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Joined 3 months ago

Feminism means gender goes into the shredder. No gender. FUCK gender, punk ass bitch ass social construct. Burn it at the stake!

Note: many feminists may or may not disagree

can i get two cocks

Why would you wish that

I think he is making a joke that OP is, in fact, the bot

Or maybe he's just bullying OP for circlejerking so hard and giving himself a pat on the back as a Lemmy user

The same reason people hate leftists, feminists, trans athletes, "gamer girls", people on welfare, blacks, etc. An image the right cultivated of the group, out of convenient easily-hateable annoying people in it that they could use to create a generalization/stereotype out of. It's something that's able to happen to any group, I could portray any hobbyist or activist in this way the same exact way as these "annoying" groups are portrayed, but the right is particularly willing to just flat out lie, slander, and cheat their way into making countercultural/anti-status-quo groups look as absurd as possible, to the point that the majority of the population falls for it (even those that don't consider themselves to be conservative).

I'll make a comparison. Conservative/"anti-sjw" thumbnails often have a picture of some angry-looking rainbow haired woman, usually the same few, in order to be like "look how irrational and crazy these feminazis are, she must hate men so much" and like 4 out of 5 of those times it's a picture of a woman that was protesting a literal neo-nazi gathering or something, not some sort of radical crazy man-hating feminist. But the internet has conditioned the average person to look at someone like that and immediately think they're an irrational "feminazi", and conservatives showing these pictures everywhere and making 100 videos on the same person makes people subconsciously believe they're rampant and have a massive (and bad) grip on society.

Same kind of thing happens with vegans, you have the same 10 or so internet vegans people use to portray veganism that conditions people to think poorly of the concept "vegan", and when these influencers are confronted about it they say "I don't hate veganism, I just hate the annoying vegans" then they go onto Twitter to complain about the vegans and how they're irrational for not eating meat and their brains must be de-evolving or something. They know what they're doing, but they can hide behind plausible deniability, and the majority of viewers fall for it.

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exaggeratingly avoiding eye contact and making a stupid mouth expression is what overly dramatic/narcissistic people do to emphasize the hotness of their take, the sheer disagreeableness they presume their words or actions have

it's like "sorry not sorry" as an expression. it is pretentiousness incarnate. i think it's more of an adult pop-culture and person-with-radical-political-beliefs thing than a white person thing, it's the result of watching way too much american reality tv

Japan is an ultraconservative hellhole, their law & justice system is probably the most backwards in the first world. Their crime management is pretty much just fascism many times, extremely out of proportion punishments for the crimes, and if the government accuses you of something and it goes to trial, you're basically toast. They all but torture you while you're being processed, often times they use harsh treatment to try to force a confession out of you before trial. The state prosecutor also has no legal obligation to present all the facts, they have a lot of freedom to cherrypick and withhold information relevant to the trial in order to make the defendant look as guilty as possible.

They have a 99.8% criminal conviction rate.

Japanese inmates are often treated inhumanely, the way Japan treats prisoners regularly would be considered a human rights violation in most western countries.

Imagine how Republicans treat criminals, and multiply it by a hundred. Japanese society/government HATES anything that's out of order and does all it can to stamp out any "deviance" from norms. This usually results in them treating financial crimes, theft, drugs, etc. extremely harshly, but doing pretty much nothing about crimes like sexual harassment & sexual assault, which are kind of culturally prevalent or even slightly acceptable in Japan. Legally rape victims are treated far worse than rapists. You'd even probably be treated leniently for DUI as long as it wasn't a taboo/illegal drug (i.e., if it's alcohol).

The reason urban Japan seems so nice and orderly is similar to the reason that the streets of Pyongyang seem so clean and behaved. Extremely terrible treatment of people who step out of line, except in Japan it's mostly culturally than politically. There's a reason they're known for suicide and hikikomoris.

