
ancap to Lemmy – 188 points –

guy trying to turn into animals and i'm here barely even being able to lucid dream and when i do i can't do any of the cool shit promised

I am terrible at lucid dreaming. Gave up after having only a few successful times. My experience though is, anything too far outside your normal real experiences will cause you to wake up.

I tried breathing underwater for a couple lucid dreams. I woke up before I would have inhaled water in the dream. I got scuba certified before my next attempt, and all the sudden, I was able to breathe underwater in my dreams.

Kind of disappointing. If I can't break the rules of life in my dreams what's the point of lucid dreaming? Maybe once VR gets good enough it can bridge the gap and give me close enough experiences that I can replicate them in dreams.

Lucid dreaming can have more to do with visualizing the possibilities. There’s a great quote from Waking Life that touches on exactly this:

The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything.

Lucid dreaming lets you see how obtainable those dreams can be.

It's weird, it's kind of like tricking your brain into knowing what's possible.

It doesn't know how to be a cow. Just like it doesn't know why punching and running is weak because your asleep and semi-paralysed nervous system isn't giving the usual feedback and brain's like, "I dunno."

I've never had the punching and running being weak thing, I don't really understand that

So, nobody's interested in why the cow's howling (moowling?) at the sun?