people.

"One young man jumped on the hood, and on the windshield.," Carungay told KGO. "That kind of started the whole melee."

The Sony rootkit thing happened nearly 20 years ago. They're not just now making dick moves.

The ability to use a custom launcher to work around a stupid decision doesn't make the decision less stupid. Not being able to customize something to easily customizable by default is a stupid decision. I strongly feel that applies to the search bar placement and the default search engine.

Most posts from what I see are now ‘’meme’s’’, ‘‘I justify pirate because…’’ and ‘’This is my collection!’’. Pretty much just hurr-durr look and upvote me kind of content.

/r/piracy wasn't much different in that regard when I unsubbed from it, long before leaving reddit last summer. It happens anytime there's a large enough userbase, as that sort of content is easier to create and consume, the latter making it more likely to get voted up.

*waiting patiently for the rule 34 series*

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From the article linked in the OP:

“When they wrapped the baby up tightly, they propped the baby’s head on top of the blanket to make it appear like the head was attached when it wasn’t,” attorney Dr. Roderick Edmond said.

Definitely doesn't sound like an "internal decapitation" to me. What a strange thing to lie about.

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Desktop site enabled -> old.reddit

Is there actually a particular rule against turning SFW subs into NSFW subs?

No, and historically it's been the admins' stance that it's up to the mods to determine what is an acceptable level within the sub. They're absolutely just making up the shit as they go and trying to retroactively justify their impulsive actions after the fact.

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This one seemed more Owen Hart

using a client that could see and vote in the poll in the 8 minutes that they had it open

The irony being that the ones upset by the API changes wouldn't be using the first party client, so if anything this would have filtered out the people in favor of closing down. I say "would have" because that would require this having actually being what happened. All of those polls I saw were open for days, and the people whining about the closures in the comments just didn't notice because they didn't actually use the site much or were just oblivious as shit.

How many people really discover new music through piracy?

Everyone I've ever known. I mostly listen to metal, which undeniably became what it is because of people mailing pirated cassettes in the early 80s. 8 of my 10 favorite bands, I discovered by finding someone with good taste on Soulseek and grabbing the stuff I'd never heard of before. Piracy is key in the spread of underground music.

Artists that sell out stadiums wouldn't be affected much, but the ones that actually need the concert income absolutely would.

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Feels right that this was my first upvote here.

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Seems like that'd fly.

From the link in that comment:

You can link to websites pages related to piracy. Linking to websites linking to your content (not with a 301 redirect, before you ask) is OK. In general try to keep one degree of separation between our collective groins and your links.

ever lift a finger again

I think this would actually make him better at the PR side of his job.

like we’ve learned absolutely nothing from the experience

We've learned a lot, it's just what we've learned is about the nature of our employers and our value to them.

Same. That weird free game started a lifelong appreciation for the genre.

That's more of a cautionary tale about running out-of-date software. A vpn wouldn't have affected it at all, and it's not especially relevant to OP's question. It also doesn't have anything to do with sharing content, not really relevant to your initial comment either.

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Anyone whose purchased Russian oil in the past couple decades?

I meant if you use sonarr/radarr, it doesn't create duplicates by design.

That subreddit sucks.

Replying just to echo this sentiment.

I'm pretty sure most browsers can. Pretty sure OP's complaint's a big misplaced on that one.