It is a very common misconception that Japan is very progressive because of anime and the extremely rampant sexualization/objectification of women in the form of cute/funny things like panty dispensing machines and wacky television game shows and cat girls, and in general Japanese stuff just being very bright and bouncy and all that. But it's very misleading, their culture obsessed with cuteness/"kawaii" stems from an attempt to radically and rapidly distance their cultural image from that of Imperial Japan. They definitely succeeded in changing the world's perception of them, but they didn't address their deep societal issues which were in part caused by the US basically controlling their politics after WW2.

I should point out though that not all Japanese prisons are dystopian torture chambers. But you still get very few rights and freedoms while imprisoned, even socializing may be completely forbidden.

I remember watching Techno every week for like 7 or 8 years straight. I was pretty sad when he died, I remember being at work seeing the notification "so long nerds" with a black screen and i was immediately like oh it's so over, but it took a minute of watching for it to really sink in that he was for real gone.

This kind of stuff is absolutely the number one failure of Democrats. They want to play fair and by the rules, so when there's opposition to their appointments they just lie down and accept it until the Republicans get exactly who they want. Meanwhile the Republicans will lie, cheat, and slander their way to anything they want, including getting ultra-conservatives in on positions that aren't supposed to be political.

Biden's been way better in this regard which is part of what makes him way better than previous Democrat presidents. But I still don't have high hopes for "the party of compromise" in getting progressives in these kinds of positions. In particular, we all remember what happened at the end of Obama's presidency with supreme court judges and Roe v Wade.

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The right have killed significantly more than communists. We just don't label it as murder when it's capitalists, because making "lower beings" suffer is the intended effect of capitalism. Why is it not capitalism's fault when conservative states fail catastrophically and cause the deaths of millions, but when a communist state fails it's suddenly socialism's problem?

Conservatives refuse to acknowledge that capitalism is built on mountains of bones, hubdreds of millions of bones at least, and is still completely dysfunctional. Their criticism of better ideologies is just projection of that.

Off the top of my head, a lot. @FlyingSquid, @The_Picard_Maneuver, @AngryCommieKender, @captainlezbian, @DragonTypeWyvern, @Cryophilia, @masquenox, @jimmydoreisalefty, @SatansMaggotyCumFart, @BonesOfTheMoon, @1984, @Cryophilia, @Nurse_Robot. Some of them just have very memorable or kick-ass names (Nurse Robot? Why didn't I think of that???), and some of them are unavoidable on the site.

I also usually remember the active conservative and "centrist" specimens on this site, like intensely_human, IsThisAnAI, TubularTittyFrog, SpaceCowboy, Melvin_Ferd. I tend to strongly disagree with them a lot.

Ukraine is the rightful successor to the Kyjivan Rus' and the Soviet Union, therefore they should get the UN permanent member seat and all of the former USSR's belongings, including Moscow. Do I get a medal now?

NO!!! must... imprison... minorities...

Very common first and last name in Russia and the former Russian Empire / USSR

When you have this problem communicating with everyone, you’re the problem.

Not really, when you're in the minority of course you're going to be outnumbered. But autistic people tend to have an easy time getting their point across to each other, compared to neurotypicals trying to have a mutual understanding. Neurotypicals tend to be very performative in conversation and don't really say things they actually intend to contribute to the conversation half the time (small talk is a form of this that has gone way too far). They're also usually evasive & implicitness-oriented, the cultural nuances/expectations/perceptions of the "right" and "wrong" way to convey something tend to get in the way of understanding very straightforward and mostly objective things. They're generally pretty condescending when you don't converse how they expect you to, and they judge a lot about your character, emotions, intentions, etc. based on how you speak, and will speak to you very differently based on outside factors. You can take 100 almost-strangers, and neurotypicals will speak in noticeably different ways with different amounts of honesty and indirection for each person in the otherwise same context.

Instead of just saying what they mean and listening to what you say, they throw in a bunch of random culture-dependent social cues and context irrelevant to the conversation that you're supposed to subconsciously/naturally pick up on to interpret their speech in a different way. And you're basically just supposed to guess whether something is socially significant indirection or not.

