
2 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

We need different terms for people who HAVE a million dollars and people who MAKE a million per year. Lots of people will read this millionaire's tax and think it will apply to them when they are nearing retirement since they finally have a million dollars after saving all their life.

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If we need signs saying student driver, the driver is not ready

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I wish all inclusive resorts were more common in the US. I love cruises but they are SO bad for the environment. We are floating a whole hotel across the sea for very little reason. What I really love about them is like 80% just the all inclusive resort parts. Put that resort near a cool hiking mountain or other fun stuff and my "excursions" for the day will be just as fun, and I don't have to kill the environment to get there!

Oh bonus idea: either all inclusive "resort" train, or connect these resorts via train for the adventure aspect.

I like all the comments about burnout and addressing that. When I was in a similar mindset, I would dream of hiking the pct. 6 months on a trail where all I had to worry about was walking. Or I could take a 0 day and enjoy camp. Slow paced life. I even bought books and learned the equipment I would need. Spent vacations testing that equipment and adjusting to what I actually needed. I remember coming back from five nights out staying in a camping hammock and being amazed at the "palace" I live in comparatively.

I could go at any time I felt work was absolutely too much. I almost did. For some reason, having all that knowledge and feeling like I could go was enough of a mental break for me to carry on.

At least consider doing one of the long trails. It might address your burnout and give you the feeling of closeness to nature you are looking for. Maybe you will want to do a homestead after that. Maybe that hike will be enough. Worth a consideration anyways.

This is such a touchy subject I find it difficult to articulate what society actually needs. We need a system where PEDOPHILES are able to receive the mental health they need before they become MOLESTERS.

But any time you say something about helping someone who is attracted to children the knee jerk reaction is always like "kill them. What you don't want them dead? Are YOU a pedophile?" And I end up unable to convince them that helping them to not molest children by treating their mental health condition will actually help children not be molested. I really feel like this reactionary public opinion is causing people to go underground and is actually causing more children to be harmed.

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Before the war, Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist. He wanted to stop new states from having slavery, and keep no slavery where it was. He was fine with letting the south keep their slaves for the sake of the Union.

The problem was the South did not want to limit their potential to grow slavery to new states, and decided to go to war over it.

Still doubt negotiation could have worked. Lincoln really did not want to go to war in the first place.

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I think once when this was posted they said doctors would see other patients and even perform autopsies then do surgeries with no hand washing between.

I think the best example is for women. Imagine they can figure out, with 95% accuracy or something, that you are pregnant, that could be valuable data.

Now imagine you are a woman at a large corporation who just got pregnant, but aren't telling anyone yet. Too early. Your corporation buys a batch of data and discovers there is a 95% chance you are pregnant. They don't want to pay for maternity leave or make reasonable accomodations during pregnancy or pumping breast milk. They fire you for "unrelated reasons", before you ever tell them you are pregnant.

Nothing illegal happened there really. You never told them so you have no way to prove they fired you for that.

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Your welcome has expired

Or Trump, or anyone except maybe like AOC or Bernie Sanders. We should celebrate what wins we can and keep pushing for more change. Normalize this new thing as the absolute floor and next year we demand more until we reach sustainability.

Or we all die off in the new climate. That works too.

Woah that sounds really great actually, considering Tesla probably has 10x the autopilot miles driven compared to other manufacturers.

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Pharmacist here. I can't really agree with that take. We have shared liability, in large part because the doctor is super good at diagnosis, and relatively good at what to prescribe for it, and a pharmacist is not good at all at diagnosis, but is trained specifically on medications and interactions.

A doctor should not be prescribing something harmful for you, but it happens, and the pharmacist catches it and calls and gets it straightened out. That's a normal situation, but opioids are a bit different.

The doctors were overprescibing, but we always were allowed to refuse prescriptions. If it was questionable, we can always call and document our conversation with the doctor. I've never heard of a pharmacist getting in trouble if they actually called and verified the MD did truly want that much medication, after being specifically warned of the risks.

