ancap shark

2 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Verse ancap Brazilian doomer

I'm aware. I just find it funny that some British words like "centre" and "colour" look more French than the US counterpart


Edit: I looked it up, it's a British thing. I'm not a native speaker, I've never seen it written like that. It looks French, I thought you guys hated the French.

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I abandoned wired earphones before this whole mess with headphone jacks because I grew tired of replacing the every other month because the cable stopped working

What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, Systemd/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Systemd + Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Systemd system made useful by the Systemd corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX

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His dick got leaked, that's the news... Reminds me of

Sexual intercourse. That's the answer for all of these. Every single one of you that uh "oh if you had 24 hours with me what would you.." Sexual intercourse. Every single time. We don't need to do any more. All done. You're so hot. Hubba hubba. Wanna have sex. That's it. No more. The dude that's like "Oh if I brought you Domino's and I worked at Domino's what would you do?" I'd take the pizza and I'd have sex with you. Cause you're so attractive. The girl "If I worked at Starbucks and I gave you your drink that you paid for but I looked at you, what would you do?" Intercourse. I would take you to the back and have intercourse, because I can't resist you. Okay? We're all done. There's no more. What more do we n- I need to fucking delete this app dude.

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Is this satire?

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Kernel level anti-cheat should be a crime

Not eggs, but prey. They use this movement to break its bones and kill it.

It's a siriema if I'm not mistaken. There are a bunch of them in the country side of where I live (Brazilian Cerrado). They are absolutely fantastic animals

They are right, but... Climate solutions?

How is "get used to it" any solution

I love these, it has actual useful keys

Old Brazilian hack to use Windows: just don't buy it.

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Will this be an integral part of systemd, or will they release it as a separate thing? I mean, if I like it, but I'm not using systemd (I do use it, but I'm just thinking about it), could I use this run0 (horrible name) without having to buy into all of systemd?

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Better: don't connect your cameras to the internet

Cursed be the moment I learned the English language

LMs aren't thinking, aren't inventing, they are predicting what is supposed to be answered next, so it's expected that they will produce the same results every time

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It's more painful when you have to pay more than a month's worth salary and it's shit (Windows 11 Pro is R$1600, minimum monthly salary is R$1412, around $280)

As a non native speaker: what the fuck

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This is impressive

I just had a very good lunch. This image has offended it

I'm not a christian and yet I feel offended by this image

Of course it's possible. It's highly improbable due to weight, of course, but it's not impossible.

There's a lot of information that was not recorded in fossil, and we have very few fossil recorded, compared to how many animals of a species lived. How we reconstruct existinct animals keeps on changing with every new information, so it's always cool to challenge the way we view a creature.

Here in Brazil, tipping is not normal. Instead, restaurants and bars will add a 10% service cost to the bill. This 10% is then weekly divided between cooks, waiters, bartenders, etc, the proportion being decided by the restaurant.

That is of course not a law, but it is so common that restaurant workers already consider that when thinking how much they make. My sister worked as a bartender at a restaurant recently, and she would add R$300 (roughly $60, yes it's not much, but remember we're a middle income country) to her monthly paycheck from this.

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I'll do all of these in a span of 10 minutes

Like any other holiday ever.

In Brazil we have Dia dos Namorados (Lovers' Day) on June 12 instead of Valentine's Day on February 14 because of a marketing campaign to sell gifts in part of the year that sales were weak. The idea was to create a holiday where lovers would exchange gifts. "You can't prove love just by kissing!" said their slogan


If I'm not mistaken (resolution doesn't help), this bird is a Siriema. They use this movement to kill their prey (usually reptiles like snakes and lizards, but also frogs and small rodents). It is not playing, it is confused, thinking the ball is food.

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But I already knew this

I certainly wasn't bragging about being circumcised

Actually when you are circumcised you can feel that you are going to come, I mean I know for sure because I am. But it's still a lot of fun xD

If you already knew, you weren't bragging, and it was not satire, then what did it supposed to mean?

This is a very useful, very well done chart, congratulations.

But what a mess is FHS. Easily the worst thing of linux design for me

Oh no

I've seen professionals doing that correctly live. I don't know how it's done, but it's not like that

You actually don't seem to know (which surprised me), so I will tell you. I'm from Brazil, almost nobody here is circumcised. I can say for sure, everybody, circumcised or not, can feel they're about to cum, that has nothing to do with having or not foreskin.

There are people who report that being circumcised makes you a bit less sensitive so you last longer. I cannot confirm or deny that, although it makes sense. But feeling your about to cum is not an ability you unlock for being circumcised.

You said in the edit that you don't understand why you got so much push back. You got it because your comment is very confident in an absolutely wrong fact, that shows a very strong lack of understanding of other people

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No, quantum computing (at least for now) sucks at the tasks CPUs are great at, so the idea of to have quantum as a support to the CPU, handling complex, heavily paralyzed commoutations, like the GPU does nowdays


Could you please inform me where this is, so I make sure I never travel there bringing a pack of beer

One thing I like about Shinobu is that she is not treated as "totally not a child". When in this child form, she is a child. No romance, no silly things.

Sadly Hachikuji didn't get the same respect

Totally agree. The content may be good, but title and thumbnail are marketing only. A silly thumbnail doesn't make the content worse, so nothing wrong in the creator trying to use it as a way to increase their reach

We've got one of these at my parents' place, I love it so much

That's literally Brazil right now. So fucking hot

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I guess Firefox market share will be closely related to Linux desktop market share

I was not expecting a comment on a shitpost community to make quantum physics more clear to me