Neurotypicals basically just have the urge make simple conversation unnecessarily complex and care a lot about invisible or implied stuff affecting the conversation. It's not their fault of course, they were just born that way.

I don't have ASD but I can't keep count of the amount of times I will say something very plainly and the other person will try to find some hidden meaning in it or make egregious misinterpretations/false dichotomies based on a statement (basically the "i like pancakes" "so you hate waffles"? tweet), so I can relate. Autistic people are usually far more direct in conversations in my experience, and don't use nearly as much fluff/unnecessary performative conversation. Of course that's not to say Autistic people are just flat out better socially than neurotypicals, there are many things I personally find difficult to understand about friends with ASD that can make conversation hard (mainly people who have both ASD and ADHD though, not a fun combo for having conversations, getting ultra-fixated on random irrelevant stuff and just flat out omitting important things frequently even worse than neurotypicals do), it's just that they're usually very straightforward.

European cops are possibly significantly worse than American cops when it comes to protests. Especially in Italy/Germany/Austria

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"left propaganda" BAHAHAHA that's like complaining about seeing people using science in their daily lives or talking about science and calling it science propoganda

being right-wing is inherently irrational and anti-science, there is no room to complain about "left propoganda" especially when UBI isn't even inherently leftist, UBI still exists solely to prop up a broken capitalist system making it live on the right of the political spectrum. left propaganda would be advocating for socialism or something, this is just advocating for welfare capitalism (which has been proven to be far better for the populace than other forms of capitalism in use).

this post doesn't even state an opinion on UBI though, so it's weird that you took it as "propoganda", or even "political". it's literally just proportions. it's really hard to take someone who's saying "the objective truth is just political propaganda" seriously.

I feel as though the "human trafficking" part is more important than the bourgeois dog, why isn't that in the headline? Or specifying the work hours or exact pay (under $8/day)?

Security guards are often losers wanting to feel like they have power who tried to become cops but failed. It's to an extent where you'll frequently see them (often illegally) put flashing lights on their "security vehicle" and plaster decals meant to mimic those of police on it. Some of them even buy a bunch of stolen police equipment to wear around them and put in their car. A large portion of the people that get arrested and charged with impersonating law enforcement is security guards. It's sad but it's also disgusting the lengths they will go to cosplay for their power trip.

These kinds of people are way more trigger happy than normal.

This likely isn't far from the truth, "straightness" is very much associated with culture being oppressive/biased against queerness, and most modern theory on the matter concludes that in a vacuum pansexuality, to varying degrees, is the "norm", and that near-complete heterosexuality and homosexuality are the outliers. Similar thing with monogamy, humans are likely to exhibit non-monogamous behaviours if there's no cultural influence involved – in fact, humans are the only great apes and one of the very few (in the single digits) simians to be observed participating in monogamy. Pretty much every species that is similar to us is primarily or almost entirely non-monogamous.

Outside of cultural pressures for or against certain sexual behaviours, you generally see pansexual and polygamous tendencies in most of the population – although pansexuality isn't as common as non-monogamy, in both humans and other primates; but it is still common in apes in general – especially bonobos, who are extremely similar to humans behaviourally and in the most related genus to us, are extremely social even for primates, and who have demonstrated many archaic human behaviours & advancements, even making/utilizing hunting tools like spears and stone tools devoid of any human influence.

Anyways heterosexuality being the norm is likely mostly the product of cultural pressures rather than "nature". And if we were to somehow magically erase cultural pressures or even the construct of sexuality, most people would exhibit at least somewhat pansexual behaviours, even if they had a strong preference for one sex/gender/whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