If the pharmacists did that call for all of these, then I'm with you it's the doctors' fault. But if they just took in the prescriptions and filled them without checking for safe use, they failed to do their job protecting the patient from harm.

Nope. I sent this article to my trumper friend and he said "yeah the eu is a horribly corrupt organization". If Elon promoted Nazi propaganda they would be excited and embrace that too.

Maybe if something else big came along and everyone was like "you're still using Xitter? Lol okay boomer" they might consider moving over. Maybe.

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It's the waiters who are pushing back on this. I know restaurant owners enjoy this situation, but even when they try to change it, waiters would require quite oversized paychecks to make up for this lack of tips. At a very nice restaurant near me, before covid, waiters typically were making $100k. This is not the norm for most restaurants, but even now I talk to waiters making $60-$70k. A lot of those tips are unreported so untaxed. This is unskilled labor (I'm not knocking it... I've been a waiter before and it's tough work!), and if restaurants had to pay these wages I don't know how high the food costs would have to be.

If you set the minimum wage to, say, $20 per hour but no tips allowed, you would likely have a lot of waiters leave the profession.

Though I guess others would take their place and, since that's still a decent wage, things would level out eventually.

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Even according to Jesus

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Eh, a couple years ago one of my brothers gifted another brother a dildo from "Santa". I have 5 brothers, so no one knew for sure who did it. Much hilarity ensued.

I know you didn't ask about things that could be wrong, but I just want to make sure you have tried everything before you give up. The US healthcare system (and most healthcare systems, really) are not good at diagnosis for uncommon things. You got something that 20% of the world has? They've got you. But if you have an oddly presenting issue, there isn't really a Dr. House to figure it out.

So I want to make sure you've checked the things you can. By the way the lurching going to sleep thing isn't super uncommon. I twitch dramatically when drifting off to sleep if I have something or someone snuggled up against me, or even if I am on a small couch and my feet touch the ends. Seems like a response to an unfamiliar potential danger the body reacts to.

Anyways, have you moved in the last few years? Maybe there is mold or a small gas leak.

Have you tried dramatically changing your diet? It's possible you picked up some horrible GI bacteria that your immune system attacks its waste or something. You could try high dose probiotics too. Many people with unrelated seeming symptoms like brain fog see improvements, and it's an area that is totally understudied.

Did these symptoms start with a covid infection? Long Covid is still very poorly understood and seems to range from post exertion tiredness, to brain fog, and other neurological disorders.

I assume they drew labs to make sure your blood wasn't high or low in anything. If not, ask what labs they can draw.

I feel like it's even possible your water supply could be contaminated by something, so maybe switch to bottled water for a bit if you have a suspicion your building you live in may have bad pipes.

I suspect I would die trying all of these things, but if not, and I knew the end was coming, I would seek out and spend as much time as I could doing what was important to me. Before, I would have said hiking the PCT. Now that I am married and have a child I would spend everything I had to make as memorable a trip as I could to spend my last days with them. I might even steal a page from Violet Evergarden and write letters to be delivered to my daughter through various years of her childhood, and of course love letters for my wife.

Ugh now I'm all sad thinking about this. Hope everything turns out okay for you. There's always things to try. It's not over till it's over.

"If" it happens to Tesla? Pretty sure the over promising if FSD and the poor build quality have always been Tesla things driven by Musk. Once competition gears up I really hope Tesla improves. It's actually a fun car to drive just make sure you get one that was built properly and don't bother with FSD.

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For me the camera was a selling point. I was tired of hauling around a dslr on my trips. I find that the smart processing is good enough 90% of the time and I don't want to both haul the camera and handle the post processing anymore. I'd rather just have 90% quality photos of my family and spend more time with them. Hire a photographer for weddings, etc, but really the smart processing is pretty impressive for day to day and even trips.

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Like the anti vaccine movement, many have forgotten the horrors of the past and feel like they can just discard the things that got us to where we are.

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Wtf this is not correct at all. Pharmacists are part of your healthcare team and are absolutely just as bound by HIPAA as your doctor. If a cop asks for records we direct them to corporate so that lawyers can figure that out. Same if a lawyer subpoenas for records.

