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Joined 11 months ago

50% chance it's Rin.

Useless without trackpads. I can just use any other controller instead of this.

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I agree with you that the article is clickbaity, it implies that it's the default punishment. But technically, it isn't wrong. It's still possible to get death penalty for advocating for Taiwan independence.

Without looking at your post history, I think your downvotes are unjustified. You merely pointed out the clickbait. But it would be better if you presented it in more affirming way, cause right now your comment kinda reads like you're refuting the article and "it's not a death sentence, it's only a 3-year imprisonment", which is also not true.

But this "unprocessed salami" can speak. Kinda puts them on level playing field.
Unless, of course, salami is voiced by Eddie Murphy, in which case it's an easy pick.

I think it would be better if you embedded the image directly with ![]()

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For those of us who need to do research to get this joke, I already did it. They mean Rubicon River (which is no longer in the north, so don't look for it there, it's on the opposite side of the knee).

Nice. Happy cake day!

But for real, it's probably GPT-3.5, which is free anyway.

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Ultimately, both of those commenters are annoying. Saying "I use Arch btw" is a useless self-serving statement that provides no benefit or information to the audience. But engaging with that message in the manner displayed is also pointless and stupid, even if the statement is correct.
The saving grace for the "Linux user" commenter is that they are self aware about being annoying, judging by their last comment. So hopefully they were just being ironic. Or rage baiting.

I use(d) Arch, btw.

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It goes into the square hole.

I bet the change is due to the fact that despite his bot armies he's getting ratioed lately.

He's not illiterate, he's just too cool to care about that nerd stuff.

Orban always looks like stage 1 uncanny Mr. Incredible.

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You liar! There he is in the post image!

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The "hand sign associated with StarTrek" is called the Vulcan salute 🖖.
And the phrase "Resistance is futile" is also regularly used on the show, repeatedly uttered by the Borg on every encounter, preceded by "You will be assimilated".

Some unsolicited trivia for you.

Dang, you're patient. I played this back on PS3. Does it even have online players anymore? They are an integral part of the experience, IMO.

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Who said anything about heroes? Villains sometimes want to stop other villains, too. In fact, probably often.

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- Also, introverts.

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As someone who knows Cyrillic, it always takes me minutes to figure out what the text is actually trying to say. Like "try it hot", in this case.

You are being downvoted because you're factually wrong. While Android (especially on Samsung devices) had been getting more locked down over the years, even unrooted it has way more freedom than an iPhone. For instance, you can install any number of APKs, without jumping through any hoops.

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Seems to me like the OP was fishing for attention, negative or otherwise.

Well, originally, the piece is Vizier - king's advisor, the gender of which isn't specified. (but implied to be male?)

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What does it matter if he grabs a single pair of pliers with both hands? Why did he make that bend in the middle tho?

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In Minecraft, right?

Didn't know Henry Cavill works at IBM.

You were asking for suggestions of activities to spend your "free" time on, and then dismissed suggestions because they don't pay.
You also dismissed some other great suggestion completely, like programming and making art, drawing, composting etc.
Assuming your game interests aren't strictly limited to Call of Duty and FIFA, you might be interested in making games and game related art, like pixel art, 3D models, chiptune music, etc. There's tons of free tools for creating those and practically unlimited resources to learn from.

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I read it as a Bill Wurtz jingle.

Wake the fuck up, Mr. Freeman. We have a City 17 to burn.

Displaced Gamers channel on YouTube has several technical videos on this game. Including the water level in question and why it's so broken.

I know that this is Fedi and "Apple bad", but iPads are great devices and if you get older versions second-hand they are usually worth the price. And since Apple is being forced into making these devices more open, they get better and better.

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I speak Russian at a native level, but that's an archaic pre-revolution orthography that I'm not 100% sure about. But I'm 99% sure that most of those transliterations are correct. Except Gorky. In Ukrainian Г makes a rough H sound, while in Russian it's G, as in "good".

And a bonus fun fact for you, горький (gorky) means "bitter".

[...] she'd be a bike*.
Apparently, the usage of "bike" is important in that joke, because it's a British slang for "slut".

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The hover feature works because it's done on the iPad's digitizer side, so afaik, it's not the Pencil's feature.

Holdup, is my 1.78m height (according to Google that's his height) is considered short now?! (Starting from 2018..)

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Chevrolet of Watsonville is probably geo-locked, too.

This isn't helpful. I also need "not bird" examples. If I train on this data, everything will be bird.

And technically, the piece that is called "Queen" in the west was originally called "Vizier", meaning "king's advisor".

Good to know. I still wasn't thinking that their* line was serious, just helping inform people that the widely held belief of urine being sterile is false.

Now that I've read my own comment, I see that it came off harsher then I intended it to. Interpret it literally and not like a sarcastic statement.

Btw, just occurred to me that these would probably not work in a car at all, because regular glass is usually opaque to IR.

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