*Fun fact, bonobos have been shown to be able to competently & rationally communicate in complex English (complex, as in around as well as a conversational/intelligent 3-year old) and can even understand & respond to human speech accurately; they can have a lexicon of hundreds of words, associate those words with concrete ideas/real objects with near-100% accuracy, and distinguish "fake" words from "real" words in English speech. They're the only non-human animals to have been proven to have the ability to actually understand and communicate in human language (both with humans and with other bonobos), and understand human spoken language. They're also in the stone age (an equivalent of it, at least) and can be observed in the wild making intentionally cutting-edge tools (unlike chimps), and also have separately been trained to manufacture Oldowan human archeological industry stone tools and have found ways to use them, but I'm more interested in linguistics than that. It's kind of sad that people sensationalize fraudulent cases of alleged human language comprehension in other non-humans, like Koko the gorilla, when you have the actual phenomenon legitimately right here... It's also sad that bonobos and chimpanzees are caught in the middle of human warfare in the Congo and are being hunted for meat, and are predicted to become extinct within a few decades because of humans... a majority of simians/anthroform primates are likely to go extinct soon, both because they're being eaten and because they're being sold off as exotic pets. We're literally hunting, slave trading, and cannibalizing our closest relatives to extinction, some of which are capable of early human-like thought & society/culture and spontaneous invention of technology only ever seen in archaic humans.

I say we do this: Bonobos in capitivity can already light fires, and they use that cook food. Bonobos and chimapnzees are also highly cultural & social animals, and tool production & cultural customs have been observed to spread within groups and between groups (even of different great ape species/families). We should teach a group or a few of bonobos this skill, watch it spread, and destroy humanity and store the survivors in vats or something. Then, in a few million years, bonobos will have evolved modern human intelligence and sophisticated futuristic technology, and then they'd bring us back to life and out of the vats into the future. And then boom, humans and future bonobos live together happily forever after. It'll be just like Stellaris (not the genocide part though). I'm only joking of course...

It's a lot better not to participate in rape culture and risk committing sexual assault, rather than submit to a woman perpetuating toxic masculinity, ngl. I wouldn't want to be the person to get raped just because other people think that accepting "no" for an answer is for pussies.

Glad to hear that your lobotomy was successful!

mfw non-commutativeness

A large portion of medical practicioners are absolutely fucking insane. It's no wonder people have a massive distrust of healthcare. How is it possible that medical research and medical practice have such vastly different kinds of people in them?

It's scary when you realize that a medical degree is just a degree like any other, and that a lot of those people went through college the same way as any other person, probably not paying attention 90% of the time, and cheating on most of their assignments... your likelihood of having a dysfunctional doctor is about the same as your likelihood of having a dysfunctional tech support specialist.

Would property taxes actually do much? They're so little even in high property-tax states that I think you'd need to do a lot more than that to FORCE rich people to utilize their other properties. High taxes would potentially push more costs on renters. Maybe we should just outlaw having more than 1 or 2 homes... including for real estate companies and banks :)

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That's painful to look at, I can't agree that it's easily readable

Congress passing the Taft-Hartley act and then overriding Truman's veto of it to enact laws to cripple unions (which made important union activities illegal, like solidarity strikes, jurisdictional strikes, and mass picketing) and basically completely fucked up unions, before Reagan went ahead and fucked them up even more than previously thought possible again


Citizens United v. FEC

Is this the r/linguistics logo bird

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I know everyone hates HOAs because they're usually petty and dumb, but this is where I think they'd actually be helpful. Designate certain neighborhoods as "quiet zones" where similarly obnoxious activities (that have reasonable, quiet alternatives) are banned: no motorized leaf blowers, lawn mowers, souped-up motorcycles or muscle cars.

Or... hear me out... we can have laws on emissions and noise pollution (which mostly already exist in cities) and cops/government officials that actually enforce them (and by "enforce" I don't mean shoot somebody after arriving on-scene) instead of relying on a private entity to dictate what happens in your living space

You went to 196 and you didn't expect balls?

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No, it was imported from German. Frisian and Dutch have "lienwurd" and "leenwoord" too (also calqued from German)

this reminds me of a post i saw last night on wallstreetbets of a doctoral student 100k in debt that ended up being down 60k trading after initially making 44k. like man why are you gambling money you don't have, especially an amount that most people don't even make in a year

edit: source for the shitshow

Looks like someone wasn't taught about separation of powers...

