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Joined 1 years ago

While they managed to catch 4 people, out of a total of 132 people that doesn't sound very good, and might have even made it harder for the police to catch these people. One of them was found to be innocent, what if more of them were?

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Can someone explain how this works?

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This seems very much like just a fun jab that immediately breaks the ice, if someone doesn't go for a second date because of this alone I think they are too easily offended.

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I just don't get it, even before being aware of pronouns and such I used singular they all the time, e.g. "That's what they did" (referring to one person) or "They're thinking that aren't they?"

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Only every other car though, not all of them

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Your explanation is right, but the last sentence makes you insufferable

Nowadays if you do all those steps someone else will have bought the house before you're done

You're meant to eat the crust, not fuck it, that might be where you're going wrong

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This is a dude buying a gaming console for a kid, and he's already bought it. I would chill a bit lol.

Transition surgeries have among the lowest regret rates for any kind of surgery. They are life saving.

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People who need glasses shouldn't wear them right? That would be messing with how god made you. Might as well not take any drugs for illnesses or you might interrupt god's plan. /s

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I'm confused, does this meme think it is a good browser? If so, where's the meme?

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I don’t really like this, it implies that wanting to be Fem is something that could be solved with therapy. I'm also not sure why this is being posted again.

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Yes because repeatedly bashing your head and other parts of yourself is exactly the same. /s

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Saving/ruling hyrule

It is scary what 15ish years of right wing rule does to a country

I honestly don't see how the idea of everyone getting an equal share is an extremist idea in the same vein as a racist ideology. I'm also unsure why you're being downvoted for pointing out the obvious there.

Panels 2 and 3 happened for me anyway despite not being left handed

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I mean part of where social anxiety comes from is sometimes people do point this out. E.g. you walk slightly weird, you talk slightly different, it's gonna be pointed out and maybe made fun of. Particularly in school.

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I mean "one of the worst places" followed by a map that shows in fact, the UK isn't one of the worst places, is a bold move. More than half the map shown is worse off than the UK in terms of rights. Believe me, I know the UK is bad, but this data doesn't show it.

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Took me a second

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You can be mad at both, that was always allowed

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I do find it hard to work out what constitutes 'too toxic' to keep in my life sometimes

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To me, that just applies to relationships in shows in general. Some are just completely unnecessary, and sometimes that extends to queer ones too, but it's not the queerness that is to blame, it's the forced or uncomfortable romance.

I think romance is overused in shows in general, but I suppose it makes sense since it does make up a lot of people's existence, so I guess it's something to be tolerated.

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How do you go about enforcing this when the company goes under? (Almost like healthcare shouldn't be private lol)

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That's the same thing, they're a woman

that reddit feel where if you referenced something most people will get it or when you say something everyone will say the same thing and fill the thread

I think that's what people want to get away from for the most part.

I like the more serious discussions, and when there is humour it tends to feel more genuine than just a rehashed joke. Reddit definitely has more content though, and more discussion on specific communities (formula 1 being one example, here there'll be 1-5 comments on a thread that on reddit will hit 200+).

Right now I use both, I think they both have their place, but I do prefer lemmy.

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No, being able to change size is practical and convenient, there's a reason people buy them despite the technology being so new

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One sign is you have trouble recalling information on the spot

Why are they stopping you move your PC upstairs? This doesn't make much sense. They allow you to use it downstairs?

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Starbucks makes no sense

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You couldn't have said mine[rule] could you?

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I think the tree didn't give way when it should have and damaged it a bit, hard to tell though

Yeah now it repeats the same vocab over and over a bit too long and it's hard to get much use out of it

Thanks for posting, I still believed the top comment

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I mean she lasted 10 years on the diet, is the diet really to blame or is cholera to blame? Like I guess maybe she didn't wash a few of them thoroughly enough and caught it? It does raise a lot of questions.

She definitely doesn't look healthy in the later photos, but is that because she's sick? There isn't really enough information provided in the article other than her friends being concerned.

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True, but that's capitalism in general, trying to make a profit from whatever populace you can, their audience happens to be a more vulnerable minority.

As part of their minority though, I like the rabbits. They're cute, fluffy, and I have one.

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You started a sentence with a lower case 'and'. It's like you've made a conscious effort to be a dick.

I assume if he won there was a legitimate reason to do so - does anyone know what that is?

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