4 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

IANAL and could be wrong, but it is not the case that the T’s&C’s we all have to agree to aren’t necessarily legally binding, because people can’t be expected to read and understand them all.

With that in mind, it doesn’t matter what the user agrees to if they have no practical alternative available to them.

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Not everything. By default the contents of your desktop and documents folder, both of which are easy to switch off if you want.

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They are not, but they do sell products over here, so are subject to British law.

This here. The One True GIF.

If Brent Rambo approves, we do.

I've been a user of Apple devices since I got my first MacBook in 2007. I now have an iPhone, iPad, a selection of Macs of various ages, and a couple of Apple TVs. As much as I'd like to switch to Linux, I don't really see it happening because I like Apple's hardware too much.

With all that in mind, I think the EU are doing sterling work. Shame my country voted to leave it...

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I’m not gonna stand up and declare that 8gb is absolutely fine, because in very short order it won’t be. But yeah, currently for an average use case, it is.

My work Mac mini has 8gb. It’s a 2014 so can’t be upgraded, but for the tasks I ask of it it’s ok. Sure, it gets sluggish if I’m using the Win11 VM I sometimes need, but generally I don’t really have any issues doing regular office tasks.

That said, I sometimes gets a bee in my bonnet about it, so open Activity Monitor to see what’s it’s doing, and am shocked by how much RAM some websites consume in open tabs in Safari.

8gb is generally ok on low end gear, but devs are working very hard to ensure that it’s not.

When I bought my first MacBook in ‘07 I asked the guy in the store about upgrading the RAM. He told me that what Apple charged was outrageous and pointed me to a website where I’d get what I needed for much less.

I feel that if Apple could have soldered the RAM back then, they would have.

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I’m in the UK, where the law may be less mental over things like this.

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Oh aye, I wasn’t suggesting that they have to know ALL of the tech to be able to post on a tech forum, I’m just surprised that they’re completely unaware of it, given it’s ubiquity on the tech forum over the past month or so.

Yes, obviously, but that thing has been everywhere over the past month or so. I’m just surprised that they were completely unaware.

Landlords are vermin, AI is peddled by vermin, and spambots are vermin.

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I’ve had a few Alexas over the past five years or so, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever used any of them to actually buy anything. They’re all glorified Bluetooth speakers for my phone.

Speaking personally, I don't think they're dumbed down. They're pretty straightforward to use, sure, but they do what I need them to.

In terms of the hardware; I have a 2011 MacBook Pro at home that's still just about as solid as the day I bought it. The battery's dead, but that's to be expected for its age. I'm typing this on a 2014 Mac mini that's running the latest macOS perfectly through OCLP. My main computer is a 15" M2 MacBook Air that is a genuinely impressive machine. If anything, Apple have kinda shot themselves in the foot, making devices that last far longer than their software support allows.

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As a Mac user who enjoys trying to get games working, I’ve played Talos Principle II recently, and am able to play Fallout 4 (to some degree) when I get a chance.

On the one hand there are graphical glitches and things aren’t perfect. But on the other, I’m playing games that have had literally no optimisation for macOS, on a fanless M2 Air.

If nothing else, it’s a useful example of the direction things could take if devs had the impetus to do so.

I quite believe this.

Was looking on /r/Apple last week and was shocked by the number of people who are apparently full on free market champions or Apple shareholders or both. That place has always had it's fair share of them, but they seem to have been ramped up to the max now.

Until last week it was running Sonoma. Then I put Mint on it, which somehow buggered up the macOS partition.

Long story short, it’s not run High Sierra for a couple of years now, not since I discovered OCLP.

OF COURSE this doesn’t apply to the UK, giving me yet another reason to wish kidney stones upon the architects of Brexit.

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Speaking as a Brit, the only way to get TLoU was to subscribe to Sky TV, which (as far as I’m aware) requires a 12 month contract. Fuck that, quite frankly.

So I took to the high seas because I could.

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I use Opencore Legacy Patcher to run unsupported macOS on my older Macs. They used to have an excellent Reddit group that was easily searchable and rammed full of really good advice on how to fix common issues.

A couple of years ago they shuttered the group and moved everything over to Discord, and it’s been hell ever since trying to figure out how to fix something if it goes wrong.

You search for your issue, find someone talking about it, then have to pick through the dozens of replies either side to try and figure out if there’s anything useful. There are dedicated support threads now, but hardly anyone uses them, so they’re not helpful.

I really, really hate Discord as a support medium, and can’t for the life of me work out why the OCLP mods chose it over Reddit.

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I won’t hold my breath on Apple using this. It’d destroy their upsell from 8gb process in one fell swoop.

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As a Brit, I've never been more angry at Brexit than right now, when we could have been on the cusp of losing access to Twitter. I'd have been free from the temptation to lurk occasionally, but noooooo, the fucking Tories had to go and "Get Brexit Done" and so we have to still live in a world where I feel compelled to go over there and gawk at the mess.


One of the nice touches in The Last Of Us was Ellie finding pads when they were in a shop.

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2008, the global financial crash, the subsequent shift of trillions of all the currencies towards the already-rich, then Covid hammering the final nail in the coffin of proving that governments care about the people only inasmuch as they provide value.

We’ve had sixteen years of people getting poorer and poorer, shit getting more expensive, and the news outlets they read pointing towards immigrants/gays/leftists as the problem.

The right take those messages and amplify them. They tell people that only they can speak truth to power, when the reality is far more nuanced than that. But people don’t want nuance, they just want to be able to pay their bills. The people aren’t stupid though, they know that the windbags can’t really change anything, but the status quo hasn’t done shit to help them, so fuck it, we’ll vote for the other guy.

“They’re all the same anyway”

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All that just to find that the page doesn’t have the info you needed anyway.

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Have Boeing considered simply not fucking up the building of their main product?

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Brit here. I’m 43, earning more than I ever have and have basically no hope of ever owning a home.

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I for one have no desire to see Musk spread thank you.

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But I can only cancel my subscription once, and I already did, months ago.

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I was given an old Samsung S4 for use at work recently, for scanning QR codes with primarily.

I’m an iPhone guy, so am lost with Android, but the version it was locked to was ancient and massively out of date. I did a bit of research, and after a few hours of trial and error I’ve got it running on Lineage 14.1, with a few useful apps downloaded from F-Droid. It’s gone from an old hunk of trash to a perfectly usable device that won’t win any awards for its benchmarks, but is spot on for what i need it to do.

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Was this article written by AI, because it's disjointed as fuck.

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I feel like Wolverine’s adamantium probably shouldn’t be ferrous, and if that’s the case he wouldn’t be magnetic, right?

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Firefox Marketshare nosedives

That can’t be true, literally everyone on the Fediverse uses Firefox.

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Thatcher was responsible for many societal ills, but she did at least provide a public, gender neutral toilet for all to use.

Tip him where? Into a crevasse?

Apple did it for one year and I think it was just a marketing stunt

That's exactly what it was. They never expected to sell many, just get the headlines for making a "luxury" watch that could "compete" with the likes of Rolex. That some ultra-wealthy people went out and bought one was just a bonus.

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But, like, no one has to be a landlord. If it’s so hard, sell the fucking house.

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That’s how I use Chat GPT. Not for coding, but for help on how to get Excel to do things. I guess some of what I want to do are fairly esoteric, so just searching for help doesn’t really turn up anything useful. If I explain to GPT what I’ll trying to do, it’ll give me avenues to explore.

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Oh shit, yeah, that’s true. Didn’t think of that ‘cause I’m just a regular guy without a business degree.


Who’s the guy that looks like Elon Musk in lipstick, and who’s the guy above Epstein?

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