Executive orders only control the executive branch/manage the federal government, and certain other things the president has control over (like elaborating on an already-in-place law), they can't make or pass laws. Executive orders that overreach can be found invalid and blocked. The president can't just use laws as a suggestion.

It is a nuanced topic that requires explanation of certain history. There is no TL;DR

Modern phonetic transcription stands no match for the ultra-nasal

The anime fandom is extraordinarily sexual. It makes sense when you see that in general, anime is one of the most casually extremely objectifying/sexualizing/tokenizing things you can find... specifically towards women and queer people. Even yuri (lesbian) animes tend to be shounen (aimed at young men) and often are very fetishistic, and anything that resembles queerness is usually used in shounen animes specifically as fan service to their male audience.

There are MANY animes that I guarantee you only exist for the purpose of porn (more specifically, designed to get popular from people making & spreading porn of them). Rampant and unavoidable horny fan service is a plague

Conservatives are super pro-sales tax because it's regressive taxation. A common fake-libertarian argument is "we don't need income taxes, we can just have sales taxes".

Usually the best resources you can get online for free for language learning as a beginner or intermediate is mostly pirated photoscanned books, with some online pages or YouTubers mixed in as another supplement.

For example, for Japanese, I pirated the 3rd editions of Genki 1 & Genki 2, plus the workbooks for them. I also owe a lot to the YouTuber Tokini Andy (who has videos going over the updated Genki textbooks and explains a lot of things missing/poorly explained in the book, he's pretty great). There's also an interactive quizzing website for Genki someone made. For definitions and stroke order I used, and for etymology I used Wiktionary,, and The only other website/app I regularly used was Renshuu (a spaced repitition learning app for Japanese), which was pretty great and was a good supplement for drilling in what you learned from other resources – although you have to modify the settings quite a bit to really "optimize" it. A lot of people use WaniKani which is kind of similar but I think more Kanji-oriented and used more for students studying before a test. Oh and to learn the Kana, I basically just tested myself writing down the characters in the standard order for a few days until it got drilled into my head, I also used the Tofugu Hiragana learning resource thing but it only helped for a few mneumonics. Other than that, although I'm not exactly a weeb, I tried to force myself to watch anime (in Japanese) any time I wanted to do something like watch a show or play a game, and I'd look up all the stuff I didn't recognize. Anime isn't exactly representative of how Japanese people speak at all, and you're going to get your shit kicked in (by that I mean disapprovingly stared at) by Japanese people if you speak like an anime character, but I suppose it's like learning English off of Sesame Street and SkyDoesMinecraft...

For German, I heavily utilized Deutsche Welle's learning resources, especially Nicos Weg. I also had people to practice the language with. My German still sucks though... for whatever reason, I had the absolute most difficult time with trying to learning German out of any language. The word order magic fucked with my head especially, but I just kept mixing up basic words.

For Russian I used Memrise at first, which worked for vocabulary and got me familiar with the most very basic vocabulary, but the features locked behind monetization eventually got too disruptive so I spent pretty much all my time on (pirated) beginner Russian learning textbooks and very technical grammar books (I was a very learned linguistics major so learning from linguistics-heavy books was significantly more feasible for me than it is for the average person). I probably had the least frustrating time with Russian out of any of the languages I self-studied. I self-taught myself Cyrillic when I was like 8 because I thought slavic stuff was cool so that didn't really require any time...

I learned passable French in high school (despite my ADHD ass not paying attention 99% of the time and basically just not being present mentally for all of French 3), which then degraded a lot in my ability to use it since I never used it and was preoccupied with other stuff, but I can still read it fine, and I can understand it spoken depending on how they speak and my state of mind. I didn't even study outside of school or anything really, I just had a teacher from France (she was my favorite teacher). Actually thinking of the words and grammar I'm trying to say though, I'm pretty fucked in that department unless I go back and practice it. French is my 2nd language.

