3 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeeeeeeeeshhhh good fuck them then I hope they all burn

That kid looks so dumbfounded! The shock of getting a PS5 (I think that's a PS5?) vs. the shock of touching a pile of shit was too much for her brain to handle

Honestly I'm not even sure what the term web3 means but Lemmy does feel... less commercial, which is really refreshing! And I'm noticing alot less criticizism which is excellent. I'm certainly going to be staying here and trying to help it grow in a positive and mindful way.

I get what others are saying about it feeling like how the internet used to be... I'm really excited to see where Lemmy goes. Hopefully it doesn't just end up the way its predecessors have gone! Feels like I'm part of a movement to fight the oppression!! Power to the people woo!

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As a hetero cisgender Ally, This is part of the reason I get along better with transfem friends! The whole "yo I'm a masculine man hoo-rah" thing has always annoyed me. Cuteness all the way!!

It's early and I thought this was The Onion for a good 2 minutes. Wow.

Yeah seeing this meme gave me a sour stomach. Let us be done with this fool whose name shall not be spoken!

Who is this Barron guy?

Nice idea, scammers! Weeding out what works and doesn't with this feedback! But it won't work on meeeeeee

My thoughts exactly. Seems like one of those tried-and-true misinformation campaigns to give us doibt about anything haza related and thus create more apathy and disinterest

Funny thing is I actually lived that life. I was a heroin addict, I got to the point of needing $200-$300 daily to get me by. Part of my motivation for quitting was the thought that I would have so much money for whatever once I kicked the habit... and once I got off the shit, I no longer had that kind of money. I guess I wasn't desperate enough to figure out schemes to make that much every day. So this meme is bullshit! I thank the gods I didn't end up a prostitute at least... but I would probably have more money if I did. Damn it.

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Anyone wanna tell me what TTYD be? That Theremin You Dated maybe?

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I have Maga relatives, who have giddily spoken to me about finally getting to "blast the damn libs". I'm one of the people they are happily speaking about shooting down. Yeeeeesh

All I want to know is .. What the flying fuck is a "shazzy" and is it delicious?

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How would one fire this?

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Then put a ring on it

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Yeah... I mean I've seen some YouTube videos that really helped with whatever I needed to understand, and I'm happy to have that resource so readily at home.

That being said:

It seems these days I have to fish through an increasing amount of clickbait style videos and ads to find one that actually helps! And it takes so damn long to even know if it is going to be helpful because they spend 5 minutes with their stupid intro and then "like & subscribe" and then sponsor ad garbage. Ugh.

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I can relate to this. My career and my home life has fallen apart this year, after finally thinking I was pretty secure in life. I'm getting ready to (probably) end up homeless again, lose my 450k house, lose my kids. But hey sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and roll with it, at least I won't have this crushing weight of drama on my shoulders anymore!

I hope you figure out how to live more easily as well... life is too short to spend it stressed & depressed!

This is one of the greatest replies I've ever seen. Rats off to ya Al!

Lil' Pidge

I only wish we had pictures of this nipple for educational purposes

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I bet Trump is wishing this guy was his judge. They would get along great!

There's so many of us out there. We support your love!

Is this real or something dark story you made up? Because if it's real I would like more context! Please!

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Yay! As a father, that app makes me nervous

Edit: wow just coming back to this, I think I may have just started a war

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Thank you for the explanation as I was totally confused as well

I think it would be the wrong instance for that... maybe hardxxxcore gamers?

I have some private milk I have made if you trust that

Baggy Trousers is one of those gems that will always hit

Oo0o0o I should do this for my next car!

Car dealerships hate this one simple trick!

It's really disturbing how much they pressure you at the hospital. If I wasn't educated about this stuff I would have fallen for it too... they must have asked me 5 different times if they could chop part of my son's penis off. Really made me uncomfortable. I'm like do you have any idea what that part does, nurse?!

I mean, shouldn't you know? You kind of star in the show man

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This is so weird... that I'm one of the parents now. Aging is a strange experience. As a 34 year old Millennial, I find life is consistently strange

Trans women are wonderful and accepted parts of our society! Trans women sometimes have penises and that makes us twinsies because I have a penis too! Trans women are humans usually except for the aliens pretending to be humans and sometimes posing as Trans women!

There I finished it for you! Couldn't help meself

When he dies are his family going to auction off vacuum-sealed discs of his remains?

I'd bring my Moog Theramini. Nothing like playing the air waves! It's magic science!

No way! My wig stays on at home. Wife has no idea I've been bald for 15 years now

Is there any specific instance where us lemmings are sharing our wrapped lists? I think that would be fun

And there would definitely be polka involved!

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I wonder if this is how this whole trend started: some decent manager recognized their hard working well-paid and taken care of team deserved some extra something, got them a pool table or whatnot, then other shittier companies copied this thinking it was a solution in itself without understanding why the thing was installed in the first place

Pop rocks in the urethra? How did you even manage that? Honestly I'm just impressed!

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