Though you are correct if another pharmacist or a physician called to ask what a patient was taking we would not be bound by HIPAA because that request should be required info to treat the patient. Eg, you are in the hospital and they have to call the pharmacy to see what you are taking because you either aren't sure or are unconscious.

I don't like it. If someone only wanted Facebook but then considered fact checking something they read, they wouldn't be able to.

I'd say that last maintenance thing for many highish brands like Mercedes, BMW, etc. Lots of people make that complaint. But electric cars really aren't known for maintenance costs. If you corner really hard, since the car is heavier you might go through tires a little quicker but that's all. The battery that people like to complain about the potential cost lasts like 100,000-300,000 miles, so it's like comparing to a full engine swap in a gasoline car.

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"I hope we all lose American Democracy to punish my neighbors that don't hold the exact same political views as me! Now we can ALL be unhappy forever!"

As a business? Probably not worth that valuation. As a propaganda machine to be able to influence a decent percentage of the population? I think it was.

If you liked Super Metroid and emulate games, look into Hyper Metroid. Someone modded the game and remade it entirely and it's great!

Not necessarily. It doesn't have to be pregnancy either. It could be because you are 95% sure a Democrat. Or union friendly. Or atheist.

There was once a man named Sam, who lived in a town named Samsville - ironic, I know. Well, Sam was a really good singer, so good that he became famous and began touring the world. On Sam's tour, he was singing, like any ordinary song, and then, suddenly, he sung a note so perfect it could melt hearts. A member of the audience who happened to be a Father of a church cried out that he knew what that was; a holy note. He explained that a holy note was extremely rare, and could only be sung by the most talented of singers. Now that it was known that Sam was able to sing holy notes, his tours became infinitely times more popular. As he toured the world, Sam sung holy notes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and then his tour was over. After the tour, Sam decided to go back o his home town of Samsville for one last show to the people he knew and loved. He performed the show in their local church which was oddly large, and the mayor of the town attended. About halfway during the performance, Sam sung a note so horrible that it sounded like a cross between a loud metal fork being scraped across a dinner plate and a demon screeching. After he sung this note, Sam burst into flames and melted to the ground in a puddle of human goo. Everyone was so shocked, the whole church was silent. After a moment, the mayor questioned what just happened. The Father of the church looked at the mayor with a sad look and said, "don't you know mayor... Sam sung Note 7..."

Disagree. It's not just the laws, but the public support that has me crazy here. My very Catholic coworker so fully supports the governor that when the Catholic Church came out against some of his stances, she said they were the ones in the wrong! Those stances being that it should not be illegal to give a ride to an immigrant as thats just being a good neighbor, and it's silly to expand the death penalty. Her daughter works for Disney too. She doesn't care. Guy could come in and take a shit on the floor and she would try to explain how that was the most moral thing he could do, and how refreshing it is to have a sensible governor.

Her views are not abnormal here.

Ms flight simulator is quite clunky and hard to get good frame rates, but damn if you can put up with that it's an awesome experience in VR. Also beat saber.

For quite awhile now those have been the reasons for VR. Sad really. Still these two things are compelling.

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This isn't probably what you want to hear right now, but I've been much happier giving homemade gifts to family and friends. I found a couple of things people really enjoy that I make and they all look forward to it every year. For me, it's pork jerky. That might not work for you because you need a dehydrator but I can post the recipe if you want. It's a lot of work so no one ever makes it, but when they receive it for Christmas they know I put a lot of time and love in and I really think that's what Christmas should be about. It's really cheap... Mostly two or three large pork loins covers my entire Christmas list.

Other family members have started to do the same. My brother makes really good homemade caramel popcorn. My sister made some rum infusion to give out. Another sister even one time even made Dominoes somehow with resin.

If you are able to find time and energy to spread your love for your family and friends Christmas is a lot of fun.

No no you don't understand, I mean, sure the media makes him seem like he has those traits, but he's really a great guy! I mean I guess it's been proven he has those traits but who doesn't right? Isn't everyone deep down homophobic and racist and misogynist themselves?