I self-studied Spanish after school, not very seriously though, I could already grasp it pretty well enough because of my French knowledge. I got conversational in no time – still, randomly not being able to recall random words is a pain in the ass (that goes with English too I guess). I did a bit of Duolingo at first but then just started listening to podcasts and videos and stuff, and looked up the words I didn't know (beforehand and during the time I was already doing a lot of Spanish linguistics work so I already knew "about" the language and its phonology/spelling to pick out the things I heard). This was really only possible because, again, I was already able to understand pretty much all the French you would encounter in daily life.

For Finnish I mostly used pirated books and YouTube learning resources. The first books I used were from Leila White, "From Start to Finnish" and "A Grammar Book of Finnish" which are both great. I would definitely suggest that anyone who wants to learn Finnish goes through those books – the second one's a reference rather than something you're supposed to go through from beginning to end though.

I tried (and failed) to learn Arabic a reeeally long time ago. It didn't extend much past a few obscure and not-very-helpful learning internet resources plus Duolingo (which was kind of useless for Arabic, even moreso than Duolingo typically is useless for languages). I had an unusually hard time with the script for this one (is it racist to say the damn squiggly lines all look the same), and reading it without vowel markers is very difficult to me. was a helpful resource for Slovak when I was doing the necessary stuff for citizenship – I could've probably gotten by with only English (despite doing it myself and without an immigration lawyer) but I felt it only made sense to at least try to learn the language. It... definitely happened... I basically learned much of the core vocabulary and some grammar quirks, and played fill in the blank with Russian/Polish words except how I thought they'd be in Slovak for words for ones I didn't know. Would not recommend doing that, but if you DO do it then just know that Slovak is the absolute best slavic language to do it in, they will probably understand you if you outright are speaking a different slavic language.

Right now I'm using this book online for Italian that's only in Italian which is basically like, introducing grammar & topics in the language with no actual instruction or anything, it's just a bunch of Italian sentences with images and stuff to get you to remember the grammar based off of context. It's sick as hell, but I can't remember what it's called right now.

After a long time (around B2 or maybe B1 level probably) you have enough comprehension to start learning well while watching content made for natives – e.g. you can watch YouTube videos or a TV show in the language and can learn from looking up the (still large) portion of words you don't understand.

I was originally a monolingual English speaker – only 1 native language, I didn't have like 2 or 3 native languages like most of the world (shout out to all the kids who acquired English solely off of TV and YouTube as a kid). On one hand, being monolingual definitely makes you more ignorant to other languages and your first language might be a little bit harder (but honestly it doesn't get much easier from there, you will still writhe in pain 4 hours a day trying to learn any subsequent languages), but on the other hand being a monolingual ENGLISH speaker opens you up to way more possibilities (resources) than not being an English speaker, so I guess overall I was pretty lucky in that regard.

I have really bad ADHD and Aphantasia which is (for the most part) a hinderance to language learning – my working memory is extremely bad, I can't visualize SHIT and ADHD makes my non-visual memory go kaput. Language learning takes significant time, energy, it's frustrating as fuck, and most of this comes down to a lot of it just being brute forcing memory. There is no cheat to language learning, there is no "lern basque in 23 dayz", it is just putting thousands upon thousands of hours of very regular, very (inter)active focus and memorization methods into it until it's drilled in your head. It can be more challenging than any job you've ever done and you'll want to cry due to how little progress you feel that you're making despite the great amounts of time and energy you put into deciphering this mess.

On the other hand, I know Autistic people with Hyperphantasia and Synthesia (specifically, the kind where you see colorful words appear in your vision when you hear, read, or think about language) and they are SIGNIFICANTLY more capable at language stuff than anyone else, although it's still a lot of effort to put in for them of course.

Language is pretty much about constantly pushing back against the force inside of you that says "you can't do this, you're not improving, it's tiring" and managing your breaks/scheduling well. It's easy to turn a "break" into just not touching the language again. You have to be motivated a LOT to learn a language (including being motivated by pressure/necessity, go get locked up in a country with speakers of your TL or something) or else you'll just quit as soon as you hit your first wave of roadblocks.