And really if you think about it, God can use anything he wants right? So why would he pick the Catholic guy out there trying to invest in America? He definitely wants the guy who most looks like my own deep down beliefs. So no matter what you say, your argument is invalid because God is on my side.

..../s in case that was needed.

Wait your hot take is "yes I agree, cut my government pension fund so that my EMPLOYER doesn't have to pay more taxes"??

This isn't you getting more in your paycheck now. This is your employer not having to pay as much in taxes. They will almost definitely not give you that money.

Sure I mean, the stock market might go up a bit for a little while with this extra cash flow, but eventually those people who would rely on the government pension fund will need to draw money from SOMETHING. Then those market gains will crash.

In what way is this beneficial beyond "stock market will go up a couple more years"? Which, by the way, unless you already have close to enough to retire now, just makes it MORE expensive for you to buy.

This is what I do. I canceled Netflix and got a special for a year of HBO for less than $100 if I recall correctly. So this year I have house of dragon, gilded age, Dr who, sopranos, and many random movies. It will take me a year to get through it.

But I want to watch Star Trek. So next year I will give up my current selection and become a Trekkie with paramount+. Maybe the following year I will want star wars and grab Disney+.

Really you don't need ALL the shows ALL the time. In fact, forced variation can be nice for discovering shows you hadn't considered when you run out of the one you were watching.

You won't ever get a majority of the population to agree to this view. If you hold staunchly that all the way up until 40 weeks women should be allowed to abort, you will lose at least 75% of the vote. At some point the fetus is developed enough we have to consider its life, regardless of its current location.

I think we could push viability as a compromise for everyone. That's around 21-24 weeks, depending on what is considered acceptable potential life chance. Conservatives will say that's too developed, some progressives will claim your view, but I think most would at least compromise that if we could safely take the baby out, that should be the legal option at that point. That also gives the mother a lot of time to consider her options.

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This isn't really a great argument. Subsidies are there to promote the things we want to come to fruition. Want your people to have solar? Subsidies for putting one on your roof. You want more electric cars on the road even though more expensive? Subsidies.

You want a billionaire to help a new technology reach people he wouldn't bother with? Subsidies.

It's just the same meme you have always seen, saying the same thing it always says. If you haven't seen the meme before, you won't know what it says. Everyone is just having fun "translating" what they have already memorized (meme-orized?).

You pretty much nailed it. The teachings of Jesus are pretty great. Most important law there is? Love God and your Neighbor (okay I combined them but that's what Jesus meant anyways). Jesus lived that way. You'd find him hanging out with the rejects of society, the ill, the prostitutes, etc. He wanted to raise the floor of society. He also was for separation of church and state. "Hey Jesus, you've got this new kingdom thing going on, do we have to pay taxes to the king anymore?" "Yes, give your king what's his, and give to God what's his."

But somehow these days it's all about how you can word the Bible to help further your hatred. "Hey this one passage says if a man lays with a guy (boy? We aren't 100% on that translation), he should be stoned, so that means we should hate the gays!". Nope. Go back and read what Jesus was all about. Love your neighbor. Most important thing!

I can't really proudly call myself Christian, because I don't really fit the current model of that. I barely attend church, I don't hate any group. In fact I find all lifestyles fascinating and valuable. I accept all religions too. Your Buddhist? Cool. Tell me about it. Muslim? Awesome. You guys have some cool thoughts on giving to the poor (2% of your assets! Imagine if billionaires did that!). If Christianity is the correct religion, and Jesus is the only way into heaven, why can't he talk to these people after death and decide then? I find it hard to say the Jesus recorded in the Bible would be like "you were good to everyone and a light in this world, but... You were Jewish so off to hell with you for all eternity!"

It's nice to live this way accepting everyone. I think the only reason I accept that I am still Christian is because I think this is how Christians should be anyways. It's not about hate, despite what the current thinking is. I guess historically it's always been used that way though.

What's the visa process like for Norway? Do you have to have a job sponsoring your visa, or can you just prove work from home income?

Phrasing? Are we still doing phrasing?